Have humans prolonged the onset* of the next ice-age to a breaking point?
* Do realize the treacherous behavior of snow cover. It can be extremely thin while the reflective effect is still 100%. It can jump in and out of meteorological records without being always noticed (in Sweden no records are kept after mid May). It can expand even when temperature goes up, due to increased precipitation in cold but usually dry areas. And snow cover can expand horizontally thousands of kilometer in no time.
Updated map 2021:
In the 1980's Klevius had to fight ignorant pals with the argument that so and so many km2 of continuously exhaust spewing tail-pipes (plus methane etc. human
caused activities) must have some effect on the atmosphere - although this effect could suddenly drown in other "natural" effects (compare the butterfly flapping a hurricane).
caused activities) must have some effect on the atmosphere - although this effect could suddenly drown in other "natural" effects (compare the butterfly flapping a hurricane).
Klevius analysis (from from the 1980s and on the web 2006): The Gulf stream is loosing stamina, meaning more snow cover lingering longer. This leads to extremely fast onset of cooling and due glaciation. A reported 15% decrease means we're in for cooling business. Changing rotational axis etc. longterm phenomenon can easily be outperformed in a shortterm scenario through local changes in precipitation combined with just a slight drop in temperature. Fennoscandia, northern Russia and Canada constitute such potentials (compare previous little and big ice-ages), especially at a time when we've already passed the usual tipping point.
We are way overdue with the coming of the next ice-age. Could it really be that we during Holocene have managed to keep it at bay? In Klevius book Demand for Resources (1992) he also wondered why humans didn't become modern already at the previous heat peak some 120 kyr ago? The big skulls were already there. Today Klevius theory on human evolution has the answer.
Updated map
Due to the polemic nature of the mostly bi-facial approach to climate change, facts are either exaggerated or toned down. So for example, is the relation between the hemispheres often hidden as global or even presented with a confusing mix of Celcius and Fahrenheit for the sole purpose of "weighing" a certain stand point.
Indian ocean is the only one disconnected from the north and therefore reflects what Klevius wrote about 2006.
Snow cover is the opposite to CO2 - but much quicker.
Klevius wrote:
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Weakening Gulfstream & strengthening Islam pushing Europe into a new ice-age
Friday, March 31, 2006
Northern Europe is cooling because of global warming
We do know the ozone hole does. Because the north has the major part of continents this imbalance may well be reflected in climate change.
Are Swedish "scientists" the most cowardice and reluctant to adapt to uneasy empirical facts
Almost like HIV/AIDS deniers in southern Africa Swedish "scientists" have become notorious for belittling changes/threats. This is in line with a long totalitarian "von oben" Swedish attiitude and tradition and this also explains why the Swedes are known as one of the most easily ruled people ("the last DDR" - see Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state). No matter if we are talking Chernobyl, climate change, bird flu, Islamism, or Gulfstream, the pattern of denial is the same!
Russia and Scandinavia have this year experienced the coldest winter since the 1980s.
Due to increased amount of melting ice and snow in northern Atlantic, Gulfstream weakens, hence pulling the Siberian cold-center back to where it belongs without a Gulfstream. These may cause a really fast and harsh cooling in northern Europe , as well as an even more unpredictible climate in mid- and southern Europe.
The fast and radical fluctuations caused by oscillating Gulfstream due to overall climate global changes in the past is probably also a contributing factor why/how the gene/culture stock of Eurasian humans (some 10-40.000 years ago) were "pumped back and forth" in (a natural genetic and cultural lab) through Central-Asia, hence creating modern humans as described in
Out of Africa as bi-pedal apes and back as global "mongoloids"
(link updated 2017 from Klevius "web museum" www.klevius.info).
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