Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
Peter Klevius: It's all about freedom not to let "gender" dictate biology
Peter Klevius 2021 book memorizing and analyzing 100 years since English feminist(s) banned women and girls playing football.
The real "gender dysphoria" is the fact that cultural sex segregation violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states (article 2) that 'everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as (e.g.) sex'.
Peter Klevius 1979 drawing 'woman'
The very idea that there's a "right sex" for a certain "gender" is itself a heteronormative view (sex segregation) that believes a person's sex decides "gender identity" and "gender roles" - to a point where the person has to change sex to "fit in" with the "gender" that a heteronormative sex segregated society may find appropriate for that sex. Needless to mention that there are no such coherent definitions other than keeping up sex segregation.
If a female mutilates, sorry, "changes", some parts of her body (e.g. by removing breasts, taking testosterone etc.) and is legally declared a man, and then delivers a baby one would expect her legalized man status to still stand, right.
There is a material difference between a person's volatile but always biologically exclusive "gender" and the person's status in heterosexual attraction (the physical and biological process of being attracted to a biological female) - the latter containing both male lust* and female reproductive capability. And although the physical and biological process of pregnancy, delivery and suckling the baby isn't per se relational to males as individuals, it is so via heterosexual evolution - i.e. something completely different from other types of sexual behavior etc. Consequently it's biological essentialism that defines "gender" because no matter its everchanging meaning, it's always doomed to not be the "opposite gender". So e.g. being a biological mother has nothing to do with "gender". The predominant issue is the biological identity of a person compared to the social reality of sex segregation. Or in other words, the Human Rights reality versus the practical reality for individuals trapped in sex segregation..
* To avoid the common bias trap caused by sex segregation do consider e.g. a male fish's lust for female roe even though he never meets the female herself. Or a bee etc..
When big (but dumb) PIE "Kurgan" men met
small (but intelligent*) PU "Mongol" women from the North it sometimes
resulted in big and intelligent bi-lingual "Finland-Swedes"**
* See Peter Klevius Out of SE Asia analysis
which not only debunks the "out of Africa" hoax but also gives a
rational explanation to how the modern human brain evolved as well as
why the most intelligent ones happened to be in the cold north and only
slowly diluted due to sparsely populated.
* Meaning both the linguistic mix as well as its geographical location
(Northern Russia spoke Uralic back then). I.e. Finnish speaking people
from Finland with Swedish mother tongue which are called '
finland-Swedes' constitute a small ethnic remnat from the past.
This explanation to the Germanic word 'god'
and a harpoon found in it. Altough the historical Goths emerged some
7,000 years later it's worth mentioning that Gotland in the Baltic Sea
was already populated more than 9,500 years ago. Moreover, although no
one knows the true origin of the name Gotland (aka 'Kot(t)land') and
Goth, confusing efforts have been made to connect the origin of the name
to different and less likely later forms such as e.g. 'gut' and 'jut'.
Due to an enormous general ignorance there thrives a bias that could be
described as a majority complex which blurs topics of evolution and
linguistics by covering them under the "Out of Africa" or the
"Indo-European" or the "monotheist" blanket. This type of prejudice is
easily seen when you, for example, tell an English speaker that the word
'boy' comes from the Finnish/Uralic 'poika'. In fact, if we really
start digging we will soon realize that most of the really old
Indo-European words can be traced to the original (para-) Uralic
speaking inhabitants of Europe. Btw, on Gotland 'peika' means a girl and
became maid ('piga') in modern Swedish. Just like the English word for
child that transformed into 'girl'.
linguist (from 1:28) apparently thinks Peter Klevius should be highly
rewarded for discovering what explains the Germanic anomalies.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
A brief history and pre-history of Kvenland - and the origin of the Vikings
Doggerlandians - the proto-Finnish/Uralic speaking true natives of Doggerland and Britain
Update: Due to the sad fact that, reportedly, some of Klevius'
readers are complaining over sores on their feet while trampling on
diamonds, the following guidelines may or may not deliver relief:
By 'Uralic' it's here, of course, meant the branch of the linguistic
tree that at its stem in time goes deeper than any language family based
on agriculture (and quite possibly the deepest of modern humans), and
geographically comprises an area (north and mid-Eurasia) that is bigger
than any other. The technical term 'proto-Uralic' doesn't mean that the
lineage abruptly started there but deepens into what might be called
Although the modern Finnish vocabulary may be one which contains among
the highest amount of loan-words, it also contains a remarkable old
kernel (some 200-300 words) that is not only immensely old but also
often reflects more exactly reconstructed "original" words in a way its
sister languages do not. This may be due to, among other factors, its
westernmost location (see Kvenland - the origin of the Goths).
From Ural to the Baltic Sea and Britain
(to really grasp the significance of this ancient water route please take a look at the islamic Origin of Vikings and Russia)
Klevius intellectual bias warning: There has been a severe
"mongoloid complex" (social, not genetic) going on for long in the
debate about the original Europeans, not the least among the Samis and
the Finns (see what Klevius wrote about the mongoloid complex
almost a decade ago). The Finns were introduced to "civilization" via
Klevius ethnic people, the Finland-Swedish "colonizers", who, after
Sweden's loss of Finland in the 1808-09 war, said "We aren't Swedes
anymore, and we don't wanna be Russians, so let's be Finns". So they
learned Finnish, many of them translated their Swedish names into
Finnish ones, and one of them gathered the ancient Finnish epic
Kalevala, all in an effort to strengthen the Finnish ethnicity.
Klevius brief intellectual aid to the background of the topic:
Finnish and Sami researchers are possibly the least reliable (together
with Afro-centrists) when it comes to the "Urheima" of the Europeans. So
you will have a hard time finding info if you don't read Klevius. But
keep two basic facts in mind: Proto-Uralic was here before the farmers -
proto-Indo-European (PIE) was not, simply because it was tied to
farming/pastoralism. And ultimately, no matter if we call it
proto-Altaic or something else, what seems certain is that modern humans
and their language developed in the very midst of the mongoloid
hunting-gathering area (where the >41,000 BP Denisova bracelet below was
found), not among farmers.
Don't you think the producers of this bracelet were able to talk?!
This lion man appeared slightly later (40,000 bp) in Central Europe.
After the last ice age Doggerland still connected Uralic speaking
Sweden (and the Baltic Sea) with Britain a couple of thousands of years
before the arrival of farming. The oldest complete skeleton of a Brit
(the Cheddar man in Gough's Cave, outside Baath near Bristol) is from
this time.
Ago Künnap: From the Ukrainian refuge the people spread over the area
that eventually extended from the so-called North Sea Land on the site
of the present-day British Isles as far as the Urals. It should be
regarded as probable that the Uralic lingua franca was functioning in
the area also before the Last Glacial Maximum, consequently before the
people gathered in the refuges. It continued functioning in the
Ukrainian refuge and, in addition to this, also in the ice-free area,
creating a foundation by making languages into the present-day Uralic
languages. As a result of people’s spreading out from the larger refuges
the whole northward Europe was shared by the Basque and Uralic type of
Klevius: Today's Basques/Iberians have almost nothing to do with
Europe's original hunter-gatherers. Samis do. Geneticists have long
since proved that ice-age humans entered Europe from Siberia (haplogroup
M173 aka R), not Mideast. Linguists have proved that they spoke a
language related to Uralic. Many linguists have for long connected East
and West-Eurasia in the proto-Altaic language complex at the very spot
where geneticists see the splitting point that gave the birth to the
truly modern humans and real Aurignacian culture. Common sense does the
rest by considering the map, geography, food sources and the mix of
cold-adapted northern-most Neanderthals and Denisovans.
The mongoloid features of Sami people may be explained as follows (also
consider evolution map below): The first Europeans were a mix of
Mongoloid and Cro-Magnon traits due to the blend of Denisova and
northern Neanderthal traits with southern Homos. However, while
spreading southward, what we now call the Caucasoid traits (Klevius
"bastard belt") increased while the Mongoloid traits got stronger in the
north due to pressure from the east.
Cheddar man certainly didn't speak Indoeuropean
Cheddar man was found near Bristol in England. His Finnish/Sami type of
DNA closely matches contemporary Brits near the location where the
skeleton was found. And the amber found beside him came from the Baltic
Cheddar man stature is estimated to 166 cm and he has a relatively high
(compared to modern Sami but not to modern Finns) crural index and
tibial length/trunk height indices but a total morphological pattern
considered cold-adapted. This mix is in line with Klevius Out of Africa as pygmies and back as global mongoloids
theory, which states that human like Homos what we used to think of as
our predecessors were, in fact, big brained but dumb non-humans, and
that the smart ones were small ape-like creatures (Floresiensis, Red
Deer Cave people, Denisovans etc) who in Euraisa mixed with Neanderthals
and later on with the southern Homos from whom we didn't get our
intelligence but only part of our physical appearance (in fact, we
started loosing intelligence and are now on a much lower level than some
30,000 years ago - just compare the stunning performance of Aurignacian
art below). So for example, what has "puzzled" fossilized academics the
most about the tiny ape-like Floresiensis with a brain size barely
exceeding that of a Chimp, is how to explain its tools, use of fire etc.
Compared to many presumptuous and subjective PC academics Klevius' theory has a much better fit to existing evidence out there.
Doggerland and a harpoon found in it.
Altough the historical Goths emerge some 7,000 years later it's worth
mentioning that Gotland in the Baltic Sea was already populated more
than 9,500 years ago. Moreover, although no one knows the true
origin of the name Gotland and Goth confusing efforts have been made to
connect the origin of the name to different and less likely later forms
such as e.g. 'gut' and 'jut'. Due to an enormous general ignorance
there thrives a bias that could be described as a majority complex which
blurs topics of evolution and linguistics etc. by covering them under
the "Out of Africa" or the "Indo-European" or the "monotheist" blanket.
This type of prejudice is easily seen when you, for example, tell an
English speaker that the word 'boy' comes from the Finnish/Uralic
'poika'. In fact, if we really start digging we will soon realize that
most of the really old Indo-European words can be traced to the original
Uralic speaking inhabitants of Europe. Btw, on Gotland 'peika' mens a
girl and became maid ('piga') in Swedish. Just like the English word for child that transformed into 'girl'.
Genetic relation
Cheddar man has been genetically tested as belonging to haplogroup U5a
which happens to be most common today in northern Finland and
Scandinavia among Sami people and, to a lesser extent, among Finns.
Haplogroup U5 is spread all over Europe but is by far best presented
among Finnish speaking populations in the north. That U5 is also found
in North-Africa is in line with the mixing theory below. U5a is a
latecomer and hence fits a pattern of increasing blend of genes along
the Atlantic coastline. U5b is also toprated among Samis as is V.
Linguistic relation
At this time all hunter-gatherers in mid/northern (and possibly
sourhern) Europe talked an Uralic language. Uralic languages preceeded
Indo-European and Finno-Ugric languages and, according to linguistics,
is today best survived in the Finnish* language. It is important here to
realize that proto-Sami people populated all of the fringes of glacial
and post-glacial Europe and that Basque language most probably was Sami
related although heavily distorted by incoming linguistically
non-related farmers, whereas the northern Sami became influenced by
related Finnish speakers, hence explaining why today's Sami sounds so
Finnish and Basque doesn't sound Finnish at all although it has many
features in common with Uralic/Finnish languages.
* As Klevius has pointed out for
decades, in Finnish (as in most other languages) there is no sex
segregation. A person is 'hän' regardless of sex, not the stupid he/she
apartheid Europe has inherited from sexist Mideastern "monotheisms".
To PC-people and others with a racist agenda blurring the facts:
Non-African art from 41,000 - 25,000 years ago - i.e. long before
anything like this emerged in Mideast or Africa! And one thing is for
certain, they weren't neolithic farmers!
So why is it so important to emphasize this? Because no one seems to be
interested in this hereto the most exciting artifact ever found on the
planet! And why is that? Because of political correctness and
Afrocentrism that blurs simple logic that a child would have no problem
to understand.
This extremely complicated to manufacture stone bracelet was made by the
non-human Denisovan (or whatever we should call the hybrid that paved
the way for modern humans - the process may have taken a long time at
and around Altai) in Siberia 40,000 years ago by utilizing a drilling
technology, comparable to modern machines, according to the researchers
who found it.
Dolní Věstonice, Central-Europe, an extremely well sculptured portrait
is dated to 26-29,000 years ago, i.e. even earlier than the Brassempouy
"Venus" portrait below, which was found in Mid-France.
Brassempouy "Venus" approx 26,000 BP
and with some make up by Klevius
From the left: Red Deer Cave, Sami, Cro-Magnon
First and third from the left are Red Deer Cave people 14,300-11,500 years ago. Second and fourth the so called Venus from Brassempuoy in
France 25-26,000 years ago. The last pic is a reconstruction of a 1.9
Million year old Homo rudolfiensis skull. They all had flat broad
cheeks, no chin and rounded forehead.
Klevius notes: The Hofmeyr skull represents the "roaming Homo",
and despite no advanced tool etc culture, is large in relation to that
of modern African males, with prominent supraorbital structures and a
robust face. Morphometric analysis places Hofmeyr within the range of
recent humans and close to those associated with Upper Paleolithic
industries in Eurasia.
The fact that Northern Neanderthals, with whom the Denisovans interbred,
differ genetically from southern Neanderthals fits Klevius theory that
there was a double mixing going on: One that created the modern humans
in the north and an other on the way down.
From Altai to Gotland, Sami, God, Vikings, Shakespeare and Tolkien Klevius etymology and history remarks relating to the Britain-Scandinavia connection:
The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to Uralic) word
for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and
Finno-Ugric 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion
and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish
gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the
Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave
trade with Jews and muslims.
Gotland in particular is famous as the probable ancestral home of the
Goths: "a Gothic population had crossed the Baltic Sea before the 2nd
century AD, reaching Scythia at the coast of the Black Sea in modern
Ukraine where Goths left their archaeological traces in the Chernyakhov
culture. In the 5th and 6th centuries, they became divided as the
Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, and established powerful successor-states
of the Roman Empire in the Iberian peninsula and Italy. Crimean Gothic
communities appear to have survived intact in Crimea until the late
18th century.
Hamlet was aGoth
The father of Shakespeare's prototype for Hamlet was a Goth from the
Gothenburg area in Sweden (were Klevius father also happened to be
born). These Goths came originally from Gotland via those very same
waterways that were shaped already some 9,000 years ago, hence
connecting the Baltic Sea with Doggerland/North Sea.
Gotland was also the home port and treasure island for the Vikings
because it naturally connected West and East via Staraja Ladoga
southeast of Finland on the river way down to the south. Gotland has
revealed the biggest hoards of Viking age old Arab/islamic silver coins
in Northern Europe.
Immediately north of Staraja Ladoga is the homeland of the Finnish national epic Kalevala which Tolkien based his writing on.
The world's oldest fishing net is found in southeastern Finland and is
some thousand years older than Cheddar man the "oldest Brit".
Bromme culture existed in what is today's Sweden already 11,700–11,000 bp.
As a curiosity it might be noted that film director Ingmar Bergman lived
most of his life on Gotland where some of his most powerful movies
were filmed.
In conclusion one might well argue that the Baltic Sea has been a main hub since the birth of modern humans.
The first version at the top made 1583 and below how it looks today.
The sword held over the lion's head represents the West whereas the one
below the lion represents islam (via Khazars, Bolgars, Ottomans etc. -
see text below).
Finland/Kvenland - the home of Kalevala and the Vikings
Finland has two official languages, Swedish and Finnish. Finland is also
one of the most secularized countries in the world. Finland (and huge
parts of what is now Sweden and Norway) was Kvenland before the
Christian crusades after which it became connected as part of Sweden for
some 600 years until the 1808-9 war against Russia after which Finland
became an autonomous Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire until Finland's
independence 6, December 1917.
After the 1808-9 war the Swedish speaking intellectuals started a
campaign, "we are no Swedes anymore, and we don't wanna be Russians - so
let's be Finns". This strive made many a Finland-Swede translate their
name into Finnish. It also resulted in the collection of the Kalevala
epos (which Tolkien used as a basis for his stories). However, Elias
Lönnroth's Kalevala was heavily influenced by a monotheist
understanding. Luckily Juha Pentikäinen and others have now initiated a
rewriting of the text clean from Christian monotheist influences.
Due to its location Finnish (and Saami) possesses extremely old words
still in use (see below). And due to the interaction between old Nordic
and Finnish a pattern emerged that can still be seen stretching from
Finland all the way to Iceland (see below).
No one knows the true origin of the name Kvenland. However, Klevius
qualified guess is based on its history of Nordic (and Finnish) speaking
(agrarian) coastal Finns robbing beautiful girls with mongoloid
characteristics (which pattern you can also trace in reading Kalevala)
from its Saami and Finnish speaking neighbors. Raids with light boats
was a Finnish specialty inherited from the Finnish and Russian water
ways they still frequented (see Origin of Vikings).
And when they heard (from the Volga Bolgars and the Jewish Khazars etc)
about the enormous demand and price the muslim caliphate paid for these
kind of girls the commerce quickly changed from furs to walking girls.
Due to the mix of old Nordic speaking males and Finnish speaking women
an early bilingual traditon was born, which helped dealing with both
Swedes and Finnish speaking "Russians". At the beginning of the Viking
age the "Russians" spoke Finnish which was the main language in what is
now northern and mid Russia. This also explains how Fornjotur could be
the King of both Finland and Gotland as well as how Rus could become so
friendly with the pre-Russians that they asked him for protection
against other Vikings, Jews (Khazars) etc.
Finland has for long suffered from what Klevius calls a mongoloid complex (2003). In 1952, only seven years after the end of
Finland's disastrous connection with Germany in the World War 2, apart
from having its first Olympics the nation celebrated the 17-year old
Armi Kuusela's victory in the Miss Universe "beauty" contest, thus
finally releasing the Finns from what was considered a traumatic
connection with the East and its Russian/mongoloid inhabitants.
Klevius' ethnicity
The tiny (some 300,000) Finland-Swedish ethnic minority has, apart from
the tiresome, bragging and annoying islamophobe named Klevius, produced
such names as Edith Södergran (modernist poet), Westermarck
(anthropology), Jean Sibelius (music), Georg Henrik von Wright
(Wittgenstein's successor), Lasse Wiren (athletics - double-double
Olympic winner on 5,000m and 10,000m), Lindberg (music - Kraft etc),
Linus Thorvald (Linux), etc etc.
This list clearly implies a Finland-Swedish complex or something (see Inside Klevius mind).
Why surprised about the fact that English is a Nordic language? Klevius has informed about it for almost a decade on the web!
* When Klevius shakes hand with native
English speakers he loves to point out that 'finger', 'hand', and 'arm'
all are Swedish words with exactly the same spelling and not too different pronunciation.
This usually produces a nice "really". However, when he also points out
that most of the non-Latin words in English also are Swedish a brief
uncertain and incredulous retreat from the topic is noticeable. And, now
finally the self-evident fact that even grammar is equal has been pointed out even by others.
English is a Scandinavian/Nordic (Fennoscandian*) language
No one knows for how long Old Swedish/Nordic language(s) has been
spoken in Finland. This is why not only the Scandinavian part but the whole
Fennoscandian peninsula ought to be included.
Jan Terje Faarlund, professor of linguistics at the University of
Oslo. "Obviously there are many English words that resemble
ours. But there is something more: its fundamental structure is
strikingly similar to Norwegian.
Klevius (who understands all Nordic languages incl. Finnish and
most dialects): Norwegian language emerged after the Viking period (see Origin of Vikings).
Its predecessor, i.e. what is called "Old Norse" but perhaps rather
should be called Old Swedish or Old Nordic, is rooted in Kvenland from
the cross pollination of Finnish and Nordic Germanic. Kvenish today is
still very close to Finnish (more so than e.g. Estonian) yet it also
contains such pecularities as meiðän ('our') which is simply meidän in
Standard Finnish with a normally sounding d instead of the English
sounding ð.
Kvenland (Womanland) from Finno-Ugric/Uralic to Old Swedish/Scandinavian/Nordic*
*aka "Old Norse" which might lead associations to Norway although there
were no Norwegian speakers around long after the Viking age (see Origin of Vikings).
Kvenland, aka Cwenland, Kænland, Queenland, Kvinnoland, Womanland etc, is an ancient name for an area in Fennoscandia.
Compare Swedish 'Kvinna' (woman) and English 'Queen' as well as
Norwegian 'kone' (woman) Swedish 'kön' (sex) and English 'kin' (yes, we
have Indoeuropean 'gen' but so what, where did 'gen' emerge?).
There exists a persistent "wikimyth" that Finnish language in Sweden and
Norway are just a few hundred years old when in fact it's thousands of
years old but due to national romanticism was explained away as caused
by late immigration only.
As I already said, no one knows for sure why it was called Kvenland.
However, a strong hypothesis is that the name reflects sex-slave hunt
for beautiful white girls/women who were most valued on the muslim slave
markets by the islamic mosques. So the Finnish empire may have existed
long before it was called Kvenland.The name was just applied from the
outside as a marker of its notorious records.
Kvenland appears in written sourdes from the 9th century, and from Icelandic sources written
in the 12th and 13th centuries. Since the 17th century most historians
have located Kvenland somewhere around or near the Bothnian Bay, in the present-day regions of Swedish Norrbotten and Finnish Ostrobothnia as well as part of Norway where there are still a Kvenish population. The traditional East Finnish name of this area was Kainuu, and it has been suggested that the Scandinavian name of Kvenland and Kainuu share etymological roots.
According to Ohthere, the Norðmanna land was very long
and very narrow ... and to the east are wild mountains, parallel to the
cultivated land. Finnas inhabit these mountains ... Then along this land southwards, on the other side of the mountain, is Sweden
... and along that land northwards, Kvenland (Cwenaland). The Kvens
(Cwenas) sometimes make depredations on the Northmen over the mountain,
and sometimes the Northmen on them.
There are large [freshwater] meres amongst the mountains,[2]
and the Kvens carry their ships over land into the meres, and thence
make depredations on the Northmen; they have small and very
light ships.
Fornjotur* (ca 160-250 CE), the Finnish King of Kvenland and Gotland,
and ancestor of the Swedish Ynglinga tree and William I of England
* there is much reason to believe that
the legend about Fornjotur has more truth underneath than for example
the myth about Mohammed (who was allegedly born 400 years later). Hugh
Kennedy (professor of Arabic language and Arabic history): "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."
Fornjotur, Fornjót, Fornjótr) was a king of Finland. His children are Ægir (the ruler of the sea), Logi (fire giant) and Kári (god of wind).
The name has often been interpreted as forn-jótr "ancient giant", and sometimes identified with the primeval giant Ymir.
But it is also possible, as was suggested by Müller (1818), that it is
one of a well-established group of names or titles of gods in -njótr "user, owner, possessor", which would make Fornjótr the "original owner".
How did primary stress on first syllable come from Kvenland to Iceland?
There was of course another language, Kvenish-Finnish, that was present
in Fennoscandia and somehow influenced the ancient Norse language.
Finnish possesses some of the oldest words in the world, some of them
still in their original Uralic form. In fact, the old Finnish stem seems
to be closer to its distant roots than other Finno-Ugric languages
despite the fact that Finland has been the most modernized of them all.
Klevius linguistic question: How was the strange affinity between
Indoeuropean Icelandic and Uralic Finnish created between Kvenland and
Whereas Indoeuropean languages are strongly rooted in a Neolithic
agricultural past Uralic languages are rooted in hunting/gathering
societies i.e. pre-Neolithic.
Indoeuropean Old Norse developed into "Western" and "Eastern" variants. Western Norse
covered Norway and overseas settlements in Iceland, Greenland, the
Faroe Islands and the Shetland Islands, while Eastern Norse developed in
Denmark and south-central Sweden and coastal Finland.
The language of Iceland and the non Finnish or Saami Fennoscandia was practically the same up until
the 14th century, when they started to deviate from each other.
During the late Old
Norse period and this period there was also a considerable adoption of Middle Low German vocabulary. Similar development in grammar and phonology happened in Swedish and Danish, keeping the dialect continuum
in continental Scandinavia intact, but with greater dialectal
variation. This process did not, however, occur in the same way in Faroese and Icelandic.
These languages remain conservative to this day, when it comes to
grammar and vocabulary, so mutual intelligibility with continental
Scandinavia was lost.
The Uralic languages belong to a single Eurasian belt of agglutinative
languages together with the Altaic languages streching from Fennoscandia
in the west to Japan in the east
Not only typological parallelism, but also stress on the first syllable
as well as lack of third person pronoun sex segregation (e.g. Finnish
'hän' instead of 'he/she' apartheid) is accompanied by areal adjacency,
allowing us to speak of a distinct Ural-Altaic language area and
language type we may call Eurasiatic.
Some roots for Eurasiatic: mi (what?, mi/kä or mi/tä in modern Finnish),
pälä (two), akʷā (water), tik (one or finger), konV (arm 1), bhāghu(s)
(arm 2), bük(ä) (bend or knee), punče (hair), p'ut'V (vagina or vulva),
snā (smell or nose), kamu (seize or squeeze), and parV (the verb to fly)
Modern Finnish preserves old words equal or almost equal more often than other languages
Examples of reconstructed Proto-Uralic words:
Body parts and bodily functions: *ïpti hair on the head, *ojwa head,
*śilmä eye (same as in modern Finnish), *poski cheek (same as in modern
Finnish), *kä(x)li tongue ('kieli' in modern Finnish), *elä- to live
('elää' in modern Finnish), *ka(x)li- to die ('kuolla', and 'kuoli' in
imperf), *wajŋi breath (in Finnish 'vainaja' means a dead), *kosi cough,
*kunśi urine ('kusi' in modern Finnish), *küńili tear ('kyynele' in
modern Finnish), *se(x)ji pus.
Kinship terms: *emä mother (same in modern Finnish), *čečä uncle ('setä'
in modern Finnish), *koska aunt, *mińä daughter-in-law ('miniä' in
modern Finnish), *wäŋiw son-in-law ('vävy' in modern Finnish).
Verbs for universally known actions: *meni- to go ('mennä', 'meni' in
imperf in modern Finnish), *toli- to come ('tulla', 'tuli' in imperf in
modern Finnish), *aśkili- to step ('askel' is step in modern Finnish),
*imi- to suck ('imi' is sucked in modern Finnish), *soski- to chew,
*pala- to eat up ('pala' is a piece in modern Finnish), *uji- to swim
('ui' is swim in imperf in modern Finnish), *sala- to steal ('salata'
means to hide in modern Finnish), *kupsa- to extinguish ('kupsata' used
for to die in modern Finnish).
Basic objects and concepts of the natural world: *juka river ('joki' in
modern Finnish), *toxi lake, *weti water ('vesi/vettä' in modern
Finnish), *päjwä sun (same but also day in modern Finnish), warmth,
*suŋi summer ('suvi' in modern Finnish), *śala- lightning ('salama' in
modern Finnish), *wanča root ('vanka', 'vankka' means steady in modern
Finnish), *ko(x)ji birch, *ka(x)si spruce ('kuusi' in modern Finnish),
*sïksi Siberian pine, *δ'ï(x)mi bird cherry
Elementary technology: *tuli fire (same in modern Finnish), *śüδi coal,
*äjmä needle, *pura drill ('pora' in modern Finnish), *jïŋsi bow
('jousi' in modern Finnish), *jänti bow string, *ńï(x)li arrow ('nuoli'
in modern Finnish), *δ'ümä glue ('liima' in modern Finnish), *lïpśi
cradle, *piksi rope, *suksi ski (same in modern Finnish), *woča fence.
Basic spatial concepts: *ïla below ('alla' in modern Finnish), *üli
above ('yli' in modern Finnish), *wasa left ('vasen' in modern Finnish),
*pälä side.
Pronouns: *mun I (meaning mine in modern Finnish), *tun you ('sun'
meaning yours in modern Finnish), *ke- who (same in modern Finnish),
*mi- what (same in modern Finnish).
The reconstructed vocabulary is compatible with a Mesolithic culture
(bow, arrow, needle, sinew, but also rope, fence, cradle, ski), a north
Eurasian landscape (spruce, birch, Siberian pine), and contains
interesting hints on kinship structure.
The Vikings were bilingual (Finland-Swedes) Goths who could communicate
both with the Finnish tribes as well as with the old Nordic/German
In the Viking world the Jewish slave empire (Chazaria) played an
important role in establishing the slave raid and trade system that
served the enormous islamic hunger for white sex slaves.
Karelia's old coat of arms.
Karelia bordered the medieval Novgorod republic which was ransacked by
muslim Bolgars who hunted for slaves. The southern part became an
important hub in the islamic slave finance as Vikings and Kazar Jews etc
served the islaic caliphate in the south and later on the Ottoman
Fair skinned female sex slaves from northern Europe were the by far most valuable according to islamic price lists
Most of what you read about Vikings on the web is wrong. The Viking age started already before 750 in the east (because of islamic demand for sex slaves).
So forget about Britain 786. Also remember that if you see the words
Norway or Norwegians mentioned re. Vikings then throw the link/book
away. There was no Norway or Norwegians or a Norwegian language during
the Viking age! Educate yourself on Origin of the Vikings.
In 882, Rurik's successor, Oleg of Novgorod, conquered Kiev and founded the state of Kievan Rus.
After the Kievan Russian state began to disintegrate in 1132, slaves
became much more numerous as inhabitants of neighboring East Slavic
principalities (much of the territory between Poland-Lithuania and the
Volga River) became fair game for enslavement.
Jewish merchants took East Slavic slaves from Novgorod to western
destinations. Other East Slavic slaves were continuously "harvested" by
the Turkic peoples (Tatars) inhabiting the southern and eastern
frontiers of Rus' and subsequently sold to buyers mainly in the Arab
The Mongol invasions into Rus' from 1236-1240 accelerated the disintegration of Kievan Rus' that had commenced in 1132.
Continuous Tatar slave raids replaced those of the pre-1240 Turkic
peoples who had roamed the Ukranian steppe. In these centuries the word
"slave" was borrowed from the ethnonym "Slav."
During the ensuing period of the "Tatar yoke" (1237-1480), the export of
slaves through Novgorod continued and the Novgorodian slave market at
the intersection of Slave and High Streets was the most active business
locale in the entire Republic of Novgorod, which encompassed much of
Russia north of the Volga to the White Sea.
The Crimean Tatars had converted to islam in the 1300s and in 1475 the
Crimean Khanate became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire while itself
still clinging to power over the Duchy of Muscovy. In 1480, the
Muscovites threw off the "Tatar Yoke" and began the unification of
Russia under Slavic rulers. By 1503, those rulers would declare Russia
the Third Roman Empire, and take the title of Tsar.
The Crimean Tatars made use of their strategic position between the
Ottomans and the Russians and supplied slaves for the Ottoman Janissary
corps from the neighboring peoples to an enormous extent yet to be fully
Greedy rulers either married a muslim and naively agreed* to convert or
just found islam the perfect sword for evil but profitable slave finance
* Islam is an evil dead end. A
totalitarian harpoon that has only one direction unless it's stopped.
This is one of the many reasons why islam is completely out of sync with
Human Rights - a fact that not only Klevius but also OIC has realized!
Little is known about the timeline of the islamization of Inner Asia and
the Turkic peoples who lay beyond the bounds of the caliphate. Around
7th century and 8th century, there were some states of Turkic peoples
like Turkic Khazar Khaganate and Turkic Turgesh Khaganete who fought
against the caliphate in order to stop Arabization and islamization in
Asia. From the 9th century onwards, the Turks (at least individually, if
not yet through adoption by their states) began to convert to islam.
The Bulgars of the Volga, to whom the modern Volga Tatars trace their
islamic roots, are noted to have adopted islamic evil early on. When the
Friar William of Rubruck visited the encampment of Batu Khan of the
Golden Horde, who had recently completed the Mongol invasion of Volga
Bulgaria, he noted "I wonder what devil carried the law of Machomet
Different political functions of the islamic myth to legitimate power
Quite contrary to the populist academic discourse that within an islamic
worldview, the production of "eventually" correct ritual behavior can
be a gateway for "the grace of Allah" to produce "correct belief", the
crude reality of islam's own tenets points clearly - and without the
slightest anomaly from non-islamic history in sight - to a profitable
parasitic formula crudely chiseled on pre-existing Judaic dogmas. This
formula, which in one sweep eliminates otherwise "puzzling" historical
events, goes like this (taken from
The root formula of Islam (Klevius 2001)
Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban.
Why isn't the worst crime ever against humanity criminalized, but instead protected by the very Human Rights islam opposes?!
Converts to islam don't have to understand anything to be a "good
muslim" simply because accepting totalitarian islam is the only proof
needed. However, other muslims might not approve of it...
Update: Of some reason I couldn't comment normally on the ignorant
commentor below. So here's the reply for her/him - you others don't even
need it because it clearly comes out of the posting itself if you
possess even rudimentary knowledge about the topic:
Show me a perfectly sculptured portrait earlier than 29,000 bp.
Or anything even close to the Denisova bracelet earlier than 40,000 bp.
Etc., etc., the art track in Eurasia reflects the real birth of what we
use to mean intelligent humans, i.e. modern humans - not to be confused
with the oxymoron "anatomically modern human", which stands for
something that no one knows really what it stands for - other than a
desperate effort to keep the roots in Africa, no matter that facts point
to the opposite direction.
Yes, all over the old world we have found crude hominin artifacts
and lousy works of art - so what? Every serious geneticist (compare e.g.
Pääbo) or anthropologist today agree on a crucial "jump" in human
sophistication after around 40-50,000 bp. And nothing comparable at this
early stage has been found elsewhere.
Pls, use the web to cure your, as it seems, truly bottomless
ignorance. Or perhaps you enjoy giving the rest of us a good laugh at
your expense...
Peter Klevius, the world's foremost expert
on sex segregation (sad, isn't it): Why not the original truly
anti-fascist and anti-sexist Human Rights (1948) instead of feminism?!
you want full Human Rights for women, then simply follow the
anti-fascist and Universal Human Rights declaration of 1948* (UDHR)
which clearly states that sex ought not to be used as a reason for
differing Human Rights.
Fascism is creeping back trying to stab the original UDHR's emphasis on
the (negative) rights of the individual no matter of sex etc., by
altering and conflating - or in the case of islam just abandoning -
Klevius, the world's foremost expert on sex segregation (sad isn't it):
Stop using the feminist "gender" for sex! It's sexist*, it's against
Human Rights, and it hurts many people, especially girls - and spreads
hatred against half of the world's population.
Feminism is fascistoid sexist politics, i.e. unlike most political
parties it doesn't rest on an ideology for whomever happens to like it,
but for a particular biological class (i.e. sex) of people. In this
sense it's even worse than classic fascism, although both rest on
similar (i.e. anti-democratic) use of state power.
Peter Klevius drawing from 1979 (do note the metal appearance of the DNA-ladder).
Google correctly translates the Swedish word 'kön' (from PIE 'gen', but
'kin' in the Swedish creole dialect called English) as 'sex' in a one
word search, Google translate anyway keeps translating it as 'gender'
(compare Peter Klevius 2000 article Warning for Feminism below).
Some comparison of feminism with classic fascism:
origins are complex and include many contradictory viewpoints,
ultimately centered around a mythos of feminine (matriarchal) rebirth
from oppressive patriarchy.
Feminism is a form of political
behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with victimhood and by
compensatory cults of unity, energy, and difference from masculinism, in
which a mass-based movement of committed essentialists, working in
uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites (e.g.
universities, religion, state institutions etc.), abandons democratic
liberties such as e.g. the views of men and women who don't fit the
feminist agenda against what it assigns as "patriarchy".
feminism flirts with populism in an attempt to generate mass support,
it may also be seen as an elitist ideology (Judith Butler & Co).
Feminism seeks strength through unity.
fascism, feminism often manifests a belief in racial (i.e. "womanhood")
"purity" or a "master sex", usually synthesized with some variant of
sexism or bigotry of a demonized other (the "patriarch"), and the idea
of "sex ("gender") purity" (compare Butler's "gender repetitions")
against a perceived other.
Regardless of whether negative or
positive policies are used, they are susceptible to abuse because the
genetic (i.e. gender, which means opposite something else) selection
criteria are determined by whichever group has political power at the
Like fascism, feminist ideology inevitably opens up for the
violatation of basic human rights of the other, i.e. what Peter Klevius
calls the lack of an emrgency brake at the point of equality.
feminism is about a biological* class of people (with varying
definitions from fullblown biological women to "assigned" almost
transvestites) it differs entirely from other political ideologies but
has a lot in common with oldfashioned racism.
* "Gendered women" occupy a contested borderline.
like islam, feminism can't stand Human Rights, so where islam went for
"islamic human rights" (Saudi based and steered OIC) feminism wants
"women's human rights".
Why all feminists, but not Peter Klevius, are sexist and some are transphobic
Cunningham (2020): 'Butler sets up an opposition between
“trans-exclusionary feminists” and “a feminist position opposing
transphobia.” But that assumes – without troubling to prove – a
proposition that neither I nor any other gender critical feminist I’ve
ever spoken to would accept: that not accepting that trans women are
literally women is necessarily transphobic. All the GC feminists I know
oppose transphobia. We don’t want to exclude trans women from the
spaces where we are undressed and vulnerable because they are trans, but
because they are biologically male. They are members of the half of
humanity that poses a far greater threat to women than the other half.
We are taught from early childhood that men are a source of danger. We
are told it is our responsibility to keep ourselves safe from the
ever-present risk of male violence; with the barely-concealed message
that it’s our fault if we fail. We learn to limit our freedoms. We try
not to be out alone late at night. We learn to be alert to the
possibility of being followed; not to make eye contact; to shut down
drunken attempts to chat us up without provoking male rage; to walk in
the middle of the road so that it’s harder to ambush us from the
shadows; to conduct a lightning risk assessment of every other passenger
on the night bus; to clutch our keys in one hand in case we need a
weapon; to carry a pepper spray, or a personal alarm. And we learn the
hard way that these fears that have been deliberately inculcated in us
are justified. We are followed, leered at, flashed, groped, cat-called;
and that’s those of us who get off lightly. Every woman has stories of
male abuse.'
Peter Klevius, the world's foremost authority on sex
segregation (sad, isn't it): Heterosexual attraction is the trigger,
and Human Rights is the safety lock. However, neither of these are
seriously considered but rather avoided - despite the fact that there is
no other logical tools for analyzing and assessing sex segregation. Use
the same logic that Butler uses to blur the concept of 'sex' with
"gender", to clarify it. I.e. why should it be necessary to call a
person with a functioning penis a woman just because the person wants to
do "women stuff" if, according to Human Rights, sex shouldn't matter?!
Btw, some 30 years ago, after having read 'Gender Trouble', Peter
Klevius asked: "Why do you call yourself a feminist, Judith Butler?" OK,
she slowly changed her views and became a real feminist. So Peter
Klevius now asks Naomi Cunningham and her pals: Why do you call yourself
feminist, instead of Humanist (in the meaning every Humans' Rights)?!
If we should only have freed "blacks" from slavery, then nothing would
have stopped "blacks" from keeping slaves (compare e.g. Haiti), right!
et al., 2018: There is clearly a difference between the experience of a
child who is treated by others in way that are characteristic of boys and
also feels like a boy, and a child who is treated by others in ways
that are characteristic of boys whilst feeling that they are really a
Peter Klevius, the world's foremost authority on sex
segregation (sad, isn't it): "Treated by others"?! You mean by Human
Rightsphobics, right! Just like homophobics and other -phobics directed
towards individuals.
Take the example of the world's number one football woman, Pia Sundhage* from Sweden:
Pia Sundhage is a Swedish football coach and former professional
player. She is the current head coach of the Brazil women's national
football team. As a player, Sundhage played most of her career as a
forward and retired as the top scorer for her national team, but she
also had stints playing as a midfielder and a sweeper. Sundhage was the
head coach of the United States women's national team from 2008 to 2012
and led the team to two Olympic gold medals and a silver medal at the
World Cup. Pia Sundhage also served as a scout for the United States
gold winning football team during the 2004 Olympics. Her success led to
her winning the 2012 FIFA World Coach of the Year. Sundhage later became
the head coach of her native Sweden women's national football team from
2012 to 2017, winning an Olympic silver medal in 2016. She was voted
6th best player ever in the world so together with her couching career
it may be safe to declare her the modern football queen where Lily Parr
was the queen of the past.
a girl in the 1960s and 70s Pia Sundhage had to pretend being a boy to
be able to play football - not because she wanted to be a boy but
because it happened to be boys (due to historical sex segregation) who
taught her to love football. And the rules said no girls in a boys team -
and there were no girls teams around.
1. First she learned the skills through opportunity structures in a non-sex segregated environment (i.e. home and neighborhood). 2. These skills later on paved the way through a sex segregated environment (i.e. school). 3.
If Peter Klevius had relied on any feminist theory or s.c. "gender
studies", then the points above and the role of matriarchal sex
segregation would never have been revealed.
Pia Sundhage's
parents were completely uninterested in football so she had nothing of
it from home. It was the neighbor boys - and lack of girls - that
introduced her into the magic world of football.
So the reason
she turned footballer was a random opportunity structure, i.e. that the
neighbor children happened to be boys who loved football and wanted more
This is how Pia got her initial football skills which
became the opening code that later on helped her crossing the barrier of
sex segregation by at school showing off her kicking skills with a
baseboll outside the pitch were the boys - but not the girls - played
football and one of them observed her and invited her to join in.
school unlike at home, sex segregation had already segregated the sexes
to an extent that made the boys not even thinking of inviting the girls
and vice versa. Except when Pia "behaved like a boy".
A feminist
approach would have made it impossible to understand Pia Sundhage's
problem with sex segregation about playing football - and for Peter
Klevius to make his research based on in depth interviews with real life
football women. Feminist theory would have eliminated Pia's experience.
Warning for feminism (published in Hufvudstadsbladet 27 September 2000). by Peter Klevius
the English reader it may be noted that the original Swedish text uses
'kön' (compare 'gen', 'kin') for sex. In Swedish 'sex' (except for the
number 6) only means something sexual and erotic, but in English it also
means biological sex .
Despite the currently popular and
frenetic feminine 'gender' marking for (biological) sex, we are facing
an inevitable and constantly irresistibly progressing global loosening
of traditional sex spheres. The sooner we recognize this the better. The
simple and obvious idea that sex in the future could mean as little as
e.g. skin color today, however, still scares many.
When the
assumed difference between the sexes is questioned through the
development of society itself, strong counter-reactions arise. Today,
this is reflected e.g. in that girls' and women's appearance attributes
once again approach the classic transvestite's pursuit of femininity.
on biologism (essentialism) say some feminists, while still asserting
(significant) differences This despite the fact that there is a complete
lack of longitudinal evidence that man's relatively weak biological sex
dimorphism would be necessarily predestining for cultural behavior. The
differences within the sexes are significantly greater than between and
what is measured in sex comparisons is usually the result of
education/lifestyle. The real difference is only statistical and without
a definite point of transition.
Although among sexually
reproductive organisms there is an evolutionarily implanted attraction
that causes males (read sperm) to be attracted by females (read eggs),
this does not apply all the time and does not include all males and
females. It therefore does not cover what we normally mean by men/women.
Erotica is also a vanishingly small or sometimes even absent part of
most people's daily lives.
Erotic versatility
can, however, be erotically versatile and exhibit all combinations
within and across sex boundaries (is masturbation homosexuality?). This
is in fact an example of the declining sex dimorphism of which the most
well-known is that humans within their species group have the least size
difference between the sexes. And as far as the practical side of
reproduction is concerned, today it is almost as easy for a woman to
inject sperm alone as for the man to ejaculate them without erotic
extravagances. There are also reasons to prepare for the possibility
that with the help of genetic engineering in the future we can reproduce
asexually. On the other hand, heterosexual attraction is likely to
persist as well as the now so underestimated importance of biological
kinship. In feminist/socialist rhetoric, it is openly stated that the
goal is the death of the patriarch and the dissolution of the family and
(paternal?) kinship.
Feminists often point to the white
well-to-do middle-aged man as the "patriarchal" norm. However, Martine
(you read that right) Rothblatt fits the label, a successful lawyer and
satellite contractor involved in the HUGO project. He lives in a typical
nuclear family but is a transvestite. In his book The Apartheid of Sex -
a Manifesto on the Freedom of Gender, he points out, among other
things, the inadequacy of chromosomes and hormone levels for the
determination of social gender. More testosterone not only makes a
larger proportion of boys but also a smaller proportion of girls more
boisterous etc. than all other boys and girls. And why care at all about
these types of differences when we do not care about them within the
sexes. Gender glasses within e.g. healthcare would effectively exclude
those men and women who do not meet the gender norm.
Women prone to violence
of the biological "truths" that has since been revised over the years
is the claim of the man as more aggressive. .That women are clearly more
prone to accidents as drivers (Norwegian Road Safety Research) is
another little-talked-about fact, but hardly that it depends on
biological differences but rather on scanty motor education in youth.
the middle-aged white man ... eh, but he had also had to train the most. The
fact that so many men have joined Ferninism can be attributed to the
same chauvinism as feminism itself. Men who rely too much on their
masculinity may feel fear of an androgynous and gender-insecure world.
Logically, different homosexual theories belong to the same
backward-looking little save group. Yet a gender-liberated world would
also make sexually based sexuality restrictions / prejudices impossible.
Note that homosexuality was classified by psychiatrists as a disease as
late as the middle of the 20th century. Where Jean dArc was burned
at the stake for dressing in "men's clothes", today's emancipated girl
risks falling victim to the psychoanalytically based letter combination
GED (gender identity disorder), which in short means that DSM?
Diagnostics can declare a girl sick (but not an adult woman) if her
gender identity is unclear (sic). No wonder people eat hormones and
undergo surgery to meet expectations of pure gender identity.
unusually strong cultural emphasis on supposed gender differences began
more than a decade ago with the so-called "Peculiarity?" Feminism "and
is reflected i.a. in a completely unique decline in women's athletics
results while men improved theirs. Ben Johnson (who was evidently doped)
has long ago seen his best times come from at the same time as no one
was even close to little Flo? Jos (who was not doped) 100 and 200 m
world records. Flo? Jo had few. entered a good points place in the men's
200 m in this year's FM. In the ladies' long jump, you can today win
big competitions without even getting close to the 7? Meter limit?
something that would hardly have been enough for a medal place in the
80's. The same tendency is repeated in most branches and reflects the
culture's view of power performance and femininity and thus also girls'
choice of idols and hobbies. When Flo? Jo ran, however, one could
imagine how she too tried to mitigate the effect of her muscular body
with a plethora of 'female' attributes, ranging from a long (and
probably obstructive) hairline to overlong, tightly colored nails.
Feminism as racism
all the defensive reactions to gender segregation, feminism is the
foremost. Feminism is both racism, ie. essentialist interpretations
based on bodily appearance and chauvinism, ie. that the sexes should
stick to theirs. A political movement focused on people with first names
based mainly on the appearance of the external genitalia. The success
of the movement is ultimately determined by how well it suits the state
apparatus. Intervention in the family? and family matters have always
been on the agenda of the welfare state, and here feminism has provided
it with very new intervention material (cf., for example, incest?
hysteria, the law on women's peace, etc.). Real feminism, is thus in
practice synonymous with state feminism. Sweden now has a situation
where feminism, with the help of the state, further slows down the
dissolution of gender segregation. As a result, a painful historical
transition period is extended. This is also the reason why Sweden has
the world's highest parliamentary representation of women (although no
female leader yet? Credit card? Mona came closest »while being last in
the OECD when it comes to women in technology? And science. However,
this fact is frantically hidden behind" women can ”? core panics and
rhetoric about the inadequate man and boys' poorer school performance. When
they advocated quotas for female professors at the Royal Institute of
Technology in Stockholm, the only (out of over a hundred!) Female
professor flew in the air. And I understand her. She had come there on
her own. Democracy was born in the misogynistic ancient Greece and
was refined by the ideal of equality of the revolutions. Women's
suffrage was not originally about women but universal suffrage, ie. that
all property owners, such as farmhands, workers, etc. was awarded a
share in democracy. Finnish women received f.ö. their voting rights
three years before Swedish men.
is its seemingly progressive appearance, despite being basically an
ultra-reactionary. It is the natural reaction of those who, like the GDR
residents after the fall of the wall, ended up in a foreign world where
previously nurtured skills in an almost totally gender-segregated world
were transformed into incompetence in a world where gender no longer
guarantees work identity. In contrast to the inhabitants of the GDR, the
women in the so-called however, the 'welfare state' has been allocated a
sheltered workshop in the public sector. Wäför e fabor more fun than
aunts? ' This authentic and completely spontaneous statement was made
by a 4-year-old girl. ? vitamin uptake)? According to the feminist way
of looking at it, it is the statistical difference that is interesting.
If we further, like feminists, use a so-called qualitative scientific
method based on induction, ie. generalization from the small, we need to
take the girl seriously and start speculating about the underlying
causes. Do growing up conditions, upbringing and related understandings then remain?
for the macro? and micro-functions that make up our world. That the
number of female students on the lines within the Royal Institute of
Technology is the same as the number of girls admitted to closed youth
care due to. crime? about 5 out of 100? reflects the development of
skills at both ends of the spectrum. Since the boy culture is the most
dynamic, it of course also provides more opportunities for cross-border,
which explains the higher proportion of criminal boys. In 1981, I
wrote on Hbl / Debatt about the potential for a more resource-efficient
society that primarily represented women. Today, feminists no longer
demand that men reduce their consumption of resources, but instead that
women should have the same consumption of resources.
David vs. Goliath
image of feminism's Davidic struggle against the patriarch Goliath is
today completely misleading. Mention a social science that does not
overflow the banks of different and contradictory feminist
"perspectives." Like sociobiologists, feminist feminists use cultural
traditions to justify their cementing. out them on long-term assignments
and life? dangerous wars?
State fernism. is really only a side
branch of state socialism. State socialism, through its individual
ideology and its bureaucratic self-interest, strengthens the general
secularization, which leads to further increased child crime due to
diluted parental and family support.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Peter Klevius*, the world's foremost expert on sex segregation (sad isn't it), obituary over a Jewish female patriarch.
* Why is it that a man seems to be the world's foremost defender of women's rights? The answer is threefold:
Only a man can understand biological heterosexual attraction (HSA),
i.e. the only thing that essentially segregates the sexes (see below).
2 Only a man feels safe from inferiority complex as long as sex segregation prevails.
3 Only a man can feel a coming inferiority complex in a de-sex segregated world.
men have all reason to stick to Human Rights equality. As Peter Klevius
has always said since his teens: Negative (as opposed to the positive
s.c. "Stalin rights") Human Rights for a positive human future.
realize the difference between folk feminism which is anti segragation
and true feminism which is the very opposite - already from the
beginning when resisting the vote etc.
And do realize that while
Mills wanted emancipation and Freud didn't. No wonder psychoanalysis
became so popular among feminists.
And no feminist seems to be
interested in Mary Woolstonecraft's advice on how to not foster
daughters to "follies". And the s.c. "glamour feminism" did just that.
the last chapter in Demand for Resources (1992) called Khoi, San and
Bantu, Peter Klevius notes that hunter-gathering societies where the
least sexist. With civilization came what Peter Klevius calls classical
sex segregation, and with "monotheisms" came religious sexism on top of
the classical.
Supreme Court needs to replace at least half* of its 100% religious
members with Atheists so to democratically represent the people
* Even most Jews are Atheists, although orthodox Jew Ruth Bader Ginsburg was certainly not..
Peter Klevius 'Woman' from 1979
Does the Human Right to 'freedom of religion' really mean freedom to violate Human Rights as e.g. islamic sharia (OIC) does?!
Anna-Karin Wyndham is a Swedish example of the female patriarchy 2020
From a headline February 11, 2020
because Peter Klevius is a defender of the most basic of Human Right,
he is called an "islamophobe" because islam can't stand Human Rights
equality. Peter Klevius is offended by muslims' extreme injustice (sharia), and asks for more fairness.
Islam's schizophrenia
resides between the roof of the Saudi dictator family/OIC, and the
floor of Muslim Brotherhood. And the "house of Saud" wants to broom the
floor, while MB wants to take down the roof.
Muslims have an overwhelming problem if they want to follow islam while living in a civilized society based on Human rights equality.
Klevius, the world's foremost expert on sex segregation (sad isn't it),
asks for your help because he doesn't see any other biological
difference between men and women than the onesided evolutionary
heterosexual attraction that Peter Klevius seems to be the only one
talking about but everyone knows about. So do you see something that
Peter Klevius doesn't?
But don't fall in the usual trap by
pointing to non-relational differences. Menstruating, delivering and
feeding a baby, etc. are not relational. And although heterosexual
attraction is only implanted in the male's brain, it's directly
dependent on the female. And it affects all women, incl. prepubertal
girls and centenary old ladies, precisely because how it outlines the
future of the former and the history of the latter.
Tertullian, "the founder of Western theology" said to women who wanted
to abandon heterosexual attraction by marrying Christ: "It's a sport of
And if a lesbian woman's body attracts "the male
gaze", i.e. heterosexual attraction, she has no other option than
covering it in a burqa-like package - but without becoming a muslim
because sharia would kill her lesbianism.
However, if we want
to live in a civilized world based on Human Rights equality, i.e. not
segregating between humans, then we need to release us from the
unnesseccary, stupid and destructive gender prison of sex segregation,
and the one sex that lacks sensitivity for heterosexual attraction has
to decide whether or when it wants to have anything to do with it. And
do remember, we healthy men are always there for you - but not for
cheating. So be responsible.
The seemingly seamless connection
between heterosexual attraction and reproduction is the mirage that a
disastrous sex segregation has been built on.
When will start educating children about heterosexual attraction and sex segregation?
seems not to have a clue about heterosexual attractio. This is Google's
first on the subject: There are several types of sexual orientation;
for example: Heterosexual. People who are heterosexual are romantically
and physically attracted to members of the opposite sex: Heterosexual
males are attracted to females, and heterosexual females are attracted
to males. Heterosexuals are sometimes called "straight."
Peter Klevius: No wonder girls are confused when they don't get any adequate sex education at all.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Klevius sex and gender tutorial
Klevius' proposal to bright minded and non-biased readers: Do read EMAH,
i.e. how continuous integration in Thalamus of complex neural patterns
without the assistance of one or infinite "Homunculus" constitutes the
basis for memory and "consciousness".
Klevius quest of the day: What's the difference between the Pope and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
Klevius hint: It's all about 'not sameness' and Human Rights! Human Rights IS 'sameness' stupid!
When God was created he was made like Adam.
When the basic idea of Universal Human Rights was created it was made like Adam AND Eve.
And for you who think heterosexual attraction, i.e. that women are
sexier than men, could be (exc)used as a reason for depriving women of
legal sameness. Please, do think again!And read Klevius Sex and Gender
Tutorial below - if you can!
The Plan of God
A Cardinal, a Pope and a Justice "from medieval times"
Keith O'Brien has reiterated the Catholic Church's continued
opposition to civil partnerships and suggested that there should be no
laws that "facilitate" same-sex relationships, which he claimed were
"harmful", arguing that “The empirical evidence is clear, same-sex
relationships are demonstrably harmful to the medical, emotional and
spiritual wellbeing of those involved, no compassionate society should
ever enact legislation to facilitate or promote such relationships, we
have failed those who struggle with same-sex attraction and wider
society by our actions.”
Four male members of the Scottish Catholic clergy allegedly claim that
Keith O'Brien had abused his position as a member of the church
hierarchy by making unwanted homosexual advances towards them in the
Keith O'Brien criticized the concept of same-sex marriage saying it
would shame the United Kingdom and that promoting such things would
degenerate society further.
Pope Francis, aka Jorge Bergoglio: Same-sex is a destructive
pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere
bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to
confuse and deceive the children of God." He has also insisted that
adoption by gay and lesbian people is a form of discrimination against
children. This position received a rebuke from Argentine president
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who said the church's tone was
reminiscent of "medieval times and the Inquisition".
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 'Sex' is a dirty word, so let's use 'gender' instead!
Klevius: Let's not!
As previously and repeatedly pointed out by Klevius, the treacherous use
of 'gender' instead of 'sex' is not only confusing but deliberately so.
So when Jewish Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg proposed gender' as a
synonyme for 'sex' (meaning biological sex) she also helped to shut the
door for many a young girl's/woman's possibilities to climb outside the
gender cage.
The Universal Human Rights declaration clearly states that your
biological sex should not be referred to as an excuse for limiting your
Islam (now represented by OIC and its Sharia declaration) is the
worst and most dangerous form of sex segregation - no matter in how
modern clothing it's presented!
Klevius Sex and Gender Tutorial
What is 'gender' anyway?
(text randomly extracted from some scientific writings by Klevius)
It might be argued that it is the
developing girl, not the grown up woman, who is the most receptive to
new experience, but yet is also the most vulnerable. Therefore we need to address the analysis of the tyranny of gender before
the point at where it's already too late. I prefer to use
the term ‘female’ instead of ‘woman’, when appropriate in
this discussion. I also prefer not to define women in relation to
men, i.e. in line with the word 'universal' in the Human Rights
Declaration. In short, I propose 'gender blindness' equally as, for
example, 'color blindness'.
According to Connell (2003:184), it is an old and
disreputable habit to define women mainly on the basis of their
relation to men. Moreover, this approach may also constitute a
possible cause of confusion when compared to a definition of ‘gender’
which emphasizes social relations on the basis of ‘reproductive
To really grasp the absurdity of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's and
others habit of confusing 'gender' with 'sex' one may consider that
“normal” women live in the same gender trap tyranny as do transsexuals.
The definition of ‘acquired gender’ is described in a guidance for/about transsexuals as:
people have the deep conviction that the gender to which they were
assigned at birth on the basis of their physical anatomy (referred to as
their “birth gender”) is incorrect. That conviction will often lead
them to take steps to present themselves to the world in the opposite
gender. Often, transsexual people will undergo hormonal or surgical
treatment to bring their physical identity into line with their
preferred gender identity.
This evokes the extinction of the
feminine or women as directly dependent on the existence of the
masculine or men. Whereas the feminine cannot be defined without the
masculine, the same applies to women who cannot be defined - only
described - without men.
Female footballers, for example - as
opposed to feminine footballers, both male and female - are, just like
the target group of feminism, by definition distinguished by sex.
Although this classification is a physical segregation – most often
based on a delivery room assessment made official and not at all taking
into account physical size, strength, skills etc. - other aspects of sex
difference, now usually called ‘gender’, seem to be layered on top of
this dichotomy. This review departs from the understanding that there
are two main categories that distinguish females, i.e. the physical sex
belonging, for example, that only biological women may participate in a
certain competition, and the cultural sex determination, for example
that some sports are less ‘feminine’ than others.
‘Gender’, is
synonymous with sex segregation, given that the example of participation
on the ground of one’s biological sex is simply a rule for a certain
agreed activity and hence not sex segregation in the form of stipulated
or assumed separatism. Such sex segregation is still common even in
societies which have prescribed to notions of general human freedom
regardless of sex and in accordance with Human Rights. This is because
of a common consensus that sex segregation is ‘good’ although its
effects are bad.
In Durkheim’s (1984: 142) view such ‘organized
despotism’ is where the individual and the collective consciousness are
almost the same. Then sui generis, a new life may be added on to that of
the main body. As a consequence, this freer and more independent state
progresses and consolidates itself (Durkheim 1984: 284).
consensus may also rest on an imbalance that is upheld and may even
strengthen precisely as an effect of the initial imbalance. In such a
case ‘organized despotism’ becomes the means for conservation. As a
consequence, the only alternative would be to ease restrictions, which
is something fundamentally different from proposing how people should
live their lives. ‘Organized despotism’ in this meaning may apply to
gender and to sex segregation as well.
According to Connell
(2003) whose confused view may be closer to that of Justice Ginsburg,
gender is neither biology, nor a fixed dichotomy, but it has a special
relation to the human body mirrored in a ‘general perception’. Cultural
patterns do not only mirror bodily differences. Gender is ‘a structure’
of social relations/practices concentrated to ‘the reproductive arena’,
and a series of due practices in social processes. That is, gender
describes how society relates to the human body, and has due
consequences for our private life and for the future of wo/mankind
(Connell 2003:21-22).
Gender is neither biology, nor a fixed
dichotomy, but it has a special relation to the human body mirrored in a
“general perception.” What is wrong with this view is the thought that
cultural patterns only mirror bodily differences. Gender is “a
structure” of social relations/practices concentrated to “the
reproductive arena”, and a series of due practices in the social
processes. I.e. it describes how society relates to the human body, and
due consequences to our private life and for the future of wo/mankind
(Connell 2003:21-22). The main problem here involves how to talk without
... sex should properly refer to the biological aspects
of male and female existence. Sex differences should therefore only be
used to refer to physiology, anatomy, genetics, hormones and so forth.
Gender should properly be used to refer to all the non‑biological
aspects of differences between males and females ‑ clothes, interests,
attitudes, behaviours and aptitudes, for example ‑ which separate
'masculine' from 'feminine' life styles (Delamont 1980: 5 in Hargreaves
The distinction between sex and gender implied in
these quotations, however, does not seem to resolve the issue precisely
because it fails to offer a tool for discriminating biological aspects
of differences from non-biological, i.e. cultural. This is also
reflected in everyday life “folk categories of sex and gender” which
(most?) often appear to be used as if they were the same. Although
'masculine' and 'feminine' are social realities, there is a mystique
about their being predetermined by biology” (ibid). Furthermore the very
relational meaning of ‘gender’ seems to constitute a too an obvious
hiding place for essentialism based on sex. Apart from being
‘structure’, as noted above, gender is, according to Connell, all about
relations (2003:20). However, if there are none, or if the relations are
excluding, the concept of sex segregation may be even more useful.
seems that 'masculine' and 'feminine’ in this definition of gender is
confusingly close to the ‘mystique about their being predetermined by
biology’ when compared to the ‘reproductive arena’ and ‘reproductive
differences’ in Connell’s definition of gender. However, although
gender, according to Connell (2003: 96), may also be ‘removed’ the
crucial issue is whether those who are segregated really want to de-sex
segregate? As long as the benefits of a breakout are not clearly
assessable, the possible negative effects may undermine such efforts.
to Connell (2003:20) the very key to the understanding of gender is not
to focus on differences, but, instead, to focus on relations. In fact,
this distinction is crucial here because relations, contrary to
differences, are mutually dependent. Whatever difference existing
between the sexes is meaningless unless it is connected via a relation.
On the one hand, big male muscles can hardly be of relational use other
than in cases of domestic violence, and on the other hand, wage gaps
cannot be identified without a comparative relation to the other sex.
determinism is influential in the general discourse of sports academia
(Hargreaves 1994:8). However, what remains to analyse is whether
‘gender’ is really a successful concept for dealing with biological
‘To explain the cultural at the level of the
biological encourages the exaggeration and approval of analyses based on
distinctions between men and women, and masks the complex relationship
between the biological and the cultural’ (Hargreaves 1994:8).
another example: to explain the cultural (driver) at the level of the
technical (type of car) encourages the exaggeration and approval of
analyses based on distinctions between cars, and masks the complex
relationship between the car and the driver. However, also the contrary
seems to hold true;. that the cultural (driver/gender) gets tied to the
technical/biological. The ‘complex relationship’ between the car and the
driver is easily avoided by using similar1 cars, hence making the
driver more visible. In a sex/gender setting the ‘complex relationship’
between sex and gender is easily avoided by distinguishing between sex
and culture2, hence making culture more visible. The term ‘culture’,
unlike the term ‘gender’ clearly tries to avoid the ‘complex
relationship’ between biology and gender. The ‘complex relationship’
makes it, in fact, impossible to distinguish between them. On top of
this comes the ‘gender relation’ confusion, which determines people to
have ‘gender relations’, i.e. to be opposite or separate.
kind of gender view is popular, perhaps because it may serve as a
convenient way out from directly confronting the biology/culture
distinction, and seems to be the prevalent trend, to the extent that
‘gender’ has conceptually replaced ‘sex’, leading to the consequence
that the latter has become more or less self-evident and thus almost
beyond scrutiny. In other words, by using ‘gender’ as a sign for ‘the
complex relationship between the biological and the cultural’,
biological determinism becomes more difficult to access analytically.
is neither biology, nor a fixed dichotomy, but it has a special
relation to the human body mirrored in a ‘general perception.’ What is
problematic with this view is the thought that cultural patterns only
mirror bodily differences. Gender is ‘a structure’ of social
relations/practices concentrated to ‘the reproductive arena’, and a
series of due practices in social processes. That is, it describes how
society relates to the human body and has due consequences to our
private life and for the future of wo/mankind (Connell 2003: 21-22). The
main problem here involves how to talk sex without gender:
should properly refer to the biological aspects of male and female
existence. Sex differences should therefore only be used to refer to
physiology, anatomy, genetics, hormones and so forth. Gender should
properly be used to refer to all the nonbiological aspects of
differences between males and females clothes, interests, attitudes,
behaviours and aptitudes, for example which separate 'masculine' from
'feminine' lifestyles’ (Delamont 1980 quoted in Hargreaves 1994: 146).
distinction between sex and gender implied in these quotations,
however, does not seem to resolve the issue, precisely because it fails
to offer a tool for discriminating biological aspects of differences
from non-biological ones, i.e. those that are cultural. This is also
reflected in everyday life. ‘Folk’ categories of sex and gender often
appear to be used as if they were the same thing. Although 'masculine'
and 'feminine' are social realities, there is a mystique about their
being predetermined by biology. Furthermore the very relational meaning
of ‘gender’ seems to constitute a too obvious hiding place for a brand
of essentialism based on sex. Apart from being ‘structure’, as noted
above, gender is, according to Connell (2003:20), all about relations.
However, if there are none - or if the relations are excluding - the
concept of sex segregation may be even more useful.
In Connell’s
analysis, however, gender may also be removed (Connell 2003:96). In this
respect and as a consequence, gender equals sex segregation. In fact it
seems that the 'masculine' and 'feminine’, in the definition of gender
above, are confusingly close to the ‘mystique about their being
predetermined by biology’ when compared to the ‘reproductive arena’ and
‘reproductive differences’ in Connell’s (2003:21) definition of gender.
The elusiveness of gender seems to reveal a point of focus rather than a
thorough-going conceptualization. So, for example, in traditional
Engels/Marx thinking the family’s mediating formation between class and
state excludes the politics of gender (Haraway 1991: 131).
What's a Woman?
What is a Woman? Moi (1999) attacks the concept of gender while still
emphasizing the importance of the concept of the feminine and a strong
self-conscious (female) subject that combines the personal and the
theoretical within it. Moi (1999: 76), hence, seems to propose a loose
sex/gender axis resting on a rigid womanhood based on women’s context
bound, lived experience outside the realm of men’s experience.
I share Moi’s suggestion for abandoning the category of gender, her
analysis seems to contribute to a certain confusion and to an almost
incalculable theoretical abstraction in the sex/gender distinction
because it keeps maintaining sex segregation without offering a
convincing defence for it. Although gender, for example, is seen as a
nature-culture distinction, something that essentializes non-essential
differences between women and men, the same may be said about Moi’s
approach if we understand her ‘woman’ as, mainly, the mainstream
biological one usually classified (prematurely) in the delivery room. If
the sexes live in separate spheres, as Moi’s analysis seems to imply,
the lived, contextual experience of women appears as less suitable for
pioneering on men’s territory.
This raises the question about
whether the opening up of new frontiers for females may demand the
lessening or even the absence of femininity (and masculinity). In fact,
it is believed here that the ‘liminal state’ where social progression
might best occur, is precisely that. Gender as an educated ‘facticity’
then, from this point of view, will inevitably enter into a state of
world view that adds itself onto the ‘lived body’ as a constraint.
is assumed here that we commonly conflate constructs of sex, gender,
and sexuality. When sex is defined as the ‘biological’ aspects of male
and female, then this conceptualization is here understood as purely
descriptive. When gender is said to include social practices organized
in relation to biological sex (Connell 1987), and when gender refers to
context/time-specific and changeable socially constructed relationships
of social attributes and opportunities learned through socialization
processes, between women and men, this is also here understood as
descriptive. However, when description of gender transforms into active
construction of gender, e.g. through secrets about its analytical gain,
it subsequently transforms into a compulsory necessity. Gendering hence
may blindfold gender-blind opportunities.
In conclusion, if
gender is here understood as a social construct, then is not coupled to
sex but to context, and dependent on time. Also it is here understood
that every person may possess not only one but a variety of genders.
Even if we consider gender to be locked together with the life history
of a single individual the above conceptualization makes a single,
personal gender impossible, longitudinally as well as contemporaneously.
Whereas gender is constructive and deterministic, sex is descriptive
and non-deterministic. In this sense, gender as an analytical tool
leaves little room for the Tomboy.
The Tomboy - a threat to "femininity"
with what is assumed ‘feminine’ threatens established or presumed sex
segregation. What is perceived as ‘masculinity’ or ‘maleness’ in women,
as a consequence, may only in second place, target homosexuality. In
accordance with this line of thought, the Tomboy embodies both the
threat and the possibilities for gendered respectively gender-blind
opportunity structures.
The Tomboy is the loophole out of gender
relations. Desires revealed through sport may have been with females
under the guise of a different identity, such as that of the Tomboy
(Kotarba & Held 2007: 163). Girls throw balls ‘like girls’ and do
not tackle like boys because of a female perception of their bodies as
objects of action (Young 2000:150 cited in Kotarba & Held 2007:
However, when women lacking experience of how to act in an
effective manner in sport are taught about how to do, they have no
problem performing, quite contrary to explaining shortcomings as due to
innate causes (Kotarba & Held 2007: 157). This is also opposite to
the experiences of male-to-female transsexuals who through thorough
exercise learn how to feminisize their movements (Schrock & Boyd
2006:53-55). Although, according to Hargreaves (1994), most separatist
sports philosophies have been a reaction to dominant ideas about the
biological and psychological predispositions of men and women,
supposedly rendering men 'naturally suited to sports, and women, by
comparison, essentially less suited (Hargreaves 1994:29-30), the
opposite may also hold true. Separatism per definition needs to separate
and this separation is often based on biological differences, be it
skin colour, sex or something else.
From this perspective, the
Tomboy would constitute a theoretical anomaly in a feminine separatist
setting. Although her physical body would possibly qualify what makes
her a Tomboy would not.
The observation that in mixed
playgrounds, and in other areas of the school environment, boys
monopolize the physical space (Hargreaves 1994:151) may lack the
additional notion that certain boys dominate and certain boys do not.
Sports feminists have 'politicized' these kinds of experience by drawing
connections between ideas and practice (Hargreaves 1994:3) but because
of a separatist approach may exclude similar experience among parts of
the boys. Moreover, a separatist approach is never waterproof and may
hence leak Tomboy girls without a notion.
Femininity and feminism
Feminism and psychoanalysis as oppressors
to Collier and Yanagisako (1987), Henrietta Moore (1994) and other
feminist anthropologists, patriarchal dominance is an inseparable
socially inherited part of the conventional family system. This implicit
suggestion of radical surgery does not, however, count on unwanted
secondary effects neither on the problem with segregated or
non-segregated sex-worlds. If, in other words, oppression is related to
gender segregation rather than patriarchy, or perhaps that patriarchy is
a product of sex segregation, then there seems to be a serious problem
of intellectual survival facing feminists themselves. If feminism1 is to
be understood as an approach and/or analytical tool for separatism2,
those feminists and others who propose not only analytical segregation
but also practical segregation, face the problem of possible oppression
inherent in this very segregation (Klevius 1994, 1996). In this sense
oppression is related to sex segregation in two ways:
1. As a means for naming it (feminism) for an analytical purpose. 2.
As a social consequence or political strategy (e.g. negative bias
against female football or a separatist strategy for female football).
is notable that the psychoanalytic movement has not only been
contemporary with feminism, but it has also followed (or led) the same
pattern of concern and proposed warnings and corrections that has marked
the history of ‘feminism’ in the 20th century. According to S. Freud,
the essence of the analytic profession is feminine and the psychoanalyst
‘a woman in love’ (L. Appignanesi & J. Forrester 1992:189). But
psychoanalytically speaking, formalized sex and sex segregation also
seem to have been troublesome components in the lives of female
psychoanalysts struggling under a variety of assumed, but irreconcilable
femininities and professional expectations.
In studying the
history of feminism one inevitably encounters what is called ‘the
women’s movement’. While there is a variety of different feminisms, and
because the borders between them, as well as to what is interpreted as
the women’s rights movement, some historians, incl. Klevius, question
the distinction and/or methods in use for this distinction. However,
it could also be argued that whereas the women’s right movement may be
distinguished by its lack of active separatism within the proposed
objectives of the movement, feminism ought to be distinguished as a
multifaceted separatist movement based on what is considered feminine
values, i.e. what is implied by the very word ‘feminism’3. From this
perspective the use of the term ‘feminism’ before the last decades of
the 19th century has to be re-evaluated, as has every such usage that
does not take into account the separatist nature underpinning all
feminisms. Here it is understood that the concept ‘feminism’, and its
derivatives, in every usage implies a distinction based on separating
the sexes - e.g. addressing inequality or inequity - between male and
female (see discussion above). So although ’feminism’ and ‘feminisms’
would be meaningless without such a separation, the ‘women’s rights
movement’, seen as based on a distinct aim for equality with men in
certain legal respects, e.g. the right to vote, could be described as
the opposite, i.e. de-segregation, ‘gender blindness’ etc.
As a
consequence the use of the word feminism in a context where it seems
inappropriate is here excepted when the authors referred to have decided
to do so. The feminist movement went back to Mary Wollstonecraft and to
some French revolutionaries of the end of the eighteenth century, but
it had developed slowly. In the period 1880 to 1900, however, the
struggle was taken up again with renewed vigour, even though most
contemporaries viewed it as idealistic and hopeless. Nevertheless, it
resulted in ideological discussions about the natural equality or
non-equality of the sexes, and the psychology of women. (Ellenberger
1970: 291-292).
Not only feminist gynocentrists, but also
anti-feminist misogynists contributed with their own pronouncements on
the woman issue. In 1901, for example, the German psychiatrist Moebius
published a treatise, On the Physiological Imbecility of Woman,
according to which, woman is physically and mentally intermediate
between the child and man (see Ellenberger 1970:292). However, according
to the underlying presumption of this thesis, i.e. that the borders
between gynocentrism and misogyny are not well understood, these two
approaches are seen as more or less synonymous. Such a view also
confirms with a multitude of points in common between psychoanalysis and
feminism. As was argued earlier, the main quality of separatism and
‘complementarism’ is an insurmountable border, sometimes contained under
the titles: love, desire etc.