
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Klevius offers some thought threads to the Kalevala Day

Kalevala, the "Finland-Swedish" epic that has been dismissed as a "national epic of Karelia and Finland", is in fact the very origin of Zoroastriamism, Greek mythology and Jewish "monotheisms".

Elias Lönnroth, the Finland-Swede who collected the Kalevala songs, was a nationalist who connected it to Finland and the Finnish language - which was favorable for Russia because it lowered the risk of a Swedish takeover. Lönnroth also spiced it with Christianity.

However, the Kalevala is something much deeper than Lönnroth's collection.

Much evidence seems to show that e.g. Greek mythology (e.g. Odysseus) can be traced to northern oral tradition. It was precisely because of writing that Greek mythology first appeared so original.

The Kalevala can be traced back at least to the Seima-Turbino phenomenon.

To understand this you need to have read Klevius analysis of how Kurgan type males mixed with mongoloid women in the northern steppe borderland.

Some of these women were extraordinary intelligent because they possessed more of the original (Denisovan?) brain power that was hovering like a residue over the sparsely populated north.

High intelligence was less visible among women because of their more domestic life.

However, when big Kurgan type males took brides from the north they sometimes unknowingly hit the jackpot and got a son (or grand-son) who was both big and very intelligent. These guys became powerful leaders in the populous south.

As an example one may consider Zarathustra who is said to have come from the north of the Caspian sea not far from the proto-Uralic homeland, and who later inspired Jewish "monotheisms".

In this scenario the "Caucasian" looking Finns (i.e. not the Sami) can be seen as the residue resulting from Uralic speaking mothers who fostered their children into the same language, whereas those more to the south inevitably became speakers of Indo-European.

Klevius wrote:

Friday, March 25, 2016

Klevius' Finland-Swedish Hobbit story

The Dragon of Evil, Tolkien, and Moomin Mum

 The Dragon of Evil in the Tolkien calendar by Tove Jansson

Everyone (except islamist muslims) seem to agree that islamism is evil. However, many, especially politicians and muslims, claim that islam is "a great and peaceful religion". From this we may conclude that islamism contains both islam and evil in an inseparable connection which poses the question how islam could possibly be without evil. Even more so when considering that the original spread of islam during more than hundred years (before it settled as sultanates simply sponging on slave business - the so called "golden age") was completely based on evil religiously "justified" robbery, slaughtering, raping and enslavement of the "infidels". Islam's problem is it foundation in evil medieval parasitism that it has now brought to the modern society.

The twisted logic that evil islam should be blinked as "islamism" has led to a variety of incomprehensible stand points. For example and ironically, because of muslim terrorists muslims now ask for extra protection against "anti-muslim sentiments" - on top of the general protection already in place. Why? Does this mean that non-muslim right-wing politicians also should get extra protection because of right-wing extremists? However, the worst twist of all is by far the Saudi based and steered (by the Saudi dictator family) all muslim's world organization OIC and its sharia declaration via UN.

 Klevius has no knowledge about J R Tolkien's view on islam. However, Klevius is convinced that J R Tolkien would have shared Klevius definition of evil based on Human Rights equality.

J R Tolkien's main hero since he was a boy and throughout his entire life was Kullervo in the Finnish epic Kalevala. Many characteristics of Kullervo can also easily be traced in Beowulf and Hamlet both of whom were Scandinavians from a time when Fennoscandia was known as Kvenland (see further down). This period is called Vendel time after a small village near Uppsala in eastern Sweden which at that time was populated by Finns and some old Nordic speaking bi-lingual "Finland-Swedes" (see more about this further down).

Klevius is convinced that Tove Jansson would have full heartedly approved of Tolkien's choice of such an ambiguous hero as Kullervo.

The official Tolkien calendar of 2016 (left) is illustrated by Finland-Swedish Tove Jansson (aka Moomin Mum).

Tove Jansson has also illustrated Swedish and Finnish books by Tolkien (right). However, she is most famous for her Moomin books and illustrations.

Klevius wrote:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Finland-Swedish Moomin Mum Tove Jansson 100 years

Back then Hitler (the Germans) cried for more cake - today islam (the muslims) do the same!

This brave caricature, 'more cake' was made by Tove Jansson in Finland during a time when Hitler (the Germans) were considered friend of Finland in its war against Stalin's communist Soviet-union.

Here Tove Jansson with her longtime partner Tuulikki Pietilä

Tove Marika Jansson (9 August 1914 – 27 June 2001) was a Swedish-speaking novelist, painter, illustrator and comic strip author from Finland. For her contribution as a children's writer she received the Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1966.

Tove Jansson is best known as the author of the Moomin books for children and the astonishing The True Deceiver for adults. The first Moomin book, The Moomins and the Great Flood, appeared in 1945, i.e. the same year Astrid Lindgren, an other world famous Swedish speaking author, published her first book about the Tomboyish Pippi Longstocking.

Like Klevius, Tove Jansson belongs to the tiny bilingual Finland-Swedish minority. In fact, access to her summer house on the pic passes a nearby place where Klevius used to live, neighboring a carpenter who used to build Moomin furnitures for Moominland.

However, unlike Klevius, Tove Jansson never had kids. It's even alleged that she felt slightly uncomfortable with kids. So where Klevius has been a family man in practice, Tove Jansson created her family environment as a fiction.

For more on this topic do visit Klevius' Love Letter to Edith Södergran (an other world famous Finland-Swede).

The little bright Hobbit girl and the giant blonde warrior

 There seems to be no way of avoiding the fact that the first truly intelligent modern humans arose in northern Eurasia. The art and genetic tracks (see below) are more than convincing albeit not yet visibly presented as such other than on Klevius book, blogs and sites so far (though the field is slowly but inevitably moving towards Klevius). 

 The people who got the new brain set up were short in stature as most Siberian people were until recently. However, when Seima-Turbino like phenomenons started (possibly even long before Seima-Turbino) big guys who had become blond in the north hunted for cute mongolic looking girls (compare Kalevala). Some of those girls possessed still a great chunk of the original super brain (compare the Denisova cave etc) so some of the kids produced with the blond giants turned up really smart. Their smartness together with a strong physical constitution in a sparsely populated river way landscape with small villages/camps constituted an ideal environment for nomadic robbery. And after some time some of these guys had collected enough financial and man power to go further south. Klevius will in detail explain this development later. Suffice to say that this is also the explanationary basis for why the Goths from the north managed to conquer the whole of Europe.

Klevius wrote:

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Klevius Midsummer quiz: How come that Klevius can read Beowulf but modern Brits can not?!

Klevius question to BBC: Why so much focus on Muhammad and so little on Beowulf?

The epic poem Beowulf, the masterpiece of Anglo-Saxon literature, was composed in pre-Viking time by an anonymous poet. It tells the story of a Scandinavian hero whose feats include battles with the fearsome monster Grendel and a fire-breathing dragon. It survives in a single manuscript dating from around 1000 AD. In form (e.g. alliteration) and content it follows much of  the Finnish Kalevala (pictured below). Not the least as how it's influenced by later Christian material.

The simple answer is that as a Finland-Swede Klevius happens to master not only Swedish and Finnish but also old Finland-Swedish dialects - and in an extension most old wordings based on Old Nordic (aka Old Norse) over an area covering all the Nordic countries (incl. Gotland) plus Netherlands, England, Scotland plus most of the north Atlantic islands east of Iceland.

In the 1990s when Klevius studied English at Stockholm University they offered a video recording of a play based on thousand year old English texts. To Klevius astonishment he immediately recognized  many familiarities with the  East-Nyland dialects Klevius had grown up with. So when two Norwegian linguists a couple of years ago stated that English is a Scandinavian language Klevius applauded them.

So what does this have to do with Midsummer? Well, it's not just linguistics but a load of other familiarities as well, not to mention the fire feasts which may even be traced back to the Celts. And remember that much/most pre-Christian cultural influences are shared within all the Nordic countries.

For a background take a look at Kvenland:

Klevius wrote

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Who were the most evil ones, muslims or Vikings?

While Yazidi people (the original monotheists from which Jews, Christians and muslims took their "faiths") and other non-muslims (and wrong-muslims) are raped, terrorized, slaughtered or forced to "convert" to islam, Ahmed and Warsi are busy defending the muslim terror organization Hamas

Take a look at the two faces in the middle of this pic that Klevius has used for many years to enlighten the problem with islam. They are both old pals fighting for political islam and against Human Rights - not necessarily for the parties they repesent. Ahmed is a muslim who uses Labor party in his jihad while Warsi uses the Conservative party in hers. They are both rooted in Pakistan (Kashmir area) and they have both been deeply involved in scandals that would have put a non-muslim far away from any political post. More about Warsi furthest down on this posting.

A glossy popular history magazine now describes plundering Medieval muslims and Vikings in completely opposite ways. Why?!

Whereas 'the caravan robbing muslims' (and that's what the magazine actually writes) are called 'the followers of a new faith' and their plundering in Mideast, Africa, Asia and Europe is positively described as 'successful conquest' (while the European defense is called 'evil crusaders'), the Vikings are just negatively dismissed as evil  'Barbarians' from the north who 'devastated the whole of Europe'.

Klevius history lesson about the muslims and the Vikings

The "extremist" parts of the Koran are exactly the ones that count for true muslims and historical records. Without following precisely those extremist parts of the Koran there wouldn't have been any islam at all.

However, although the Viking phenomenon as such was a direct consequence of muslim evilness, the forceful Vikings themselves didn't come out of the blue but represented an amplification of a pre-existing historical pattern that goes back to the Goths. And so far only Klevius (who is a late Goth/Finland-Swede) seems to have found the quite obvious source code for this transition.

In short it goes as follows:

This advanced sword from Vendel in Uppland Sweden is dated to a time before the Vikings when Uppland was still generally Finnish or at least bi-lingual. It's just one of many examples clearly revealing an alternative understanding of how the "barbarian" "Pagans" from the north could topple the Christian Roman empire. Although the sword is from Vendel time, i.e. after the fall of the Romans, it has to be put in context with the Goths (see below).

Birka (east of Stockholm) was established in the middle of the 8th century and thus being one of the earliest urban settlements in Scandinavia. Birka became part of a Baltic/Bay of Finland link in the pre-existing river and portage routes through Ladoga (Aldeigja) and Novgorod (Holmsgard) to the Byzantine Empire and the parasitic islamofascist Abbasid slave Caliphate.

The Goths

Acknowledgement: It's extremely problematic and even embarrassing for Klevius as a Finland-Swede, and as a person who brags about self-criticism being his main scientific tool, to end up with his own ethnicity as having been a major global player in the past. However, there are some mitigating excuses. So for example, what made some Finland-Swedes to become Goths and Vikings etc. were not necessarily the most sought after human characteristics. Moreover, those Finland-Swedes who didn't participate became today's tiny and on the verge of extinction Finland-Swedish community, linguistically bullied by the Finns (language) as well as the Swedes (accent/dialects).

Btw, dear reader, why don't you dare to comment, ask questions etc? Isn't the topic interesting and challenging enough, or is it because you're a coward and don't want to be known as reading something critical of islam, the worst ideological crime ever against humanity?

The oldest runic inscription found is some 600 years before the Viking age - and it is Finnish (or more probably Finnish-Old Nordic, i.e. what Klevius terms Finland-Swedish)

This is the oldest runic (Futark) inscription found. It says HARJA which is exactly the same as 'harja', meaning comb or , brush or ridge, in modern Finnish. The word is etymologically very old and had this Finnish form when the comb was made, i.e. it cannot be confused with some non-Finnish interpretation. Moreover, the word is found in all sister languages. The possibly related Baltic (or other) words do not resemble it at all neither now nor back then. The comb was found in Denmark and is dated to 160 CE (same time as the birth of Fornjotr, king of Kvenland and Gotland). However, also keep in mind that the combs owner also spole old Nordic.

Warning! There are many confused "scientists" out there emotionally trying to dismiss the Nordic origin of the Goths. I even stumbled on one who thought that different spellings would mean different groups. Spellings etc don't matter here. Just like 'Vikings' the 'Goths' is more of a concept than a specific ethnicity - just like 'muslims', except for the fact that muslim evilness is still kept alive under the cover of 'religion'.

The name 'Goth' (in its many variants) reflects the fact that it's not only thoroughly anchored in a Finnish-Old Nordic geographical/linguistic area and context but also that Gothic is linguistically puzzling if you don't see it as an Uralic colored form of Old Nordic. Moreover, genetics is still in its cradle and hence an extremely fragile tool. Only very crude main chronologies can so far be established and even shallow dives result in progressive guesswork at best, no matter how fancy math and graphs are produced. Klevius will explain more on this exciting topic later. However, so far nothing in genetics seems to disprove Klevius' analysis.

To understand the confusing picture about Finnish-Old Nordic relations that seems to emerge, one has to consider the relation between Indoeuropean and Uralic/Finnish languages. Both groups stem from geographically overlapping areas. However, whereas the former was more sedentary and farming oriented the latter was older and more rooted in a hunter-gatherer context.

As we all know agricultural societies usually gained more wealth and population than nomads etc. So when they moved north the Germanic tribes tended to follow a path more favorable for farming (Germany, Denmark and southern Sweden). This is how the linguistic map evolved in northern Europe, divided between the Finnish/Uralic related and Germanic/Indoeuropean tribes.

The Langobards - an example of how a tiny amount of Finland-Swedes (Kvens) conquered Europa

The Lombards or Langobards (Germanic word meaning the 'long-bearded' or the 'long-boarded') Latin: Langobardī, Italian Longobardi), were a north Germanic (Gothic?) tribe traceable to Gotland (Scadanan) who ruled Italy from 568 to 774.

Paul the Deacon wrote in the Historia Langobardorum that the Lombards descended from a small tribe called the Winnili (or Vinnili or Finnili) who dwelt in southern Scandinavia (Scadanan, i.e. Gotland) before migrating to seek new lands. In the 1st century AD they formed part of the Suebi*, in northwestern Germany. By the end of the 5th century they had moved into the area roughly coinciding with modern Austria north of the Danube river, where they subdued the Heruls and later fought frequent wars with the Gepids. The Lombard king Audoin defeated the Gepid leader Thurisind in 551 or 552; his successor Alboin eventually destroyed the Gepids at the Battle of Asfeld in 567.

* From Proto-Germanic *swēbaz, either based on the Proto-Germanic root *swē- meaning "one's own" people, or on the third-person reflexive pronoun; or from an earlier Indo-European root *swe-. The etymological sources list the following ethnic names as also from the same root: Suiones, Semnones, Samnites, Sabelli, Sabini, indicating the possibility of a prior Indo-European ethnic name, "our own people". Ultimately the word may also be related to 'sib' with similar meaning.

Following this victory, Alboin decided to lead his people to Italy, which had become severely depopulated after the long Gothic War (535–554) between the Byzantine Empire and the Ostrogothic Kingdom there. The Lombards were joined by numerous Saxons, Heruls, Gepids, Bulgars, Thuringians, and Ostrogoths, and their invasion of Italy was almost unopposed. By late 569 they had conquered all the principal cities north of the Po River except Pavia, which fell in 572. At the same time, they occupied areas in central and southern Italy. They established a Lombard Kingdom in Italy, later named Regnum Italicum ("Kingdom of Italy"), which reached its zenith under the 8th-century ruler Liutprand. In 774, the Kingdom was conquered by the Frankish King Charlemagne and integrated into his Empire.


From Altai to Gotland, Sami, God, Vikings, Shakespeare and Tolkien

Klevius etymology and history remarks relating to the Britain-Scandinavia connection: The ancient Persian (which is extremely young compared to Uralic) word for god 'khoda' connects to the even more ancient Finnish 'koti' and Finno-Ugric 'kota' (=home/house/seed vessel - see Klevius definition of religion and the Vagina gate), Saami 'goahti'. German Gott (god) and Swedish gott (good) as well as Gotland (pronounced Gottland), the island in the Baltic sea that constituted a (the?) main Viking hub in their slave trade with Jews and muslims.

Gotland in particular is famous as the probable ancestral home of the Goths: "a Gothic population had crossed the Baltic Sea before the 2nd century AD, reaching Scythia at the coast of the Black Sea in modern Ukraine where Goths left their archaeological traces in the Chernyakhov culture. In the 5th and 6th centuries, they became divided as the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, and established powerful successor-states of the Roman Empire in the Iberian peninsula and Italy. Crimean Gothic communities appear to have survived intact in Crimea until the late 18th century.

Hamlet was aGoth

The father of Shakespeare's prototype for Hamlet was a Goth from the Gothenburg area in Sweden (were Klevius father also happened to be born). These Goths came originally from Gotland via those very same waterways that were shaped already some 9,000 years ago, hence connecting the Baltic Sea with Doggerland/North Sea.

Gotland was also the home port and treasure island for the Vikings because it naturally connected West and East via Staraja Ladoga southeast of Finland on the river way down to the south. Gotland has revealed the biggest hoards of Viking age old Arab/islamic silver coins in Northern Europe.

Immediately north of Staraja Ladoga is the homeland of the Finnish national epic Kalevala which Tolkien based his writing on.

The world's oldest fishing net is found in southeastern Finland and is some thousand years older than Cheddar man the "oldest Brit".

Bromme culture existed in what is today's Sweden already 11,700–11,000 bp.

As a curiosity it might be noted that film director Ingmar Bergman lived most of his life on Gotland where some of his most powerful movies were filmed.

In conclusion one might well argue that the Baltic Sea has been a main hub since the birth of modern humans. 

The first version at the top made 1583 and below how it looks today.
The sword held over the lion's head represents the West whereas the one below the lion represents islam (via Khazars, Bolgars, Ottomans etc. - see text below).

Finland/Kvenland - the home of Kalevala and the Vikings


Precisely because the farming old Swedes were more numerous and wealthier than the Finnish speaking nomads, the original Finland-Swedish Vikings became "Swedisized". As a consequence the later Viking age looked more "Swedish". The oxymoron "Norwegian Vikings", however, has no place at all in history because neither Norwegian language nor Norwegians existed at that time.

Unlike muslims who only copied/stole (incl. "converts") what others had made possible, the Vikings really contributed something new.
Finland has two official languages, Swedish and Finnish. Finland is also one of the most secularized countries in the world. Finland (and huge parts of what is now Sweden and Norway) was Kvenland before the Christian crusades after which it became connected as part of Sweden for some 600 years until the 1808-9 war against Russia after which Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy in the Russian Empire until Finland's independence 6, December 1917.

After the 1808-9 war the Swedish speaking intellectuals started a campaign, "we are no Swedes anymore, and we don't wanna be Russians - so let's be Finns". This strive made many a Finland-Swede translate their name into Finnish. It also resulted in the collection of the Kalevala epos (which Tolkien used as a basis for his stories). However, Elias Lönnroth's Kalevala was heavily influenced by a monotheist understanding. Luckily Juha Pentikäinen and others have now initiated a rewriting of the text clean from Christian monotheist influences.

Due to its location Finnish (and Saami) possesses extremely old words still in use (see below). And due to the interaction between old Nordic and Finnish a pattern emerged that can still be seen stretching from Finland all the way to Iceland (see below). 

No one knows the true origin of the name Kvenland. However, Klevius qualified guess is based on its history of Nordic (and Finnish) speaking (agrarian) coastal Finns robbing beautiful girls with mongoloid characteristics (which pattern you can also trace in reading Kalevala) from its Saami and Finnish speaking neighbors. Raids with light boats was a Finnish specialty inherited from the Finnish and Russian water ways they still frequented (see Origin of Vikings). And when they heard (from the Volga Bolgars and the Jewish Khazars etc) about the enormous demand and price the muslim caliphate paid for these kind of girls the commerce quickly changed from furs to walking girls.

Due to the mix of old Nordic speaking males and Finnish speaking women an early bilingual traditon was born, which helped dealing with both Swedes and Finnish speaking "Russians". At the beginning of the Viking age the "Russians" spoke Finnish which was the main language in what is now northern and mid Russia. This also explains how Fornjotur could be the King of both Finland and Gotland as well as how Rus could become so friendly with the pre-Russians that they asked him for protection against other Vikings, Jews (Khazars) etc. 

Finland has for long suffered from what Klevius calls a mongoloid complex (2003). In 1952, only seven years after the end of Finland's disastrous connection with Germany in the World War 2, apart from having its first Olympics the nation celebrated the 17-year old Armi Kuusela's victory in the Miss Universe "beauty" contest, thus finally releasing the Finns from what was considered a traumatic connection with the East and its Russian/mongoloid inhabitants.

Klevius' ethnicity

The tiny (some 300,000) Finland-Swedish ethnic minority has, apart from the tiresome, bragging and annoying islamophobe named Klevius, produced such names as Edith Södergran (modernist poet), Westermarck (anthropology), Jean Sibelius (music), Georg Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's successor), Lasse Wiren (athletics - double-double Olympic winner on 5,000m and 10,000m), Lindberg (music - Kraft etc), Linus Thorvald (Linux), etc etc.

This list clearly implies a Finland-Swedish complex or something (see Inside Klevius mind).

Why surprised about the fact that English is a Nordic language? Klevius has informed about it for almost a decade on the web!

* When Klevius shakes hand with native English speakers he loves to point out that 'finger', 'hand', and 'arm' all are Swedish words with exactly the same spelling and not too different pronunciation. This usually produces a nice "really". However, when he also points out that most of the non-Latin words in English also are Swedish a brief uncertain and incredulous retreat from the topic is noticeable. And, now finally the self-evident fact that even grammar is equal has been pointed out even by others.

English is a Scandinavian/Nordic (Fennoscandian*) language

* No one knows for how long Old Swedish/Nordic language(s) has been spoken in Finland. This is why not only the Scandinavian part but the whole Fennoscandian peninsula ought to be included.

Jan Terje Faarlund, professor of linguistics at the University of Oslo. "Obviously there are many English words that resemble ours. But there is something more: its fundamental structure is strikingly similar to Norwegian.

Klevius (who understands all Nordic languages incl. Finnish and most dialects): Norwegian language emerged after the Viking period (see Origin of Vikings). Its predecessor, i.e. what is called "Old Norse" but perhaps rather should be called Old Swedish or Old Nordic, is rooted in Kvenland from the cross pollination of Finnish and Nordic Germanic. Kvenish today is still very close to Finnish (more so than e.g. Estonian) yet it also contains such pecularities as meiðän ('our') which is simply meidän in Standard Finnish with a normally sounding d instead of the English sounding ð.

Kvenland (Womanland) from Finno-Ugric/Uralic to Old Swedish/Scandinavian/Nordic*

*aka "Old Norse" which might lead associations to Norway although there were no Norwegian speakers around long after the Viking age (see Origin of Vikings).

Kvenland, aka Cwenland, Kænland, Queenland, Kvinnoland, Womanland etc, is an ancient name for an area in Fennoscandia. Compare Swedish 'Kvinna' (woman) and English 'Queen' as well as Norwegian 'kone' (woman) Swedish 'kön' (sex) and English 'kin' (yes, we have Indoeuropean 'gen' but so what, where did 'gen' emerge?).

There exists a persistent "wikimyth" that Finnish language in Sweden and Norway are just a few hundred years old when in fact it's thousands of years old but due to national romanticism was explained away as caused by late immigration only.

As I already said, no one knows for sure why it was called Kvenland. However, a strong hypothesis is that the name reflects sex-slave hunt for beautiful white girls/women who were most valued on the muslim slave markets by the islamic mosques. So the Finnish empire may have existed long before it was called Kvenland.The name was just applied from the outside as a marker of its notorious records.

Kvenland appears in written sourdes from  the 9th century, and from Icelandic sources written in the 12th and 13th centuries. Since the 17th century most historians have located Kvenland somewhere around or near the Bothnian Bay, in the present-day regions of Swedish Norrbotten and Finnish Ostrobothnia as well as part of Norway where there are still a Kvenish population. The traditional East Finnish name of this area was Kainuu, and it has been suggested that the Scandinavian name of Kvenland and Kainuu share etymological roots.

Around 890 CE a Northman named Ohthere visited King Alfred of Wessex who had his stories written down by Orosius.

According to Ohthere, the Norðmanna land was very long and very narrow ... and to the east are wild mountains, parallel to the cultivated land. Finnas inhabit these mountains ... Then along this land southwards, on the other side of the mountain, is Sweden ... and along that land northwards, Kvenland (Cwenaland). The Kvens (Cwenas) sometimes make depredations on the Northmen over the mountain, and sometimes the Northmen on them.
There are large [freshwater] meres amongst the mountains,[2] and the Kvens carry their ships over land into the meres, and thence make depredations on the Northmen; they have small and very light ships.

Fornjotur* (ca 160-250 CE), the Finnish King of Kvenland and Gotland, and ancestor of the Swedish Ynglinga tree and William I of England

* there is much reason to believe that the legend about Fornjotur has more truth underneath than for example the myth about Mohammed (who was allegedly born 400 years later). Hugh Kennedy (professor of Arabic language and Arabic history): "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Mohammed (dead 632) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."

Fornjotur, Fornjót, Fornjótr) was a king of Finland. His children are Ægir (the ruler of the sea), Logi (fire giant) and Kári (god of wind).
The name has often been interpreted as forn-jótr "ancient giant", and sometimes identified with the primeval giant Ymir. But it is also possible, as was suggested by Müller (1818), that it is one of a well-established group of names or titles of gods in -njótr "user, owner, possessor", which would make Fornjótr the "original owner".

How did primary stress on first syllable come from Kvenland to Iceland?

There was of course another language, Kvenish-Finnish, that was present in Fennoscandia and somehow influenced the ancient Norse language.

Finnish possesses some of the oldest words in the world, some of them still in their original Uralic form. In fact, the old Finnish stem seems to be closer to its distant roots than other Finno-Ugric languages despite the fact that Finland has been the most modernized of them all.

Klevius linguistic question: How was the strange affinity between Indoeuropean Icelandic and Uralic Finnish created between Kvenland and Iceland?

Whereas Indoeuropean languages are strongly rooted in a Neolithic agricultural past Uralic languages are rooted in hunting/gathering societies i.e. pre-Neolithic.

Indoeuropean Old Norse developed into "Western" and "Eastern" variants. Western Norse covered Norway and overseas settlements in Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Shetland Islands, while Eastern Norse developed in Denmark and south-central Sweden and coastal Finland.

The language of Iceland and the non Finnish or Saami Fennoscandia was practically the same up until the 14th century, when they started to deviate from each other.

During the late Old Norse period and this period there was also a considerable adoption of Middle Low German vocabulary. Similar development in grammar and phonology happened in Swedish and Danish, keeping the dialect continuum in continental Scandinavia intact, but with greater dialectal variation. This process did not, however, occur in the same way in Faroese and Icelandic. These languages remain conservative to this day, when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, so mutual intelligibility with continental Scandinavia was lost.

The Uralic languages belong to a single Eurasian belt of agglutinative languages together with the Altaic languages streching from Fennoscandia in the west to Japan in the east

Not only typological parallelism, but also stress on the first syllable as well as lack of third person pronoun sex segregation (e.g. Finnish 'hän' instead of 'he/she' apartheid) is accompanied by areal adjacency, allowing us to speak of a distinct Ural-Altaic language area and language type we may call Eurasiatic.

Some roots for Eurasiatic: mi (what?, mi/kä or mi/tä in modern Finnish), pälä (two), akʷā (water), tik (one or finger), konV (arm 1), bhāghu(s) (arm 2), bük(ä) (bend or knee), punče (hair), p'ut'V (vagina or vulva), snā (smell or nose), kamu (seize or squeeze), and parV (the verb to fly)

Modern Finnish preserves old words equal or almost equal more often than other languages

Examples of reconstructed Proto-Uralic words:

Body parts and bodily functions: *ïpti hair on the head, *ojwa head, *śilmä eye (same as in modern Finnish), *poski cheek (same as in modern Finnish), *kä(x)li tongue ('kieli' in modern Finnish), *elä- to live ('elää' in modern Finnish), *ka(x)li- to die ('kuolla', and 'kuoli' in imperf), *wajŋi breath (in Finnish 'vainaja' means a dead), *kosi cough, *kunśi urine ('kusi' in modern Finnish), *küńili tear ('kyynele' in modern Finnish), *se(x)ji pus.

Kinship terms: *emä mother (same in modern Finnish), *čečä uncle ('setä' in modern Finnish), *koska aunt, *mińä daughter-in-law ('miniä' in modern Finnish), *wäŋiw son-in-law ('vävy' in modern Finnish).

Verbs for universally known actions: *meni- to go ('mennä', 'meni' in imperf in modern Finnish), *toli- to come ('tulla', 'tuli' in imperf in modern Finnish), *aśkili- to step ('askel' is step in modern Finnish), *imi- to suck ('imi' is sucked in modern Finnish), *soski- to chew, *pala- to eat up ('pala' is a piece in modern Finnish), *uji- to swim ('ui' is swim in imperf in modern Finnish), *sala- to steal ('salata' means to hide in modern Finnish), *kupsa- to extinguish ('kupsata' used for to die in modern Finnish).

Basic objects and concepts of the natural world: *juka river ('joki' in modern Finnish), *toxi lake, *weti water ('vesi/vettä' in modern Finnish), *päjwä sun (same but also day in modern Finnish), warmth, *suŋi summer ('suvi' in modern Finnish), *śala- lightning ('salama' in modern Finnish), *wanča root ('vanka', 'vankka' means steady in modern Finnish), *ko(x)ji birch, *ka(x)si spruce ('kuusi' in modern Finnish), *sïksi Siberian pine, *δ'ï(x)mi bird cherry

Elementary technology: *tuli fire (same in modern Finnish), *śüδi coal, *äjmä needle, *pura drill ('pora' in modern Finnish), *jïŋsi bow ('jousi' in modern Finnish), *jänti bow string, *ńï(x)li arrow ('nuoli' in modern Finnish), *δ'ümä glue ('liima' in modern Finnish), *lïpśi cradle, *piksi rope, *suksi ski (same in modern Finnish), *woča fence.

Basic spatial concepts: *ïla below ('alla' in modern Finnish), *üli above ('yli' in modern Finnish), *wasa left ('vasen' in modern Finnish), *pälä side.

Pronouns: *mun I (meaning mine in modern Finnish), *tun you ('sun' meaning yours in modern Finnish), *ke- who (same in modern Finnish), *mi- what (same in modern Finnish).

The reconstructed vocabulary is compatible with a Mesolithic culture (bow, arrow, needle, sinew, but also rope, fence, cradle, ski), a north Eurasian landscape (spruce, birch, Siberian pine), and contains interesting hints on kinship structure.

The Vikings were bilingual (Finland-Swedes) Goths who could communicate both with the Finnish tribes as well as with the old Nordic/German people

In the Viking world the Jewish slave empire (Chazaria) played an important role in establishing the slave raid and trade system that served the enormous islamic hunger for white sex slaves.

Karelia's old coat of arms.

Karelia bordered the medieval Novgorod republic which was ransacked by muslim Bolgars who hunted for slaves. The southern part became an important hub in the islamic slave finance as Vikings and Kazar Jews etc served the islaic caliphate in the south and later on the Ottoman Turks.

Fair skinned female sex slaves from northern Europe were the by far most valuable according to islamic price lists

(see more about this here)

Most of what you read about Vikings on the web is wrong. The Viking age started already before 750 in the east (because of islamic demand for sex slaves). So forget about Britain 786. Also remember that if you see the words Norway or Norwegians mentioned re. Vikings then throw the link/book away. There was no Norway or Norwegians or a Norwegian language during the Viking age! Educate yourself on Origin of the Vikings.

In 882, Rurik's successor, Oleg of Novgorod, conquered Kiev and founded the state of Kievan Rus.

After the Kievan Russian state began to disintegrate in 1132, slaves became much more numerous as inhabitants of neighboring East Slavic principalities (much of the territory between Poland-Lithuania and the Volga River) became fair game for enslavement.

Jewish merchants took East Slavic slaves from Novgorod to western destinations. Other East Slavic slaves were continuously "harvested" by the Turkic peoples (Tatars) inhabiting the southern and eastern frontiers of Rus' and subsequently sold to buyers mainly in the Arab countries.

The Mongol invasions into Rus' from 1236-1240 accelerated the disintegration of Kievan Rus' that had commenced in 1132.

Continuous Tatar slave raids replaced those of the pre-1240 Turkic peoples who had roamed the Ukranian steppe. In these centuries the word "slave" was borrowed from the ethnonym "Slav."

During the ensuing period of the "Tatar yoke" (1237-1480), the export of slaves through Novgorod continued and the Novgorodian slave market at the intersection of Slave and High Streets was the most active business locale in the entire Republic of Novgorod, which encompassed much of Russia north of the Volga to the White Sea.

The Crimean Tatars had converted to islam in the 1300s and in 1475 the Crimean Khanate became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire while itself still clinging to power over the Duchy of Muscovy.  In 1480, the Muscovites threw off the "Tatar Yoke" and began the unification of Russia under Slavic rulers.  By 1503, those rulers would declare Russia the Third Roman Empire, and take the title of Tsar.

The Crimean Tatars made use of their strategic position between the Ottomans and the Russians and supplied slaves for the Ottoman Janissary corps from the neighboring peoples to an enormous extent yet to be fully mapped.

Greedy rulers either married a muslim and naively agreed* to convert or just found islam the perfect sword for evil but profitable slave finance

* Islam is an evil dead end. A totalitarian harpoon that has only one direction unless it's stopped. This is one of the many reasons why islam is completely out of sync with Human Rights - a fact that not only Klevius but also OIC has realized!

Little is known about the timeline of the islamization of Inner Asia and the Turkic peoples who lay beyond the bounds of the caliphate. Around 7th century and 8th century, there were some states of Turkic peoples like Turkic Khazar Khaganate and Turkic Turgesh Khaganete who fought against the caliphate in order to stop Arabization and islamization in Asia. From the 9th century onwards, the Turks (at least individually, if not yet through adoption by their states) began to convert to islam. The Bulgars of the Volga, to whom the modern Volga Tatars trace their islamic roots, are noted to have adopted islamic evil early on. When the Friar William of Rubruck visited the encampment of Batu Khan of the Golden Horde, who had recently completed the Mongol invasion of Volga Bulgaria, he noted "I wonder what devil carried the law of Machomet there".

Different political functions of the islamic myth to legitimate power

Quite contrary to the populist academic discourse that within an islamic worldview, the production of "eventually" correct ritual behavior can be a gateway for "the grace of Allah" to produce "correct belief", the crude reality of islam's own tenets points clearly - and without the slightest anomaly from non-islamic history in sight - to a profitable parasitic formula crudely chiseled on pre-existing Judaic dogmas. This formula, which in one sweep eliminates otherwise "puzzling" historical events, goes like this (taken from

The root formula of Islam (Klevius 2001)

Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban.

Why isn't the worst crime ever against humanity criminalized, but instead protected by the very Human Rights islam opposes?!

Converts to islam don't have to understand anything to be a "good muslim" simply because accepting totalitarian islam is the only proof needed. However, other muslims might not approve of it...

Friday, February 22, 2019

Klevius serious question: Can any* media be more fake than BBC?

* BBC is the world's biggest state (mainly England and the islamofascist Saudi dictator family via its influence) controlled media. BBC is also hiding behind a democratic Potemkin facade while only being impartial when it fits BBC's agenda. Moreover, as in the case below, BBC's main tool for faking news and info is suppress and neglect what it wants its listeners not to know about while filling its programs with propaganda - or sometimes just music and meaningless chat. 

Today, when the Japanese space agency managed for the second time to do what no one else has managed to do, BBC managed to spend three hours of news time without even mentioning it.

BBC's smear campaign against Chinese is said to be "because they have a communist government". So what's the reason that BBC is equally racist against Japanese?

Two things spring to mind: Chinese and Japanese have a long tradition of not believing in a Jewish "god". Chinese and Japanese also have in common of being Mongoloid. Just try to imaging BBC being equally racist against black nations.

A third contributor may be that many "white" people feel a slight inferiority complex against Mongoloids (Chinese and Japanese culture, technology and science) while they feel superior against less developed black or colored nations - as long as they aren't too Mongoloid - or fit in a particular "Western" (read US/UK) agenda.

Also read what is said about The Finnish/Swedish/European Mongoloid-complex on Klevius "web museum" written in 2003.

Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Japan makes the world's top technology - yet Europe gets the press! Why?

Why is the media shouting FIRST EVER when a bunch of European countries try to copy what Japan did a decade ago?!

Nissan rocket no. 1 with the Hayabusa robot

Nissan rocket no. 2

With a lap time of 7 min 8 sec Nissan GTR is the fastest, (non-hybrid*) globally-homologated road car around the world's most famous race track Nurburgring in Germany.

The old GTR was the first car to go under 8 minutes at Nurburgring.

* i.e. using a battery and Japanese hybrid technology to get extra power for the short time the ride lasts.

A Nissan Skyline* GTR ATESSA 4WD (2700 cc 6 cyl 280-1600 hp) from the 1990s  - the Japanese legend that Lambourghini Gallardo (5000 cc) was aimed to beat - more than a decade later! But consider huge difference in quality! The old Skyline GTR has the world record for legal cars abt 350 km/h on a German (!) autobahn (unofficial >380 km/h)!

What all GTRs have in common compared to non-Japanese super cars is superior quality. Already in the 1990s a Porsche CEO admitted that they can never achieve the same quality level as the Japanese.

* The new GTR has dropped the Skyline name. However, the basics are the same: 4WD and a small but powerful 6 cylinder engine.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

While Shinto tech lands/takes off from asteroid Sweden’s state radio blinks & brainwashes abt Islam-fascism on first Christmas day!

Is Islam the worst crime ever against humanity?
Probably. In fact it’s only Islam’s technological incompetency that has kept the number of its victims down. But the hundreds of millions that has been enslaved, raped, tortured, humiliated and murdered under Islamic ideology during 1400 years are more than enough to make it a good candidate.

What's true Islam/Arab? A "blind", sexist Swedish "Leif Larsson-imam" who calls himself a Sunni "Abd al Haqq"?! - TRUE ROOTS OF "TRUE" ISLAM
(Also see Peter Klevius' definition of religion)

Update: This women hating and obviously also deeply homophobic Swedish top islamist was of course invited and threatened that that if Sweden doesn't give more support to Islam then "something similar as in France may well happen"! I.e. he cowardly and hypocritically acts precisely in accordance with Klevius analysis that "moderate" Islam is tightly connected to violence and terror. This Leif Larsson-imam" who calls himself a Sunni "Abd al Haqq" cowardly avoided the question whether Islam accepts social contact with homosexuals(also see link above). In the same program an Iranian Muslim woman who had escaped Islam in Iran to what she thought of as a secular country where she felt free not to veil herself etc, was named a racist, and yelled at by a fanatic Swedish woman who had converted to Islam and had veiled herself for a year!

Swedish state media hypocrisy
While Japanese Shinto conquers tech & space pan-Arabic totalitarian racist/sexist, slave and oil-fueled pan-Arabic Islam based on contempt for the "infidels" conquers the twisted minds of politicians and certain (i.e. fascist) media people.
This morning every main news channel reported abt Japan's successful landing on an asteroid (Itogawa), sample collecting and planned return back to Earth. However, Sweden's state radio P1 Ekot did not! The same state radio has been extremely silent abt the whole project until Hayabusa failed to contact a mini-robot dropped on the surface some days ago. Then they immediately reeported - but only abt the failure!
The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa, which already now has done something never done before (and on a low cost budget!), was sent up by a genuinely Japanese rocket and paved its way to Itogawa by a unique new type of engine. It's the first time ever a robot has made such an achievement, and if Hayabusa manages to successfully return the sample back to Earth it has made an equally great leap as did the first Moon explorers! Also see Euro-vulgo vs Shinto high tech, dangerous safety myths, and burning Volvos!

Schizophrenic and hypocritical Islamophilia
But Sweden talks and boosts medieval Islam! Swedish fascist state radio glorifies (on the first traditional Christmas day in Sweden!) pan-Arabic racist/sexist totalitarian oil-fueled Islam fascism while "Muslim" Nalin Pekgul (leader of the socialdemocratic women in Sweden) escapes her Islamic suburb because she is afraid of the Islamists! Still, she wants more Koran schools, mosques etc! I.e. political greedyness overcomes logic.Although "Arabs dramatically lag behind the rest of the world in democracy, knowledge, and women’s rights."
Said has no more patience for this sort of thing than he did when he wrote Orientalism and Covering Islam, the twin towers of today’s academic Islamophilia."

The background to the fanatic Swedish state media campaign in favour of fascist/sexist/racist/totalitarian pan-Arabic Islam is a recent poll that clearly showed that the Swedes felt heavily reluctant, not to immigrants, but to Islam! Not politically correct, though. But why shouldn't they? It's indeed puzzling how anyone who knows abt the birth of Islam and its context could embrace it unless you use it for your personal fears, contempt/racism/sexism or if you get paid for it. But in Sweden when people "don't understand" political correctness then they have to be brainwashed and/or threatened for being "racists" etc!

The line between moderate and radical Islam is drawn in water!
When the first roadside bomb now hit Swedish troops in Afganistan commentators in Sweden seem surprised. Why us? We're politically corrrect and hate Bush!
The ideology of Islam is death/doxic/rigid and totalitarian - i.e. in every aspect contradicting life itself!! Furthermore it's deeply sexist (see e.g. P. Klevius' From Freud to bin Laden + links).
"While in Mecca, Muhammad was surrounded by enemies, and while there he taught his followers toleration, according to sura 2:256, which says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error..." As a minor player, surrounded by enemies he did well to receive this 'convenient' revelation. But the call for toleration changed when his power was established in Medina, once the charter had been written which regulated life between the various differing groups. "
"The riots increasingly (and alarmingly) suggest that Islamist radicals see criminality as an opportunity for recruitment, while criminals see Islam as a legitimizer." Klevius comment: Not only criminals but also politicians etc. The first victims of "the sword of Islam" (certainly not a Samurai sword) are those abused to become its bloody edge.
The fate of faith: castration and dilution, and Islam eaten up by the "great Satan".

In a dynamic (living) world there will always be motion/development! And you can’t morally accuse development, can you. That’s why I defended poverty in my book Demand for Resources - on the right to be poor! You see, there's a really schizophrenic and incompatible view on poverty, interest, profit, development etc in Islam. It's been there for some 1400 yrs. The robber's moral and in vain search for justification of sponging (on women, illiterates, dependents, oil, human rights, "West", "infidels" etc). This globalization is inevitably cracking up every ounce of "true Islam". Furthermore development has no skin color. That's something really different from the racist idea that development per se could be accused as "racist"! But the "whites" or the "Europeans" or the "Americans" or the "Japanese" (or maybe including "colored" in the same categories - by the way, I've never met a white human) just happened to be there where it happened! So because development hasn't immediately been followed by a global "fair share" plan, there is no reason to always shout racism. Except one - Islam!. Instead of leaning on Islam and its contempt and sexism ideology every human, no matter if s/he is weak or poor in the West or somewhere else, in the long run benefits from cooperation, not contempt or politically and religiously construed artificial, unnecessary, hindering and dangerous division/separatism. By supporting Islam now you always directly or indirectly support/encourage terrorism and the continuing cultural "prion" (mad cow disease) destruction of young minds.
Dubai - the center of the Islamic schizophrenia and West's main basis in Mideast for the spreading of technology and secularism?
All of the technology you see in Mideast (except Israel) comes from Japan or "the evil West", and its bought for money "earned" on oil found and drilled and transported etc by those same "infidels".
It's then quite remarkable when Sweden, the nation with the highest taxes on the planet, celebrates an immigrant footballer who, when he gets money, immediately starts spending them in Islamic Dubai, the country without taxes, no labor unions, where no one has the vote, where women are packed in black cloth all over (must be convenient in 40 degree Celsius!) and where there are no political parties (OK the last one is almost like in Sweden)!

Much of the evil European heritage may be traced to Mideast. What abt fascism?

Fascism and racism seem inevitable in Europe, and Sweden has always sided with the bad guys´ideologies: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, eugenicists etc, you name them…

Often led by the coward's wisdom that bad guys don’t forgive if they win.

Saudi Arabia (the homeland of nothing but Islam and oil, is one of the eight worst countries on Earth) is honoured in Sweden and invited to buy weapons and to study etc "cultural exchange"! And it,s logical that a country without human rights spongs on precisely those rights (see The Holy (negative) Human Rights).

Sweden aids Iran’s Islamic WMD (Sweden is Europe's center for dangerous diseases etc)!

Sweden tops rape stats but won't talk Islamic perpetrators.

When the extreme homophobia in Islam is discussed the state radio blinks again and talks Catholic priests!

Sweden had the longest and most ambitious eugenics programme.

Sweden is notorious for its state sanctioned child trafficking etc cruelty (see posting below). And the Swedish state uses to apologize some 30-50 years after! When it's safe...
Although child criminality is on a constant rise all over the world, keeping in mind Sweden's high taxes to the social authorities (the so called "welfare" state), Sweden may well be considered the worst hit on the planet. Of course no one would even dare to research how this may be connected to Islamic/Koranic contempt boosted at home, in mosques, Muslim youth organizations, Islamic schools etc!
Swedish universities are free but heavily state ruled/biased. "Critical thinking" in Sweden means criticism against those who criticize the Swedish system. A new trend is that students in, for example, political science courses aren't allowed to take the final (degree) class if they havn't got a lot of VGs. But to get a VG you have really to confirm to the anti-Bush, leftist way of thinking proposed by handpicked lecturers!

"The human bomb, a boy in his early teens, lost his nerve, broke down and pleaded with Israeli troops guarding a checkpoint to save him. The soldiers kept their nerve, and used a robot to cut him free from the 8 kilograms of explosives strapped to his body. If the whole incident had not been filmed by a passing Palestinian cameraman who works for a press agency, cynics would be dismissing it as a stunt organised by the Israelis. But it is an awfully routine part of life in the Middle East. Suicide bombers are generally young men, although a new tactic favoured by Palestinian terrorists is to bully young women into blowing themselves up, on the promise that by dying they will atone for their so-called sexual infidelities. The only thing that makes this latest attempted attack more grotesque than usual is the fact the bomber was so young. The corruption in the souls of terrorist commanders who sacrifice the lives of young people while they, and their own children, stay safe beggars belief."

PS! No, I don't believe in Mideastern religions or the "religion" of Islam. My only "god" is uncertainty, i.e the dynamics of life itself. See Klevius' definition of religion. Long since, on a party, I met with a guy from Pakistan who seemed to like my conversation. But when I told him that I don't believe in any kind of Mideastern "gods" he looked at me with horror and never talked to me again! I was just surprised back then but now I might mirror some of that horror back to him.


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

How does BBC pick their non sense "researchers" to be presented fpr the compusory licence fee paying people in England?

Today's examples included Paul Davies who thinks information is separate from matter, and an other who thinks chimps/bonobos don't understand "complex" information.

These "researchers" would have gained tremendously if they had read Klevius theory/analysis of consciousness and the brain.

As already Wittgenstein pointed out, one has to distinguish between "things" and operations. And as Klevius has pointed out (published 1981, 1992, 2004):

The basis of existence is change (motion), and causality constitutes a complex of evolution and devolution. Evolution may be seen as the consequence of causality's variables in time where complexity in existing structures are reinforced. This stands in opposition to thermodynamics which theoretically leads to maximal entropy (i.e. energy equilibrium) where time/change finally ends. Someone might then say that the products of evolution are just temporary components in causality's road towards uniformity (Klevius 1981, 1992:23).

Sorry about the poor translation from Swedish.

Information is hence reduction of uncertainty, i.e. awareness/consciousness. In other words, information is your adaptation to your environment. As is the abstraction of what's going on in a black hole.

And when it comes to "complex understanding", it's just a stupid and nearsighted human effort to glorify her/himself in a completely meaningless way.

 This reminds me of Peter Gärdenfors, "one of Sweden's most notable philosophers" (Wikipedia),  who thought chimps/bonobos can't think about the future. These kind of statements reveal an ignorance beyond comprehension when considering this man got a professorship and awards for his philosophical incompetence.

Btw, the only "reward" Klevius has ever been awarded was 500 Finnish Marks back in 1981 when his first article about Demand for Resourdes was published. However, not even that would have been possible without George Henrik von Wright's (Wittgenstein's successor at Cambridge) good word to the editor.

Doesn't this Klevius' cry for attention also contain something good for a general usage? What do you think.

Klevius 1992 book Demand for Resources which is based on the 1981 article - which was written already in 1979 - will be translated in English on these blogs in the near future. Then you can evaluate Klevius - and perhaps read his much later analysis as well.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Fake media (like BBC) uses the deliberately misleading term "anti-semitism" for the purpose of protecting the most evil country on the planet.

Was this white non-Jew the greatest Holocaust hero? And was his non-Jewishness the reason Hollywood refused to make a film about him?

 Witold Pilecki (13 May 1901 – 25 May 1948).

He describes his own entrance to Ausch­witz in 1940, when it was a camp for Poles, as the moment when he “bade farewell to everything I had hitherto known on this earth and entered something seemingly no longer of it.” Between 1939 and 1945, nearly some 3 million non-Jewish Poles died were murdered by the Nazis. Jews came to Auschwitz beginning in 1942. Pilecki escaped in 1943 and delivered a full report about the atrocities he had already told the world about in 1941.

Volunteering for Ausch­witz and ­remaining there for almost three years was perhaps one of the most courageous things anyone has ever done. He was then betrayed by his own government who sent him to death through a show trial to please the USSR.

1940 Witold Pilecki deliberately walked into a German roundup in Warsaw for the purpose of being sent to Auschwitz. He did it to check out whether the rumors were true about what happened there.

While in the camp, he organized a resistance movement and informed the Western Allies of Nazi Germany's Auschwitz atrocities as early as 1941. He escaped from the camp in 1943 after nearly 2½ years of imprisonment. He took part as a combatant in the Warsaw Uprising[6] in August–October 1944. He remained loyal to the London-based Polish government-in-exile after the Communist takeover of Poland, and he was arrested for espionage in 1947 by the Stalinist secret police (Urząd Bezpieczeństwa) on charges of working for "foreign imperialism", a euphemism for British Intelligence.

In 1941 he was one of the first (the first?) to tell the world about Holocaust - but few were interested.

In December 1942, the US and UK governments were (officially) aware of the scale of the Holocaust where some 6-14 million non-Jews and 5.9 million Jews were killed. However, they
kept it for themselves. Allied commanders who liberated camps at the end of the war seem to have been totally unaware of this information and what had been going on in the camps.

According to the Holocaust remembrance memorial in Israel, information regarding mass murders of Jews (sic - what about non-Jews?) began to reach the free world in late June 1941, and the volume of such reports increased with time.

Biography of Pilecki is actually a ready screenplay for a film. Why, in your opinion, American Hollywood filmmakers did not make such a film? Why did they prefer to depict the story entitled "Resistance" about the imaginary heroic exploits of the Jewish partisan unit of Tewii Bielski?

Adam Cyra, a specialist in World War II history of Central Europe: The (planned Hollywood-) film you spoke about was extremely biased and false. However, I remember that two or three years ago a representative of Hollywood appeared in the museum, who wanted to make a film about Pilecki. They already had a script written, translated into Polish. They absolutely wanted me to give my opinion and make a positive statement. I read the script and my hair stood on end. There were various strange, sensational and fictional threads.

Did you ask filmmakers from Hollywood why they wanted to color the captain's biography in such a way?

Adam Cyra: No, apparently the real one seemed too unattractive to them. Anyway, when it comes to disseminating Pilecki's biography, it is possible that another delicate issue played a role here. On the cover of Garlinski's book, which I mentioned earlier, translated into English and French, is the information that Pilecki was of Jewish origin. It was not true, he was not. It just happened that he did not have any Jewish roots, but if he did, then Hollywood filmmakers might be interested in him more. Garlinski himself said that when he went to the United States and the Jews there they saw a prison number on his arm, they said he must be a Jew. When he denied and added that he was Polish, they were surprised because, in their opinion, there were no Poles in Auschwitz at all. This is the image in the West. And yet it was a camp founded for the Polish intelligentsia.

BBC (and some other fake media) keep spitting out the oxymoron "anti-semitism" well knowing that most Jew haters are semitic (Arabic) speaking muslims. Why?

Klevius has the right answer - again: It's all about protecting the murderous war crimes and terrorism committing islamofascist Sunni Arab Saudi dictator family - and to label Persian speaking Shia muslim Iran "anti-semitic", i.e. against both Jews and Arabic speaking muslims.

The islamofascist custodians of islam, the Saudi dictator family and Israel are "allies", and therefore tied to the US (and its tiny cousin England). Add to this the dollar, the OPEC, and the OIC, and you see why islam creates so many victims today.

Read Klevius if you want the facts right - and always avoid state propagandist BBC and its insidiously faked mis-"info".

Judaism and islam have historically always been intertwined in a schizophrenic relationship that continuous today.

It started with Jewish-Christians creating islam and with Mohammad's first deed being to slaughter all the Jews in Medina. However, when the muslims started their pillaging, raping and enslaving "conquest" it was encouraged and aided by Jews already in place in e.g. the Sassanid civilization as well as in the Visigothic civilization and Carolingian Empire.

However, this didn't hinder muslims from persecuting Jews. Just ask Maimonides (the Jew that most Jews celebrate the most) who had to hide his Jewishness despite living at a time now described by PC historians as "islamic tolerance".

Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Jewish origin of islam

Islam is a sect grown out of Judaism via Christianity.

According to Human Rights there are no "chosen people". Meaning that you may believe whatever you like as long as you follow legislation guided by the principle of Universal equality.

 Here's an approximate map of Judaism just before the origin of islam.

And below an approximate map of the violent muslim colonization in the foot steps of the Jewish slave trade routes.

 The above maps could be almost identical if produced with same techniques. This is no coincident but due to the "mysterious" code (the Jews) that made Arab imperialism possible and historical analysis impossible ("mysterious") if not included.  

Except for Khazaria, Jews were more business orientated than eager to waive swords compared to their copycats the Arab Bedouins. However, without wealthy and influential Jews leading the bloodthirsty and illiterate Bedouins (compare Ibn-Khaldun's description) and paving the way for the Arab looters (compare how the Jews used Turkic people in Khazaria in pretty much the same manner) the "Arab conquest" would have quickly dried out in the Arabian sand.

Dear reader. When reading Klevius analysis of the origin of islam, do always keep in mind the following important facts:

1 There was no Koran - only some Jewish/Christian text manipulations.

2  There was no Muhammad - only the old Jewish Messias (the rescuer/saver/leader) myth. Muhammad as described by muslims is a later invention snd doesn't appear in any official documents whatsoever before Malik.

3  Conventional "descriptions" of the "Arab conquest" are impossible and leave historians "amazed". Instead looting, booty, and sex slaves were the main incentives for the Bedouins. What was new was a more tight racist system of "we-and-the-other" which hindered (for a time) hindered internal divisions. On top of this was the Dhimmitude taxation system under the sword.

4 Understanding these point is also understanding that islam originated as a parasite and therefore never functioned as inspiration in itself for innovations etc. This is why every islamic colony has ended in bachwardness. Africa is an example of how a parasitic ideology was able to drain a whole continent.