Peter Klevius was the first (1992-94) to solve consciousness, and the first (1992) to point out the mongoloid (cold adaptation) link between the Jinniushan fossil in China and Khoisan people in Africa.
* Instead of pegging all dollars to
gold, US 1944 forced through that the world dollar should be pegged to
the US dollar and the US dollar to gold. Moreover, the custody of the
world dollar as well as over the US dollar was then handed over to a
secretive undemocratic authoritarian dictatorship called the Feds, which
criminal activity has been blessed by every US government since, simply
because the Feds shut their mouths with fiat dollar the rest of the
world had to pay for (US is therefore the only country that can prosper
while having constant trade deficit).
** 1971 US criminally
stopped pegging the US dollar to gold, which in effect meant that the
world's biggest financial fraud ever started rolling - while poorer
people and countries had to pay the heaviest burden.
gold (or any fixed) standard "is supposed to run by itself"* - that's
why the world's monetary dictator, US Feds, has opposed it indirectly
since 1944 and directly since 1971.
* Quote by Alan Greenspan.
the 1980's US occupied Japan produced more than 70% of the world's
industrial robots (Sweden's Asea had most of the rest in cooperation
with Japan), and was projected to surpass US as the world's largest
economy. Japan also developed the best computers (incl. laptops) and an
OS far better than Microsoft's. However, US used all its stolen hegemony
means and its power as the occupier, to take Japan down in the 1990s.
Today we have a ten times bigger unoccupied (except for Taiwan)
meritocratic and with controlled capitalism integrated China whose
talent pool and due technological superiority inevitably challenges US
stolen dollar hegemony! This is why US now is the worst threat to a free
and more evenly prospering world. Sadly, today Japan is a useful idiot
"ally" in US (in vain) destructive and dangerous efforts to do the same
with China as it did with Japan in the 1990s - together with EU.
However, EU will soon realize it's a milk cow, not an ally for US. US
panicked when EU and Russia increased cooperation - so US blow up the
Nord Stream gas pipes and inflamed the war in Ukraine by threatening to
place US nukes on Russia's borders.
Ignorant media people rant
about "China never surpassing US", which is blatantly true if you use
nominla GDP as a measure. China could theoretically under certain
circumstances attain parity but never exceed US "nominal dollar GDP"*
simply because the US dollar is its own peg!
The world's oldest paper money comes from China and is some 1,400 years old.
So why is this economic idiot (or worse?) at Oxford?! If he is an idiot he is of course excused but his caricature of China seems more in line with $-thieve (since 1971) US anti-China smear campaign than contributing to peace and prosperity.
whether China's "cooling economy" can still overtake the U.S. in the
coming years, University of Oxford China Centre economist George Magnus
told Newsweek that since 2020, the gap between the U.S. and Chinese GDPs
has widened from about $5 trillion to $10 trillion in nominal terms.
"This as U.S. nominal GDP has grown at a compound rate of about 6.75
percent and China's at 6 percent. If this keeps going, China will never
catch up the U.S.," he said.
"There's now a rising chance, I'd
say, that the great crossover will not happen at all," Magnus said. Data
from top financial institutions like the World Bank show the gap
between the two largest economies widened further last year. China's
economy was just two-thirds the size of its geopolitical rival, down
from 70 percent in 2022 and 76 percent in 2021.
Peter Klevius:
What absolute load of nonsense! China, the world's by far biggest
manufacturer and technological innovator, with the world's largest
market and talent pool is way agead of US - and accelerating! Magnus is
totally missing the most basic, i.e. that nominal dollar GDP is now
pegged to US Feds' stolen (1971) fiat dollar, i.e. no country can per
definition surpass the peg, i.e. US, as long as trust in the dollar
prevails, even without any US production whatsoever - because of US
criminal deed when it divided (i.e. stole) the agreed* world currency in
one fpr US and a separate for the rest of the world, while both are
controlled by the secretive and undemocratic Feds! First the Feds pushed
up the interest rate so to "plane" the shock wave inside US in a way
that severely hurt the rest of the world. Already the original 1944
Bretton Woods agreement - not with the world but with US "allies" in a
descending order - gave US an "exorbitant privilege" - instead of pegged
to gold directly the world dollar was pegged to the US dollar which in
turn was supposed to be pegged to gold - which US further abused through
embezzlement so to be able to pay for its wars and arms/space race with
Russia. And when France asked to exchange its dollars for gold as
promised, the Feds ordered Nixon 1971 to tell the world that US won't
pay its debt, and on the contrary would continue on the lucrative but
deeply criminal path.
* Over
the heads of the rest of the world. And although UK was given the m,ost
favorable position outside US, now the US per capita is some $86,000
while UK is $51,000.
Comparison US vs China
Here's a similar economic idiot (or worse?).
Is Diana Choyleva, at Enodo, London, the worst financial analyst 2012-2021?
For long she's got it 100% wrong about China. Tossing a coin would only be 50% wrong, right!
Comparison US vs UK
GDP per capita is gross domestic
product divided by midyear population. GDP is the sum of gross value
added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes
and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is
calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated
assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are
in current U.S. dollars.
U.K. gdp per capita for 2022 was $46,125, a 1.59% decline from 2021.
U.K. gdp per capita for 2021 was $46,870, a 16.54% increase from 2020.
U.K. gdp per capita for 2020 was $40,217, a 5.73% decline from 2019.
U.K. gdp per capita for 2019 was $42,663, a 1.25% decline from 2018.
U.S. gdp per capita for 2022 was $76,330, a 8.7% increase from 2021.
U.S. gdp per capita for 2021 was $70,219, a 10.53% increase from 2020.
U.S. gdp per capita for 2020 was $63,529, a 2.44% decline from 2019.
U.S. gdp per capita for 2019 was $65,120, a 3.66% increase from 2018.
The religious tendency of US politics is the real danger
Senate passed an important package of bills to provide military aid to
Ukraine and Israel, which also included military aid to the island of
Taiwan and a "divestment-or-ban" measure on TikTok.
During the process
of passing these bills regarding geopolitical issues, it is worrisome
that some US legislators have reemphasized God as a core Anglo-Saxon
value, giving the bills a veneer of religious duty in order to win
When the Israel aid bill was being debated on the House
floor, US House Speaker Mike Johnson disturbingly called for support
with religious fervor, declaring, "We understand that that's our role.
It's also our biblical admonition. This is something that's an article
of faith for us. It also happens to be great foreign policy." He also
told Newsmax last week that, "For those of us who are believers, It's a
Biblical admonition to stand with Israel."
In a recent article,
the New York Times said Johnson was shocked by the war stories he heard
in meetings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and others, "all
of it tugged at Mr Johnson's sense of Christian faith."
religiosity of US politics and foreign policy is not a new issue, but at
a time when the US is stepping up its forceful aid to Ukraine and
Israel, and using legal programs to push China as its main rival or
potential enemy, such statements fuel people's concerns about the
dangers of a clash of civilizations in US global strategy.
of achieving Washington's stated goal of maintaining a peaceful order,
the use of religious beliefs to rally support will trigger a wider
ethnic and faith-based divide, including within the US.
framing of the Israel-Palestine conflict as a sacred mission by some US
politicians has been a dangerous simplification of the Middle East
issue, which is a complex mix of nationalism, territorial disputes,
historical disputes and international law.
This simplification is
not only intellectually lazy, irrational and short of the basic
qualities required in today's world politics, but also diplomatically
reckless and hegemonic. It reduces the richness and diversity of human
civilization to a black-and-white narrative, which is bound to further
destabilize the pluralistic international community under globalization
and trigger a sharper clash of civilizations with the West.
"clash of civilizations" theory, which gained popularity in the 1990s,
suggests that the main sources of global conflict will be culture and
religion. While this view is attractive because of its simplicity, it is
also highly misleading. By transforming the complex, diverse structure
of global society into a single, essentially antagonistic entity, it
essentially calls for preparations for conflict that could ultimately
make the prophecy a reality.
The push to pass the bills by
emphasizing "common God" reflects a disturbing trend in American
politics, that politicians lack a truly inspiring vision and have to
cling to Anglo-Saxon white supremacist religious views to rally people.
approach has also deepened the rift between groups of young Americans
who are no longer as absolutely devoted to their religious beliefs as
their parents were. One of the main reasons for the student
demonstrations and protests that are currently taking place in the US is
their opposition to the moral violations in American foreign policy.
the demonstrations, we saw that the younger generation in the US is
more inclined toward multiculturalism and supports equality and
tolerance among different cultures, religions and races. This is a
departure from the traditional values that place more emphasis on
Western culture and Christian dominance.
This is, of course, why
American politicians are raising the banner of God to gain support. They
see change and realize what such change means, which makes it necessary
for them to be more insistent in embedding a strong sense of
civilizational superiority in national policy bills.
This trend
reveals a deeper, more central and long-standing problem in US foreign
policy: Washington's latent, hard-to-remove discrimination and even
hatred of civilizations that are perceived as "other."
When US
leaders use the flag of God to gain support for their foreign policy,
they are bound to be biased, create more tension, force more countries
to take sides and make it difficult for this pluralistic world to live
in harmony. Politicians in Washington will eventually find that they
will also lead the US into the trap of a self-fulfilling prophecy of a
clash of civilizations with no end in sight.
* UK has for long been
dictatorially ruled by an authoritarian party's with only a quarter of
the seats according tp polls among UK voters - and the Tories' worst
militant and warmongering wing (Tom Tugendhat, Alicia Kearns etc.) is
only a minor part of the party!
the West's biggest fake media Goebbelian BBC on Wednesday 22:00 "news"
corrected a Jew named Aron who defended the Palestinians and the protest
at Colombia University in US and dared to accuse Israel of genocide
excused by the 7 October attack.. According to BBC's female reporter
"some might take issue" with calling the slaughtering of 34,000
Palestinians genocide!
China, far ahead of US, is developing silent and supersonic submarines*
- as well as a system that can detect and follow any of US stealthiest
submarines - UK is throwing its last money in the sea on threatening
stone age projects like Aukus and Trident, instead of doing the right
thing, i.e. cooperating with China.
* Because US aggression has forced China to spend more money on defense than it would otherwise have done!
And the only beneficiaries is the military industry and people with stakes in it.
The biggest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War is dollar thieve (1971) US.
Undemocratic $-freeloader desperado US authoritarian dictatorship over occupied West and occupied Japan enriches only US.
most people haven't realizedd, but US leadership sees clearly, is that
China is already ahead* in all tech branches, and that the gap will
accelerate to widen.
* China's temporary shortage of today's
"high end" chips from China (Taiwan) is due to US criminal actions, but
will soon be replaced with mainland China's superior chips of the
future, compare e.g. China's advancement with the world's first
functioning analogue photonic chip which increases speed and reduces
energy consumption in multiple magnitudes. It's ready for scaled up
So no matter how much China is "contained", the
superiority of its products will inevitably leak out to people in the
West - with due political consequences.
Moreover, the share size
and homogenity of the Chinese people - who btw, also possess the highest
IQ* on the planet - is out of reach for rogue state US. And the "aging
problem" will turned a no-problem because of the high speed of Chinese
AI applications.
* The downfallen West under the
authoritarian $-freeloader and criminal embezzler (since the illegal
part of money printing started 1971) US, is now an accomplice to a
slaughtering of innocent people on a scale on the Rwanda genocide - with
US weapon support instead of machetes.
state $-freeloader US (since its dollar theft 1971) cynically uses
islamists as proxies for its own state terrorism around the globe -
especially against China. And when these US backed terrorists raped,
slaughtered, beheaded, burned alive etc. atrocities against civilians
(incl. children and women) on an even bigger scale in China than in
Israel, then US called the Uyghur perpetrators "freedom fighters" and
accused the still alive Chinese victims for "genocide" when they
imprisoned the perpetrators and started de-radicalization programs
against sharia/jihadi Uyghurs instead of, as Israel is doing,
slaughtering them and committing real genocide.
when islamists don't fit US agenda they're transformed from "freedom
fighters" to declared terrorists. And when US declares something then
the rest of the West happily obeys the gang leader no matter how
obviously evil the direction is.
Don't fool yourself! US (and its
tiny militantly barking puppet Brexit-UK - which created the problem in
the first place) has since 1967 actively participated in the genocide
against Palestinians by giving weapons and military assistance to the
war criminal Israel!
Deuteronomy 20:16-18 in the Bible: “You
are not to leave even one person alive in the cities of these nations
that the Lord your God is about to give you as an inheritance. You must
completely destroy the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the
Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, just as the Lord your God
commanded you, so they won’t teach you to do all the detestable things
that they do for their gods. If you do what they teach you, you will sin
against the Lord your God.”
Just like islam itself could
have been castrated from Human Rights violating sharia-islamism, instead
of being supported by the US led West, Hamas - after being
democratically elected by a wide margin in an election approved by EU -
could have been dismantled in a process including a two state solution.
Moreover, Hamas even asked for it and abandoned its 1988 anti-jewish
In the 25 January 2006 Palestinian legislative election,
Hamas won 74 or 76 seats of the 132 seats in the Palestinian
Legislative Council, an absolute majority. Fatah only won 43, four seats
went to independents supporting Hamas. The elections were judged by
international observers to have been "competitive and genuinely
democratic". The EU said that they had been run better than elections in
some member countries of the EU, and promised to maintain its financial
support.[181] Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates
urged the US to give Hamas a chance, and that it was inadvisable to
punish Palestinians for their choice, a position also endorsed by the
Arab League a month later.
After these elections, the Hamas leader
sent a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush, declaring, among other
things, that Hamas would accept a state on the 1967 borders including "a
truce for many years." However, the Bush administration did not
reply.[193] Early February 2006, Hamas also offered Israel a ten-year
truce "in return for a complete Israeli withdrawal from the occupied
Palestinian territories: the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East
Jerusalem,"and recognition of Palestinian rights including the "right of
return". But Hamas leader Mashal added that Hamas was not calling for a
final end to armed operations against Israel, and it would not impede
other Palestinian groups from carrying out such operations.
conducted in September 2023 found that support for Hamas among
Palestinians was around 27–31%, i.e. still enough to be the biggest
party in most Western "democracies". However, it also revealed a
de-islamization among Palestinians. Moreover, the worst atrocities
starting the 2023 war, US pushed the European Parliament to pass a
motion stating the need for Hamas to be eliminated. Hamas was accused of
having committed genocide against Israelis on 7 October 2023.
seems US could allow Israel even to burn all Palestinians if they liked
to, but would caution to "think again before you do it" and "let food
supplies in to those still alive".
US has historically as well as now heavily subsidized Israel's armed atrocities.
Narea: US aid has helped build up Israeli weapons capacity, and human
rights groups have documented incidents in which those weapons were used
in the commission of war crimes and unlawful attacks in Gaza even
before the war broke out.
“We’ve called for all states to end all
forms of complicity in those crimes, including suspending military
assistance, so long as these crimes are being perpetrated,” said Omar
Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch.
In a
2021 outbreak of violence, for instance, Human Rights Watch documented
three airstrikes in Gaza in which 62 Palestinian civilians were killed
where there were “no evident military targets in the vicinity.” Under
international law, only military objectives — not civilians or civilian
“objects” — can be targeted. In two of those attacks, American munitions
were used.
“Although Israel now has its own arms and weapons
industry, US military aid obviously still plays an important role, and
we regularly see the US going even beyond its significant provision of
military aid and upping the provision of services when there’s outbreaks
of hostilities,” Shakir said.
That’s happening again amid the Gaza war.
may welcome that support as a “statement of diplomatic and political
solidarity,” Beinin said, but “it won’t be critical in terms of what
Israel is about to do now — unless they fire so many bullets that they
run out of them.”
The show of US support could deter potential
actors in the region who could escalate the conflict, such as Iran and
Hezbollah, the Islamist militant group based in Lebanon. But it could
also stir anti-US sentiment in the Middle East as neighboring countries
witness the death and destruction wreaked by Israeli forces in Gaza.
tightness and breadth of this relationship … have made the US a target
when faced with Israeli excesses,” Hanna said. “It is hard for the US to
distance itself in any way from Israeli military operations.”
Klevius: The basis for my aversion against Sionism and orthodox
"monotheist" religions is the built-in racism and sexism, and due
incompatibility with Human Rights.
Theocracies in the world today
The dictator ruled undemocratic Saudi Arabia was, like Israel, born a true theocracy.
Democratic Israel is entirely ruled by Zionist parties, and was born a true theocracy.
Democratic Iran has many religious officials in powerful governmental positions. The head of state, or "Supreme Leader" has - just as the theocratic Supreme Court in US - more power than the president. However, Iran wasn't born a muslim theocracy.
Democratic "in god we trust" US also has many religious officials in powerful governmental positions. The head of state, the 100% religious "Supreme Court", has more power than the president who is also always religious. While the US by some isn't considered a theocracy, it was definitely born as such. While the Establishment Clause of the Constitution mentions separation between church and state, this was simultaneously nullified with the establishment of the Supreme Court on a religious foundation. Moreover, shadow theocrats have infiltrated all systems of law and government and are rapidly regressing the rule of law in the US.
* Finland is in the lowest tier in the F-35 program. Moreover, Finland has stupidly signed a DCA "agreement" which welcomes the worst warmongering stae in the world to secretly occupy huge areas of Finland for use that ultimately US decides - without having to inform Finland.
$-freeloader (since 1971-) rogue state (and now desperate because it knows China will beat it badly technologically and economically which will leave US in the dust and bankruptcy) US sticks to its guns and "allies" to prolong* its stolen dollar hegemony (see below).
* Ironically the world's most expensive nuke attack program is part of a deadly nuclear weapons system officially called "life extension program"!
To understand the extreme downfall of the US led West just as an
example consider: Today, in line with its usual fake media reporting,
BBC repeatedly reported about 13 dead in Ukraine with long discussions
etc. about more weapons - but not a single mentioning of at least 40
Palestinians (incl. many children) killed by Israel today! This pattern
has gone on for half a year.
US could of course instead have taken China's offered hand, but can't take the humiliation to be heavily downgraded and incapable of keeping up its thousand military bases around the globe, financial racketeering etc.
Many countries have already realized that nothing can beat China's success based on meritocracy and controlled capitalism - plus the world's by far biggest organized pool of talent and market.
Peter Klevius wrote:
The insidious illogic of US abuse of "allies" is made for the sole purpose of creating sanctions and tensions in US favor, i.e. to hinder China from eroding US stolen (1971-) hegemony that US has used to rob the world!
How blindfolded - or fascist - has the West really become under its US dictatorship, when it under US command continues to support the most brutal and genocidal Israel regime that not only commits genocide in Gaza but also illegally occupies the West Bank while murdering the Palestinians whose homeland it's supposed to be.
While China tries to build trust and
bridges, the West under $-freeloader rogue state US influence and
coersion, keeps spitting and smearing in a racist manner not seen since
WW2 against a people!
China's Sui Wenjing & Han Cong win pairs gold in Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 to the tune of Bridge over troubled water.
Why we need to fight against Western anti-China propaganda. Peter Klevius correction: China is by far the largest economy in GDP (PPP). US stolen and inflated dollar economy (GDP nominal) has no relevance in comparing countries.
Western liberal democracy would be wrong for China (video from 2011).
British researcher exposes Western propaganda against China
How FREE are Chinese People?
Peter Klevius wrote:
Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.
Peter Klevius has since December 2021 warned about US F-35+B61-12 tactical nuke plans against Murmansk and Leningrad. Only now one day after Sweden signed for Nato, US controlled media reported that F-35 was nuke certified - even though this happened already in October 2023!
Dollar thieve (since 1971) US utilized Finland's old "mongoloid complex"* (see more below) and Sweden's military industry. However, without first luring Finland out of neutrality** Sweden would not have broken its own "neutrality"**!
* After losing its war against Russia together with its Nazi ally Germany, Finland was forgiven its war debt to Russia and started rapidly prospering through commerce with Russia instead of war. Compared to US occupied Germany and Japan, Finland was only "occupied" with a YYA treaty which, unlike Finland's and Sweden's insidious new DCA treaties (which don't explicitly exclude US bring nukes) with US, didn't allow Russian military or its storage of weapons in Finland. As a non-slavic borderland to Russia while connected to the "West" via its history with Sweden, Finland has historically developed a "schizophrenic" view on Russia. As Peter Klevius wrote several decades ago, this became evident after WW2 when US arranged for the Olympic games to take place in Helsinki 1952 and Finland getting the Miss Universe title etc. in US efforts to destabilize Finland's relations with Russia.
** Although both Sweden and Finland have been in close connection with dollar freeloader US, "neutrality" has had a valuable kernel which has benefited both countries and kept Russia less worried.
Finland's worst traitor (or simply just so stupid and easy to manipulate/corrupt?) former PM Sanna Marin should be jailed and tries for high treason instead of jet setting. Why? Because she as PM opened the disastrous chain of events which made Finland transferring from neutrality to US nuke attack platform and therefore also potentially targeted by Russian nukes. Although she didn't have the support from her party or the Finnish people in general, she participated in breaking with previous plan to cooperate on defense with Sweden incl. buying the Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighter jet. Instead she suddenly change everything by buying 64 nuke ready F-35 from US while at the same time starting negotiationns to join Nato. This happened long before the Russian invasion in Ukraine, which was orchestrated by US through a long period since 2014 and culminating in the threat to place US nukes in eastern Ukraine (via Nato membership) contrary to the Budapest memorandum.
China spends 1.6% in defense while focusing mostly on satisfying consumers home and abroad with peaceful manufacturing!
Naive (?) Finnish army parrots US lies about Russia "threatening" to attack through Finland, Sweden and Norway - which scenario is so extremely stupid that a child could understand it when checking the map! Hint, Murmansk is a sea port!
And here's an equally naive (?) Swedish PM shaking hand with the Devil's representative!
A similar but much more powerful bomb called B61-13 is already in the pipeline. US is busy making more dangerous bombs while failing in peaceful manufacturing.
The U.S. Defense Department unexpectedly announced its intention to
develop an additional variant of the B61 nuclear gravity bomb, to be
known as the B61-13.
“Today’s announcement is reflective of a changing security environment and growing threats from potential adversaries,” said John Plumb, assistant secretary of defense for space policy, in an Oct. 27 statement. “The United States has a responsibility to continue to assess and field the capabilities we need to credibly deter and, if necessary, respond to strategic attacks, and assure our allies.”
The Pentagon acknowledged its hope that the B61-13 variant would help catalyze the stagnant retirement process of the B83 megaton gravity bomb.
“The B61-13 will provide the President with additional options against certain harder and large-area military targets, even while the department works to retire legacy systems such as the B83-1,” according to a Pentagon fact sheet.
Members of Congress have strongly resisted retiring the B83, claiming the largest bomb in the U.S. nuclear arsenal at 1.2 megatons is necessary to target hard and deeply buried targets. (See ACT, November 2023.) The Trump administration contributed to this resistance with the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, which called for retaining the B83 bomb, rather than proceeding with its planned retirement. (See ACT, March 2018.)
But the Biden administration aims to follow through on the retirement of the B83. The megaton-class bomb is “of increasingly limited utility, and retiring it does not change the hard and deeply buried target set,” Plumb told Congress last year.
“The case for the B61-13 is strange,” assessed the Federation of American Scientists in an Oct. 27 blog post. “For the past 13 years, the sales pitch for the expensive B61-12 has been that it would replace all other nuclear gravity bombs,” as well as “cover all gravity missions with less collateral damage than large-yield bombs.”
The B61-13 would be deliverable by modern aircraft and have a maximum yield similar to the 360-kiloton B61-7 variant, a massive increase when compared to the most recent 50-kiloton B61-12. The B61-12 is scheduled for initial deployment this year, replacing the 100 B61-3/4 bombs believed to be stationed across Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey under the NATO nuclear sharing mission.
The Defense Department emphasized that the B61-13 would not increase the overall size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. “The number of B61-12s to be produced will be lowered by the same amount as the number of B61-13s produced,” according to the Pentagon fact sheet.
In an Oct. 24 letter to Congress, the Energy Department officially requested to amend its fiscal year 2024 budget request to cover development engineering activities for the B61-13.
Congress Endorses New Nuclear Weapon
Peter Klevius wrote:
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Is this Finland's most dangerous man - or (hopefully) just stupid?
Following the tradition of his mother
who served in the Finnish army and chased the Nazi "allies" out of
Finland, Peter Klevius, who was born long after, now defends Finland
against a desperate* and therefore extremely dangerous and misery
bringing dollar freeloader loser US invasion* and occupation* of
Its dollar hegemony losing US has become a dangerous desperado because
modern China has applied a "guarded capitalism" and an anti-corruption
meritocracy stance that easily trumps US so called "democracy" (although
perhaps not US anti-China demonizing), but more importantly China's
super high tech acceleration is completely out of reach for US (or any
of its "allies"/useful clients) who knows it and therefore behaves
accordingly criminally instead of honestly facing the consequences of
its dollar theft 1971, when US like a dictator violated the Bretton
Woods agreement, which meant that instead of connecting the dollar to
gold as a stable and fair world currency, it became connected to US
trade and debt deficit (US is the only country that - thanks to its
ongoing dollar theft - can prosper despite enormous trade deficit). The
world-dollar became separated in a US-dollar dictated by US, and a
rest-of-the-world-dollar, also dictated by US. The dollar rests on trust
in a thieve, and when that trust starts deteriorating US bonds will get
both negative nominal yield as well as a negative dollar value.
Finnish army proof of assignment to collect information about German Nazi soldiers in northern Finland 1945
WW2 Kirsti moved to Sweden and, while working full time, founded a
lively society for helping and entertaining Finns who immigrated to
Sweden from the poor and war torn Finland. Kirsti also founded Tukholman
Sanomat (Stockholm Newspaper).
Finland's president Sauli Niinistö asks for US nukes on the Russian border. Is he dement or something?!
To be an enemy of US is dangerous - to be a friend is didsastrous.
For US only one thing matters - China.
to be able to shoot Russia in the back with missiles planted in
Finland, Ukraine, Norway, Turkey etc., US can concentrate on its main
attack against China.
And this would be extremely dangerous for Finland. Even a child could tell.
is rapidly both declining and getting more dangerous by the day because
of China's technological and financial growth which has put bare the
fact that US has been stealing money from the rest of the world since
1971 when Nixon signed the biggest financial fraud ever made on planet
US isn't the American continents! Or does Washington Post mean that
Cubans, Venezuelans, San Salvadorians etc.?! And what threat? Isn't US
itself a much bigger threat. No, it's all about US fake economy and
dollar printing that is now called "democracy" and "human rights".
Anti-China smear campaigns; down playing China's success: calling education in China "genocide" etc. etc. .
World economies (CIA World Factbook 2022):
1 China 2/3 US, EU 4 India 5 Japan 6 Germmany 7 Russia 8 Brazil 9 France 10 UK
real economic power is in reality much higher because unlike most other
countries China can itself produce almost everything and at the most
advanced level inside its own borders.
And here's US main in cheat we trust puppet
what about the Uyghur non sense that US and BBC are faking - carefully
checked by all the world's muslims top organization OIC which not only
virited and approved of China's treatment of muslims in Xinjiang etc.
but also credited the Chinese government fpr the way they did it.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Peter Klevius obituary over Finland's lost independence on "Independence
Day" 2023. Why did PM Sanna Marin commit treason and sell out Finland's
neutrality and Åland's demilitarization?!
As a PM Sanna Marin committed high treason by
betraying not only her party but, more importantly, her country, and
invited the most dangerous occupier, the embezzler and counterfeiter
(1971-) US which is about to lose its stolen dollar hegemony because of
China's success - making it now a cunning global desperado!
Sanna Marin did it together with president Sauli Niinistö, everyone
knew his position from long ago. So the disastrous Nato decision was a
creime committed by Sanna Marin! Without her it would never have
been possible. And do recall that her decision was made long before the
Russian invasion against Ukraine's genocide against an ethnic group
of its own population.
Peter Klevius wrote:
This year Peter Klevius cannot congratulate Finland on its traditional
Independence Day because it's not neutral and independent any more.
is the new Nazi Germany (and BBC is its Ministry of Propaganda* in the
US master's delusional puppet state UK in line with Goebbel's approach) -
albeit even more dangerous and devastating
for the world! How long will people blink this open truth?!
Now, and no later, time's up for whistleblowers within BBC to step
forward to save themselves from the inevitable future "Nuremberg" trial
when its master US goes down! BBC's consumer programs etc. are mostly
safe but news and non-nature documentaries are filled with hate
propaganda, often with a thin make up of s.c. "anti-racism" excuses -
just compare how China and Chinese are treated , or just neglected.
started its proxy war against Russia 2013-14 and pushed Russia to war
2022 by threatening to place for Russia devastating new stealthy
tactical nukes on the Russian border in Ukraine - and don't forget that
just like US (together with its tiny UK puppet where councils and people
already suffer under economic hardship while the government and its
propaganda ministry BBC beg for even more money for militarism and war)
is complicit to the genocide against Palestinians in Palestine now (and
instead of bombing the perpetrator i.e. IDF, or at least demanding
ceasefire, US - together with its warmongering UK puppet - bombs other
countries it doesn't like), US participated in genocide against Russians
in Ukraine and now uses Ukrainian soldiers as cannon fodder. And don't
forget that UK after the Russian invasion, stopped ceasefire and peace
talks which were already prepared and going on between Russia and
Compare today's axis of evil (US/UK) with WW2
Hitler announced that rearmament must be undertaken. A year later he
told his military leaders that 1942 was the target date for going to war
in the east. Goebbels was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of
Hitler aggressively pursuing Germany's expansionist policies sooner
rather than later. At the time of the Reoccupation of the Rhineland in
1936, Goebbels summed up his general attitude in his diary: "[N]ow is
the time for action. Fortune favors the brave! He who dares nothing wins
This video should be the most viewed to understand why US became the evil of the world!
The Nixon chock 1971 - the biggest financial robbery ever - and growing in enormity and danger by the day!
Volcker shock 1979/1981 - how an economy professor reveals his
ignorance about US evilness because of its 1971 financial theft of the
world dollar.
there are no mitigating circumstances but just the opposite, i.e. US
has used its stolen gains from its financial fraud to cover up its crime
and to invest its looted money in arms and wars.
US Fed rules
supreme over the world currency US stole 1971, but only bothers about US
- not what its behavior means for the rest of the world.
stolen (1971-) gdp is also heavily inflated because of Fed's
manipulations. Two natural elements of economy is inflation and trade
balance. However, since 1971 both have been replaced by artificial ones
dictated by US Fed.
And as US/CIA raped Finland with
militaristic NATO (i.e. US) and US nukes (F-35 with s.c. mini-nukes), so
does Finland rape the demilitarized Åland.
PM Sanna Marin warns (on order from US?!) countries to not trade with
China – New Zealand’s largest trading partner. “We will see in the
future that technologies and the digital environment will only be more
in our societies than now, and we have to make sure that we don't have
that kind of dependencies that becomes vulnerabilities and risks that
will come to realise.
Peter Klevisu: Right! Stop your dependancy of the financial- and war-criminal US!
Peter Klevius to Sanna Marin: Are you dumb or corrupt?! If the former then you may benefit from these facts:
Everything that - since China surpassed US in economy and technology -
now comes out from Uncle Sam's rottening mouth is the wording of a
desperado who doesn't see any way out of its own criminal dollar
counterfeiting (since 1971) other than trying to harm the challenger by
using US financial and militaristic global hegemony and monopoly - and
stupid poiticians of its "allies"/puppets!
2. According to
several US made research the leadership in modern China has by far the
best approval rating from its people compared to other technologically
advanced countries. And it has nothing in common with North Korea but
everyting with US' "ally" Vietnam (which is tiny and much less
technologically advanced than China) when it comes to politics and
3. Chinese leadership has been by far the most
successful when it comes to lifting people out of poverty and improving
infra-structure, both at home and worldwide.
4. China has a privacy law that is equal to that of EU but makes US look like a Medieval dictatorship in comparison.
Islam's biggest and most important global organization OIC carefully
inspected the alleged "Human Rights violations" and "genocide" against
Uyghur muslims, and not only declared them totally unfounded but also
credited the Chinese leadership for its treatment of muslims in China.
China has been most successful in handling Covid by offering (not
commanding) a real vaccine to its people, and especially to those
elderly who are vulnerable. That many elderly have been reluctant to
take it has to do with Chinese traditions and suspicions due to the
vaccine scandals in the West. And the reason the Chinese leadership
didn't enforce vaccination was precisely because of the old Confucian
tradition of respect for the elderly - which we in the West seem to have
abandoned. The rigid Chinese lockdown was the will of Chinese people -
not the "Communist dictatorship" as US/CIA steered media want us to
believe. Against this background it's pathetic that Finland kicks out
Confucian institutes because US ordered it to do so, but has no problem
with islamist mosques and institutes paid by the islamofascist Saudi
dictator family. And to top it all, now China, as the first country in
the world, has developed a recombinant human monoclonal antibody vaccine
that fully protects against all variants; uses own human antibody
cells; has no side-effects; is cheaper then Western vaccines; and can be
taken as a nasal spray - i.e. directed precisely to the first barrier
of defense, which then goes farther and kills the virus already in the
7. China, according to US research, is now by far the
world leader when it comes to R&D. Abandoning ties with China will
inevitably lead any country incl. Finland into backwardness in the near
8. The only way for US to stop China from developing even
further and faster is to start a war. That's why US makes every effort
to subvert Taiwan-China and mainland-China ties, by supporting the the
anti-China party against the pro-China party in Taiwan, as well as
militarizing Taiwan itself and the whole of the East Asian territory,
and even pushing for NATO extension against China. Do you Snna Marin
want to support Uncle Sam's own criminal interests and starting one more
war initiated by US?!
9. So dear Sanna, why did you choose Uncle Sam's nukes while abandoning China?!
the alleged "authoritarian censorship" in China pales in comparison
with the West, and should also be seen against the background of
US/CIA's continuous efforts to subvert and destabilize China. Moreover,
see how US and its puppets brutally faked and distorted information
about the opthomologist doctor in Wuhan who wrongly put on the Chinese
social media Weibu that Covid-19 was the much more dangerous original
SARS virus. After an hour he realized his mistake, and according to the
law (as in all Western countries) spreading such possibly dangerous
rumors made it necessary for the hospital to report it to authorities.
However, after a couple of days the police just asked him to explain and
then told him not to do it again. And after that he could in peace
continue his work at the hospital without any kind of sentence or fine
etc. So how does this fact as well as the fact that he could say
whatever he liked on Weibu fit an "authoritarian dictatorship"?! But in
the West he was "a suppressed whisteblower silenced by the Communist
dictaorship". Similarly, when the unhealthy and dement former Chinese
leader Hu Jintao got worse during the long lasting congress and was
helped out, the Western media and especially BBC, desperately tried to
make readers and listeners belive the poor man was "silenced" by the
"dictator" Xi. Same story with the mentally ill "whistleblower" woman,
and the "batwoman" etc. etc. the list could go on.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Tuesday, November 01, 2022
Finnish politicians and "experts" lie about US' NATO nukes straight in the face of the Finnish people.
When Newsweek rightly pointed out that
'Finland May* Allow NATO to Place Nuclear Weapons on Border With Russia'
it just repeated what Peter Klevius warned for almost a year ago when
Finnish politicians made the disastrous NATO decision without asking the
In fact it's inevitable that if Finland really goes through with this,
then the road for US nukes is wide open, no matter if the nukes are
physically there before a conflict or not.
Klevius translation: American (sic) magazine reported about Finland and
nukes - Aaltola and Stubb snarled: 'Humbug' (this was in regard of
Newsweek's article - which isn't "American" but a U.S. magazine).
the heart of US' aggressive nuke policy is the B61-12 Life Extension
Program with s.c. low-yield (Hiroshima+ size) ground penetrating nuclear
warheads, tailored for stealth attacks with F-35b departing from
countries close to Russian or Chinese borders.
According to the
Helsinki-based newspaper Iltalehti, the bill regarding potential NATO
membership the Finnish government will put before parliament doesn't
include any opt-outs for nuclear weapons.
Speaking to the paper,
defense sources said Finland's foreign and defense ministers, Pekka
Haavisto and Antti Kaikkonen, gave a "commitment" to NATO in July that
they wouldn't seek "restrictions or national reservations" if Helsinki's
application is accepted.
However, now the same Iltalehti has the
nerve to call this information a "fake", and pretends to excuse the
move by writing that 'Finland hasn't asked for nukes'. Well, if you sign
with the Devil which clearly wants to utilize your position as a border
against Russia, and which has produced more than 600 "mininukes"
tailored for exactly those 64 F-35 you were cheated to buy instead of
the Swedish ones that had for long been the plan, then only a fool or a
deliberate lier/cheater would argue as Iltalehti does.
Here's Iltalehti's nutty "defense" translated by Peter Klevius:
article doesn't argue that NATO plans to bring nukes to Finland. The
article deals with information according which the government's bill
doesn't explicitly prohibit this.
'Iltalehden artikkelissa ei
väitetä Naton suunnittelevan ydinaseiden tuomista Suomeen. Artikkeli
käsittelee tietoja, joiden mukaan hallituksen lakiesitys ei erikseen
kiellä tätä.'
Peter Klevius: I rest my case! Rest in US nukes, Finland!
Peter Klevius wrote:
Friday, February 25, 2022
Why did Finland suddenly jump for F35 instead of (as planned) Swedish Gripen? Because Gripen can't carry US new mini nukes!
How stupid and dangerous can Finnish politicians be who try to push Finland into US extended nuke army (i.e. NATO)!
US is 100% to blame for the Ukraine disaster as well. STOP US (+ its Anglospheric puppets), the worst threat to the world right now! This monstrous rogue state $-freeloading U.S.: 1. Is adding more than 600 nukes to its already more than 6,000. Because of smaller size, better transportability, higher accuracy, and US first strike policy (unlike e.g. Russia, China etc.) the risk of use of nukes by US has dramatically increased - especially considering the end of $-hegemony because of China outperforming it in tech and healthy development. 2. US can at any time read and silence your free speech, or stop your transaction - wherever you are in the world (except in China). 3. UK/AUKUS bought US mini nukes (e.g. for Trident) and NATO+Finland bought F35 which can carry them.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Shame on you Finland! Why risk yourself and others by defending a
criminal* loser** like $-freeloader US (unless US causes a nuke war)
against a certain winner like China?!
* 1971 USA robbed the world by
cheating on its promise to keep the dollar connected to gold in exchange
for the dollar being the world currency. In other words, all other
currencies dropped compared to the dollar which now became a
"schizophrenic" currency with an A-dollar in US and a B-dollar in all
other countries. And although every country may print as much own
currency they like, it comes with a cost it has to carry itself while
the US dollar printing is paid for by the rest of the world. Only
inflation is a risk for US - but not as much as outside US (except
** US has already lost its position as the largest
economy to China, and is also fast losing in every high tech branch and
science - while China is on its way up. This is why US so desperately
tries to contain China and force other countries under US rule against
China. However, ask youself which is better: Belt and road or nukes?
F-35A + B61-12 + NATO makes Finland a U.S. base for nuke threat/attacks against Russia - and ultimately China!
Finns are now lured into NATO when the West is collapsing. A
combination of US influence and a longlasting Finnish mongoloid complex
that they weren't Western enough. Finnish Russophobia started with the
grim Finnish civil war 2018 influenced by the US led Red Scare campaign
which is the promotion of a widespread fear of a potential rise of
communism, anarchism or other leftist ideologies by a society or state.
It is often characterized as political propaganda. The term is most
often used to refer to two periods in the history of the United States
which are referred to by this name. The First Red Scare, which occurred
immediately after World War I, revolved around a perceived threat from
the American labor movement, anarchist revolution, and political
radicalism. The Second Red Scare, which occurred immediately after World
War II, was preoccupied with the perception that national or foreign
communists were infiltrating or subverting U.S. society and the federal
North Atlantic Aliance is turning into US' South and East China Sea Sinophobia alliance.
many Finns were aware of US true motives for pushing Finland into US
militarism and nuke sphere for the ultimate aim to act as one tiny and
helpless piece in US strategic and tactical containment of and attack on
China? And how US uses its influence to corrupt politicians to betray
their country and democracy.
Finland's young PM Sanna Marin rose to power thanks to US led/influenced World Economic Forum's "Young leaders" program.
former Finnish PM Alexander Stubb celebrates that his long time wish
for a Finnish NATO membership now comes true thanks to Russian invasion
of Ukraine.
Peter Klevius wonders whether this was exactly what the US administartion also wanted - and even planned for.
Finns are thoroughly brainwashed with US narrative while completely locked out from alternative narratives.
looks like US has been mostly interested in arms race and miltary,
financial etc. evil meddling in Europe while Russia's main interest has
been to sell cheap gas to Europe.
A Norwegian intelligence report
points to three reasons why Russia feels threatened, making the
country’s nuclear deterrence more important.
Firstly, Russia
claims NATO has changed patterns from normal patrols and intelligence
gatherings to simulated attacks on Russian targets, including with
strategic bombers. Part of the Russian narrative is that NATO is coming
closer to its borders.
Secondly, Moscow accuses NATO of
introducing new areas of warfare, like the use of digital operations and
militarization of the space, potentially being used to attack Russian
ballistic missiles before launch.
Thirdly, Russia blames the
United States for undermining the global security balance and arms
control treaties, by that pushing the world towards a new nuclear arms
After all, US isn't interested in "defending" Europe.
US' main and only goal is to (again) attack and eliminste China becaus
US dollar scum is coming home to roost any day now because of China's
succes. US managed to keep a stagnating Japan at bay with the help of EU
in the 1990s. However, China is some ten times bigger and growing.
slave workers were brought to Finland from Russia some 100 years ago.
They became part of the Finnish mongolid/russophobia racist complex.
Chinese slave workers brought to Finland via Russia.
Peter Klevius wrote 2003:
The Finnish/Swedish/European Mongoloid-complex
1952, only seven years after the end of Finland's disastrous connection
with Germany in the World War 2, apart from having its first Olympics
the nation celebrated the 17-year old Armi Kuusela's victory in the Miss
Universe "beauty" contest, thus finally releasing the Finns from what
was considered a traumatic connection with the East and its
Russian/mongoloid inhabitants.
Interestingly enough it seems that
the Finns express the most mongolic genetic profile of the Europeans.
On the other hand especially eastern Finns tend to be more blond, more
blue-eyed and to have the lightest skin color of all! Could that very
fact be an effect of precisely that blend/traits from northern mongoloid
people? I.e. that the most admired of "Nordic" features were inherited
from the most unwanted direction? That the genetic blend happened to be
especially sensitive to poor light conditions/folic acid intake etc.,
i.e. as an extra addition to the general impact of farming.
Also check out the Finnish "TAT"-controversy!
Sami population inhabits an area (in Russia, Finland, Sweden and
Norway) that is approximately the size of the entire Sweden (within
Sweden about half the size of the country).
When the Swedish
Prime Minister Göran Persson in 2004 held a conference on genocide, the
only media that reported about the Sami protests against the decision
not to include the native Swedes, seems to have been the Sami News.
Genocide in Sweden (apart from the soft genocide executed by the
Swedish legislator and the social authorities etc in matters of
The insidious illogic of US abuse of "allies" is made for the sole purpose of creating sanctions and tensions in US favor, i.e. to hinder China from eroding US stolen (1971-) hegemony that US has used to rob the world!
How blindfolded - or fascist - has the West really become under its US dictatorship, when it under US command continues to support the most brutal and genocidal Israel regime that not only commits genocide in Gaza but also illegally occupies the West Bank while murdering the Palestinians whose homeland it's supposed to be.
While China tries to build trust and
bridges, the West under $-freeloader rogue state US influence and
coersion, keeps spitting and smearing in a racist manner not seen since
WW2 against a people!
China's Sui Wenjing & Han Cong win pairs gold in Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 to the tune of Bridge over troubled water.
Why we need to fight against Western anti-China propaganda. Peter Klevius correction: China is by far the largest economy in GDP (PPP). US stolen and inflated dollar economy (GDP nominal) has no relevance in comparing countries.
Western liberal democracy would be wrong for China (video from 2011).
British researcher exposes Western propaganda against China
How FREE are Chinese People?
Peter Klevius wrote:
Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.
Peter Klevius has since December 2021 warned about US F-35+B61-12 tactical nuke plans against Murmansk and Leningrad. Only now one day after Sweden signed for Nato, US controlled media reported that F-35 was nuke certified - even though this happened already in October 2023!
Dollar thieve (since 1971) US utilized Finland's old "mongoloid complex"* (see more below) and Sweden's military industry. However, without first luring Finland out of neutrality** Sweden would not have broken its own "neutrality"**!
* After losing its war against Russia together with its Nazi ally Germany, Finland was forgiven its war debt to Russia and started rapidly prospering through commerce with Russia instead of war. Compared to US occupied Germany and Japan, Finland was only "occupied" with a YYA treaty which, unlike Finland's and Sweden's insidious new DCA treaties (which don't explicitly exclude US bring nukes) with US, didn't allow Russian military or its storage of weapons in Finland. As a non-slavic borderland to Russia while connected to the "West" via its history with Sweden, Finland has historically developed a "schizophrenic" view on Russia. As Peter Klevius wrote several decades ago, this became evident after WW2 when US arranged for the Olympic games to take place in Helsinki 1952 and Finland getting the Miss Universe title etc. in US efforts to destabilize Finland's relations with Russia.
** Although both Sweden and Finland have been in close connection with dollar freeloader US, "neutrality" has had a valuable kernel which has benefited both countries and kept Russia less worried.
Finland's worst traitor (or simply just so stupid and easy to manipulate/corrupt?) former PM Sanna Marin should be jailed and tries for high treason instead of jet setting. Why? Because she as PM opened the disastrous chain of events which made Finland transferring from neutrality to US nuke attack platform and therefore also potentially targeted by Russian nukes. Although she didn't have the support from her party or the Finnish people in general, she participated in breaking with previous plan to cooperate on defense with Sweden incl. buying the Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighter jet. Instead she suddenly change everything by buying 64 nuke ready F-35 from US while at the same time starting negotiationns to join Nato. This happened long before the Russian invasion in Ukraine, which was orchestrated by US through a long period since 2014 and culminating in the threat to place US nukes in eastern Ukraine (via Nato membership) contrary to the Budapest memorandum.
China spends 1.6% in defense while focusing mostly on satisfying consumers home and abroad with peaceful manufacturing!
Naive (?) Finnish army parrots US lies about Russia "threatening" to attack through Finland, Sweden and Norway - which scenario is so extremely stupid that a child could understand it when checking the map! Hint, Murmansk is a sea port!
And here's an equally naive (?) Swedish PM shaking hand with the Devil's representative!
A similar but much more powerful bomb called B61-13 is already in the pipeline. US is busy making more dangerous bombs while failing in peaceful manufacturing.
The U.S. Defense Department unexpectedly announced its intention to
develop an additional variant of the B61 nuclear gravity bomb, to be
known as the B61-13.
“Today’s announcement is reflective of a changing security environment and growing threats from potential adversaries,” said John Plumb, assistant secretary of defense for space policy, in an Oct. 27 statement. “The United States has a responsibility to continue to assess and field the capabilities we need to credibly deter and, if necessary, respond to strategic attacks, and assure our allies.”
The Pentagon acknowledged its hope that the B61-13 variant would help catalyze the stagnant retirement process of the B83 megaton gravity bomb.
“The B61-13 will provide the President with additional options against certain harder and large-area military targets, even while the department works to retire legacy systems such as the B83-1,” according to a Pentagon fact sheet.
Members of Congress have strongly resisted retiring the B83, claiming the largest bomb in the U.S. nuclear arsenal at 1.2 megatons is necessary to target hard and deeply buried targets. (See ACT, November 2023.) The Trump administration contributed to this resistance with the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, which called for retaining the B83 bomb, rather than proceeding with its planned retirement. (See ACT, March 2018.)
But the Biden administration aims to follow through on the retirement of the B83. The megaton-class bomb is “of increasingly limited utility, and retiring it does not change the hard and deeply buried target set,” Plumb told Congress last year.
“The case for the B61-13 is strange,” assessed the Federation of American Scientists in an Oct. 27 blog post. “For the past 13 years, the sales pitch for the expensive B61-12 has been that it would replace all other nuclear gravity bombs,” as well as “cover all gravity missions with less collateral damage than large-yield bombs.”
The B61-13 would be deliverable by modern aircraft and have a maximum yield similar to the 360-kiloton B61-7 variant, a massive increase when compared to the most recent 50-kiloton B61-12. The B61-12 is scheduled for initial deployment this year, replacing the 100 B61-3/4 bombs believed to be stationed across Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey under the NATO nuclear sharing mission.
The Defense Department emphasized that the B61-13 would not increase the overall size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. “The number of B61-12s to be produced will be lowered by the same amount as the number of B61-13s produced,” according to the Pentagon fact sheet.
In an Oct. 24 letter to Congress, the Energy Department officially requested to amend its fiscal year 2024 budget request to cover development engineering activities for the B61-13.
Congress Endorses New Nuclear Weapon
Peter Klevius wrote:
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Is this Finland's most dangerous man - or (hopefully) just stupid?
Following the tradition of his mother
who served in the Finnish army and chased the Nazi "allies" out of
Finland, Peter Klevius, who was born long after, now defends Finland
against a desperate* and therefore extremely dangerous and misery
bringing dollar freeloader loser US invasion* and occupation* of
Its dollar hegemony losing US has become a dangerous desperado because
modern China has applied a "guarded capitalism" and an anti-corruption
meritocracy stance that easily trumps US so called "democracy" (although
perhaps not US anti-China demonizing), but more importantly China's
super high tech acceleration is completely out of reach for US (or any
of its "allies"/useful clients) who knows it and therefore behaves
accordingly criminally instead of honestly facing the consequences of
its dollar theft 1971, when US like a dictator violated the Bretton
Woods agreement, which meant that instead of connecting the dollar to
gold as a stable and fair world currency, it became connected to US
trade and debt deficit (US is the only country that - thanks to its
ongoing dollar theft - can prosper despite enormous trade deficit). The
world-dollar became separated in a US-dollar dictated by US, and a
rest-of-the-world-dollar, also dictated by US. The dollar rests on trust
in a thieve, and when that trust starts deteriorating US bonds will get
both negative nominal yield as well as a negative dollar value.
Finnish army proof of assignment to collect information about German Nazi soldiers in northern Finland 1945
WW2 Kirsti moved to Sweden and, while working full time, founded a
lively society for helping and entertaining Finns who immigrated to
Sweden from the poor and war torn Finland. Kirsti also founded Tukholman
Sanomat (Stockholm Newspaper).
Finland's president Sauli Niinistö asks for US nukes on the Russian border. Is he dement or something?!
To be an enemy of US is dangerous - to be a friend is didsastrous.
For US only one thing matters - China.
to be able to shoot Russia in the back with missiles planted in
Finland, Ukraine, Norway, Turkey etc., US can concentrate on its main
attack against China.
And this would be extremely dangerous for Finland. Even a child could tell.
is rapidly both declining and getting more dangerous by the day because
of China's technological and financial growth which has put bare the
fact that US has been stealing money from the rest of the world since
1971 when Nixon signed the biggest financial fraud ever made on planet
US isn't the American continents! Or does Washington Post mean that
Cubans, Venezuelans, San Salvadorians etc.?! And what threat? Isn't US
itself a much bigger threat. No, it's all about US fake economy and
dollar printing that is now called "democracy" and "human rights".
Anti-China smear campaigns; down playing China's success: calling education in China "genocide" etc. etc. .
World economies (CIA World Factbook 2022):
1 China 2/3 US, EU 4 India 5 Japan 6 Germmany 7 Russia 8 Brazil 9 France 10 UK
real economic power is in reality much higher because unlike most other
countries China can itself produce almost everything and at the most
advanced level inside its own borders.
And here's US main in cheat we trust puppet
what about the Uyghur non sense that US and BBC are faking - carefully
checked by all the world's muslims top organization OIC which not only
virited and approved of China's treatment of muslims in Xinjiang etc.
but also credited the Chinese government fpr the way they did it.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Peter Klevius obituary over Finland's lost independence on "Independence
Day" 2023. Why did PM Sanna Marin commit treason and sell out Finland's
neutrality and Åland's demilitarization?!
As a PM Sanna Marin committed high treason by
betraying not only her party but, more importantly, her country, and
invited the most dangerous occupier, the embezzler and counterfeiter
(1971-) US which is about to lose its stolen dollar hegemony because of
China's success - making it now a cunning global desperado!
Sanna Marin did it together with president Sauli Niinistö, everyone
knew his position from long ago. So the disastrous Nato decision was a
creime committed by Sanna Marin! Without her it would never have
been possible. And do recall that her decision was made long before the
Russian invasion against Ukraine's genocide against an ethnic group
of its own population.
Peter Klevius wrote:
This year Peter Klevius cannot congratulate Finland on its traditional
Independence Day because it's not neutral and independent any more.
is the new Nazi Germany (and BBC is its Ministry of Propaganda* in the
US master's delusional puppet state UK in line with Goebbel's approach) -
albeit even more dangerous and devastating
for the world! How long will people blink this open truth?!
Now, and no later, time's up for whistleblowers within BBC to step
forward to save themselves from the inevitable future "Nuremberg" trial
when its master US goes down! BBC's consumer programs etc. are mostly
safe but news and non-nature documentaries are filled with hate
propaganda, often with a thin make up of s.c. "anti-racism" excuses -
just compare how China and Chinese are treated , or just neglected.
started its proxy war against Russia 2013-14 and pushed Russia to war
2022 by threatening to place for Russia devastating new stealthy
tactical nukes on the Russian border in Ukraine - and don't forget that
just like US (together with its tiny UK puppet where councils and people
already suffer under economic hardship while the government and its
propaganda ministry BBC beg for even more money for militarism and war)
is complicit to the genocide against Palestinians in Palestine now (and
instead of bombing the perpetrator i.e. IDF, or at least demanding
ceasefire, US - together with its warmongering UK puppet - bombs other
countries it doesn't like), US participated in genocide against Russians
in Ukraine and now uses Ukrainian soldiers as cannon fodder. And don't
forget that UK after the Russian invasion, stopped ceasefire and peace
talks which were already prepared and going on between Russia and
Compare today's axis of evil (US/UK) with WW2
Hitler announced that rearmament must be undertaken. A year later he
told his military leaders that 1942 was the target date for going to war
in the east. Goebbels was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of
Hitler aggressively pursuing Germany's expansionist policies sooner
rather than later. At the time of the Reoccupation of the Rhineland in
1936, Goebbels summed up his general attitude in his diary: "[N]ow is
the time for action. Fortune favors the brave! He who dares nothing wins
This video should be the most viewed to understand why US became the evil of the world!
The Nixon chock 1971 - the biggest financial robbery ever - and growing in enormity and danger by the day!
Volcker shock 1979/1981 - how an economy professor reveals his
ignorance about US evilness because of its 1971 financial theft of the
world dollar.
there are no mitigating circumstances but just the opposite, i.e. US
has used its stolen gains from its financial fraud to cover up its crime
and to invest its looted money in arms and wars.
US Fed rules
supreme over the world currency US stole 1971, but only bothers about US
- not what its behavior means for the rest of the world.
stolen (1971-) gdp is also heavily inflated because of Fed's
manipulations. Two natural elements of economy is inflation and trade
balance. However, since 1971 both have been replaced by artificial ones
dictated by US Fed.
And as US/CIA raped Finland with
militaristic NATO (i.e. US) and US nukes (F-35 with s.c. mini-nukes), so
does Finland rape the demilitarized Åland.
PM Sanna Marin warns (on order from US?!) countries to not trade with
China – New Zealand’s largest trading partner. “We will see in the
future that technologies and the digital environment will only be more
in our societies than now, and we have to make sure that we don't have
that kind of dependencies that becomes vulnerabilities and risks that
will come to realise.
Peter Klevisu: Right! Stop your dependancy of the financial- and war-criminal US!
Peter Klevius to Sanna Marin: Are you dumb or corrupt?! If the former then you may benefit from these facts:
Everything that - since China surpassed US in economy and technology -
now comes out from Uncle Sam's rottening mouth is the wording of a
desperado who doesn't see any way out of its own criminal dollar
counterfeiting (since 1971) other than trying to harm the challenger by
using US financial and militaristic global hegemony and monopoly - and
stupid poiticians of its "allies"/puppets!
2. According to
several US made research the leadership in modern China has by far the
best approval rating from its people compared to other technologically
advanced countries. And it has nothing in common with North Korea but
everyting with US' "ally" Vietnam (which is tiny and much less
technologically advanced than China) when it comes to politics and
3. Chinese leadership has been by far the most
successful when it comes to lifting people out of poverty and improving
infra-structure, both at home and worldwide.
4. China has a privacy law that is equal to that of EU but makes US look like a Medieval dictatorship in comparison.
Islam's biggest and most important global organization OIC carefully
inspected the alleged "Human Rights violations" and "genocide" against
Uyghur muslims, and not only declared them totally unfounded but also
credited the Chinese leadership for its treatment of muslims in China.
China has been most successful in handling Covid by offering (not
commanding) a real vaccine to its people, and especially to those
elderly who are vulnerable. That many elderly have been reluctant to
take it has to do with Chinese traditions and suspicions due to the
vaccine scandals in the West. And the reason the Chinese leadership
didn't enforce vaccination was precisely because of the old Confucian
tradition of respect for the elderly - which we in the West seem to have
abandoned. The rigid Chinese lockdown was the will of Chinese people -
not the "Communist dictatorship" as US/CIA steered media want us to
believe. Against this background it's pathetic that Finland kicks out
Confucian institutes because US ordered it to do so, but has no problem
with islamist mosques and institutes paid by the islamofascist Saudi
dictator family. And to top it all, now China, as the first country in
the world, has developed a recombinant human monoclonal antibody vaccine
that fully protects against all variants; uses own human antibody
cells; has no side-effects; is cheaper then Western vaccines; and can be
taken as a nasal spray - i.e. directed precisely to the first barrier
of defense, which then goes farther and kills the virus already in the
7. China, according to US research, is now by far the
world leader when it comes to R&D. Abandoning ties with China will
inevitably lead any country incl. Finland into backwardness in the near
8. The only way for US to stop China from developing even
further and faster is to start a war. That's why US makes every effort
to subvert Taiwan-China and mainland-China ties, by supporting the the
anti-China party against the pro-China party in Taiwan, as well as
militarizing Taiwan itself and the whole of the East Asian territory,
and even pushing for NATO extension against China. Do you Snna Marin
want to support Uncle Sam's own criminal interests and starting one more
war initiated by US?!
9. So dear Sanna, why did you choose Uncle Sam's nukes while abandoning China?!
the alleged "authoritarian censorship" in China pales in comparison
with the West, and should also be seen against the background of
US/CIA's continuous efforts to subvert and destabilize China. Moreover,
see how US and its puppets brutally faked and distorted information
about the opthomologist doctor in Wuhan who wrongly put on the Chinese
social media Weibu that Covid-19 was the much more dangerous original
SARS virus. After an hour he realized his mistake, and according to the
law (as in all Western countries) spreading such possibly dangerous
rumors made it necessary for the hospital to report it to authorities.
However, after a couple of days the police just asked him to explain and
then told him not to do it again. And after that he could in peace
continue his work at the hospital without any kind of sentence or fine
etc. So how does this fact as well as the fact that he could say
whatever he liked on Weibu fit an "authoritarian dictatorship"?! But in
the West he was "a suppressed whisteblower silenced by the Communist
dictaorship". Similarly, when the unhealthy and dement former Chinese
leader Hu Jintao got worse during the long lasting congress and was
helped out, the Western media and especially BBC, desperately tried to
make readers and listeners belive the poor man was "silenced" by the
"dictator" Xi. Same story with the mentally ill "whistleblower" woman,
and the "batwoman" etc. etc. the list could go on.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Tuesday, November 01, 2022
Finnish politicians and "experts" lie about US' NATO nukes straight in the face of the Finnish people.
When Newsweek rightly pointed out that
'Finland May* Allow NATO to Place Nuclear Weapons on Border With Russia'
it just repeated what Peter Klevius warned for almost a year ago when
Finnish politicians made the disastrous NATO decision without asking the
In fact it's inevitable that if Finland really goes through with this,
then the road for US nukes is wide open, no matter if the nukes are
physically there before a conflict or not.
Klevius translation: American (sic) magazine reported about Finland and
nukes - Aaltola and Stubb snarled: 'Humbug' (this was in regard of
Newsweek's article - which isn't "American" but a U.S. magazine).
the heart of US' aggressive nuke policy is the B61-12 Life Extension
Program with s.c. low-yield (Hiroshima+ size) ground penetrating nuclear
warheads, tailored for stealth attacks with F-35b departing from
countries close to Russian or Chinese borders.
According to the
Helsinki-based newspaper Iltalehti, the bill regarding potential NATO
membership the Finnish government will put before parliament doesn't
include any opt-outs for nuclear weapons.
Speaking to the paper,
defense sources said Finland's foreign and defense ministers, Pekka
Haavisto and Antti Kaikkonen, gave a "commitment" to NATO in July that
they wouldn't seek "restrictions or national reservations" if Helsinki's
application is accepted.
However, now the same Iltalehti has the
nerve to call this information a "fake", and pretends to excuse the
move by writing that 'Finland hasn't asked for nukes'. Well, if you sign
with the Devil which clearly wants to utilize your position as a border
against Russia, and which has produced more than 600 "mininukes"
tailored for exactly those 64 F-35 you were cheated to buy instead of
the Swedish ones that had for long been the plan, then only a fool or a
deliberate lier/cheater would argue as Iltalehti does.
Here's Iltalehti's nutty "defense" translated by Peter Klevius:
article doesn't argue that NATO plans to bring nukes to Finland. The
article deals with information according which the government's bill
doesn't explicitly prohibit this.
'Iltalehden artikkelissa ei
väitetä Naton suunnittelevan ydinaseiden tuomista Suomeen. Artikkeli
käsittelee tietoja, joiden mukaan hallituksen lakiesitys ei erikseen
kiellä tätä.'
Peter Klevius: I rest my case! Rest in US nukes, Finland!
Peter Klevius wrote:
Friday, February 25, 2022
Why did Finland suddenly jump for F35 instead of (as planned) Swedish Gripen? Because Gripen can't carry US new mini nukes!
How stupid and dangerous can Finnish politicians be who try to push Finland into US extended nuke army (i.e. NATO)!
US is 100% to blame for the Ukraine disaster as well. STOP US (+ its Anglospheric puppets), the worst threat to the world right now! This monstrous rogue state $-freeloading U.S.: 1. Is adding more than 600 nukes to its already more than 6,000. Because of smaller size, better transportability, higher accuracy, and US first strike policy (unlike e.g. Russia, China etc.) the risk of use of nukes by US has dramatically increased - especially considering the end of $-hegemony because of China outperforming it in tech and healthy development. 2. US can at any time read and silence your free speech, or stop your transaction - wherever you are in the world (except in China). 3. UK/AUKUS bought US mini nukes (e.g. for Trident) and NATO+Finland bought F35 which can carry them.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Shame on you Finland! Why risk yourself and others by defending a
criminal* loser** like $-freeloader US (unless US causes a nuke war)
against a certain winner like China?!
* 1971 USA robbed the world by
cheating on its promise to keep the dollar connected to gold in exchange
for the dollar being the world currency. In other words, all other
currencies dropped compared to the dollar which now became a
"schizophrenic" currency with an A-dollar in US and a B-dollar in all
other countries. And although every country may print as much own
currency they like, it comes with a cost it has to carry itself while
the US dollar printing is paid for by the rest of the world. Only
inflation is a risk for US - but not as much as outside US (except
** US has already lost its position as the largest
economy to China, and is also fast losing in every high tech branch and
science - while China is on its way up. This is why US so desperately
tries to contain China and force other countries under US rule against
China. However, ask youself which is better: Belt and road or nukes?
F-35A + B61-12 + NATO makes Finland a U.S. base for nuke threat/attacks against Russia - and ultimately China!
Finns are now lured into NATO when the West is collapsing. A
combination of US influence and a longlasting Finnish mongoloid complex
that they weren't Western enough. Finnish Russophobia started with the
grim Finnish civil war 2018 influenced by the US led Red Scare campaign
which is the promotion of a widespread fear of a potential rise of
communism, anarchism or other leftist ideologies by a society or state.
It is often characterized as political propaganda. The term is most
often used to refer to two periods in the history of the United States
which are referred to by this name. The First Red Scare, which occurred
immediately after World War I, revolved around a perceived threat from
the American labor movement, anarchist revolution, and political
radicalism. The Second Red Scare, which occurred immediately after World
War II, was preoccupied with the perception that national or foreign
communists were infiltrating or subverting U.S. society and the federal
North Atlantic Aliance is turning into US' South and East China Sea Sinophobia alliance.
many Finns were aware of US true motives for pushing Finland into US
militarism and nuke sphere for the ultimate aim to act as one tiny and
helpless piece in US strategic and tactical containment of and attack on
China? And how US uses its influence to corrupt politicians to betray
their country and democracy.
Finland's young PM Sanna Marin rose to power thanks to US led/influenced World Economic Forum's "Young leaders" program.
former Finnish PM Alexander Stubb celebrates that his long time wish
for a Finnish NATO membership now comes true thanks to Russian invasion
of Ukraine.
Peter Klevius wonders whether this was exactly what the US administartion also wanted - and even planned for.
Finns are thoroughly brainwashed with US narrative while completely locked out from alternative narratives.
looks like US has been mostly interested in arms race and miltary,
financial etc. evil meddling in Europe while Russia's main interest has
been to sell cheap gas to Europe.
A Norwegian intelligence report
points to three reasons why Russia feels threatened, making the
country’s nuclear deterrence more important.
Firstly, Russia
claims NATO has changed patterns from normal patrols and intelligence
gatherings to simulated attacks on Russian targets, including with
strategic bombers. Part of the Russian narrative is that NATO is coming
closer to its borders.
Secondly, Moscow accuses NATO of
introducing new areas of warfare, like the use of digital operations and
militarization of the space, potentially being used to attack Russian
ballistic missiles before launch.
Thirdly, Russia blames the
United States for undermining the global security balance and arms
control treaties, by that pushing the world towards a new nuclear arms
After all, US isn't interested in "defending" Europe.
US' main and only goal is to (again) attack and eliminste China becaus
US dollar scum is coming home to roost any day now because of China's
succes. US managed to keep a stagnating Japan at bay with the help of EU
in the 1990s. However, China is some ten times bigger and growing.
slave workers were brought to Finland from Russia some 100 years ago.
They became part of the Finnish mongolid/russophobia racist complex.
Chinese slave workers brought to Finland via Russia.
Peter Klevius wrote 2003:
The Finnish/Swedish/European Mongoloid-complex
1952, only seven years after the end of Finland's disastrous connection
with Germany in the World War 2, apart from having its first Olympics
the nation celebrated the 17-year old Armi Kuusela's victory in the Miss
Universe "beauty" contest, thus finally releasing the Finns from what
was considered a traumatic connection with the East and its
Russian/mongoloid inhabitants.
Interestingly enough it seems that
the Finns express the most mongolic genetic profile of the Europeans.
On the other hand especially eastern Finns tend to be more blond, more
blue-eyed and to have the lightest skin color of all! Could that very
fact be an effect of precisely that blend/traits from northern mongoloid
people? I.e. that the most admired of "Nordic" features were inherited
from the most unwanted direction? That the genetic blend happened to be
especially sensitive to poor light conditions/folic acid intake etc.,
i.e. as an extra addition to the general impact of farming.
Also check out the Finnish "TAT"-controversy!
Sami population inhabits an area (in Russia, Finland, Sweden and
Norway) that is approximately the size of the entire Sweden (within
Sweden about half the size of the country).
When the Swedish
Prime Minister Göran Persson in 2004 held a conference on genocide, the
only media that reported about the Sami protests against the decision
not to include the native Swedes, seems to have been the Sami News.
Genocide in Sweden (apart from the soft genocide executed by the
Swedish legislator and the social authorities etc in matters of