
Friday, February 8, 2019

Fake media (like BBC) uses the deliberately misleading term "anti-semitism" for the purpose of protecting the most evil country on the planet.

Was this white non-Jew the greatest Holocaust hero? And was his non-Jewishness the reason Hollywood refused to make a film about him?

 Witold Pilecki (13 May 1901 – 25 May 1948).

He describes his own entrance to Ausch­witz in 1940, when it was a camp for Poles, as the moment when he “bade farewell to everything I had hitherto known on this earth and entered something seemingly no longer of it.” Between 1939 and 1945, nearly some 3 million non-Jewish Poles died were murdered by the Nazis. Jews came to Auschwitz beginning in 1942. Pilecki escaped in 1943 and delivered a full report about the atrocities he had already told the world about in 1941.

Volunteering for Ausch­witz and ­remaining there for almost three years was perhaps one of the most courageous things anyone has ever done. He was then betrayed by his own government who sent him to death through a show trial to please the USSR.

1940 Witold Pilecki deliberately walked into a German roundup in Warsaw for the purpose of being sent to Auschwitz. He did it to check out whether the rumors were true about what happened there.

While in the camp, he organized a resistance movement and informed the Western Allies of Nazi Germany's Auschwitz atrocities as early as 1941. He escaped from the camp in 1943 after nearly 2½ years of imprisonment. He took part as a combatant in the Warsaw Uprising[6] in August–October 1944. He remained loyal to the London-based Polish government-in-exile after the Communist takeover of Poland, and he was arrested for espionage in 1947 by the Stalinist secret police (Urząd Bezpieczeństwa) on charges of working for "foreign imperialism", a euphemism for British Intelligence.

In 1941 he was one of the first (the first?) to tell the world about Holocaust - but few were interested.

In December 1942, the US and UK governments were (officially) aware of the scale of the Holocaust where some 6-14 million non-Jews and 5.9 million Jews were killed. However, they
kept it for themselves. Allied commanders who liberated camps at the end of the war seem to have been totally unaware of this information and what had been going on in the camps.

According to the Holocaust remembrance memorial in Israel, information regarding mass murders of Jews (sic - what about non-Jews?) began to reach the free world in late June 1941, and the volume of such reports increased with time.

Biography of Pilecki is actually a ready screenplay for a film. Why, in your opinion, American Hollywood filmmakers did not make such a film? Why did they prefer to depict the story entitled "Resistance" about the imaginary heroic exploits of the Jewish partisan unit of Tewii Bielski?

Adam Cyra, a specialist in World War II history of Central Europe: The (planned Hollywood-) film you spoke about was extremely biased and false. However, I remember that two or three years ago a representative of Hollywood appeared in the museum, who wanted to make a film about Pilecki. They already had a script written, translated into Polish. They absolutely wanted me to give my opinion and make a positive statement. I read the script and my hair stood on end. There were various strange, sensational and fictional threads.

Did you ask filmmakers from Hollywood why they wanted to color the captain's biography in such a way?

Adam Cyra: No, apparently the real one seemed too unattractive to them. Anyway, when it comes to disseminating Pilecki's biography, it is possible that another delicate issue played a role here. On the cover of Garlinski's book, which I mentioned earlier, translated into English and French, is the information that Pilecki was of Jewish origin. It was not true, he was not. It just happened that he did not have any Jewish roots, but if he did, then Hollywood filmmakers might be interested in him more. Garlinski himself said that when he went to the United States and the Jews there they saw a prison number on his arm, they said he must be a Jew. When he denied and added that he was Polish, they were surprised because, in their opinion, there were no Poles in Auschwitz at all. This is the image in the West. And yet it was a camp founded for the Polish intelligentsia.

BBC (and some other fake media) keep spitting out the oxymoron "anti-semitism" well knowing that most Jew haters are semitic (Arabic) speaking muslims. Why?

Klevius has the right answer - again: It's all about protecting the murderous war crimes and terrorism committing islamofascist Sunni Arab Saudi dictator family - and to label Persian speaking Shia muslim Iran "anti-semitic", i.e. against both Jews and Arabic speaking muslims.

The islamofascist custodians of islam, the Saudi dictator family and Israel are "allies", and therefore tied to the US (and its tiny cousin England). Add to this the dollar, the OPEC, and the OIC, and you see why islam creates so many victims today.

Read Klevius if you want the facts right - and always avoid state propagandist BBC and its insidiously faked mis-"info".

Judaism and islam have historically always been intertwined in a schizophrenic relationship that continuous today.

It started with Jewish-Christians creating islam and with Mohammad's first deed being to slaughter all the Jews in Medina. However, when the muslims started their pillaging, raping and enslaving "conquest" it was encouraged and aided by Jews already in place in e.g. the Sassanid civilization as well as in the Visigothic civilization and Carolingian Empire.

However, this didn't hinder muslims from persecuting Jews. Just ask Maimonides (the Jew that most Jews celebrate the most) who had to hide his Jewishness despite living at a time now described by PC historians as "islamic tolerance".

Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Jewish origin of islam

Islam is a sect grown out of Judaism via Christianity.

According to Human Rights there are no "chosen people". Meaning that you may believe whatever you like as long as you follow legislation guided by the principle of Universal equality.

 Here's an approximate map of Judaism just before the origin of islam.

And below an approximate map of the violent muslim colonization in the foot steps of the Jewish slave trade routes.

 The above maps could be almost identical if produced with same techniques. This is no coincident but due to the "mysterious" code (the Jews) that made Arab imperialism possible and historical analysis impossible ("mysterious") if not included.  

Except for Khazaria, Jews were more business orientated than eager to waive swords compared to their copycats the Arab Bedouins. However, without wealthy and influential Jews leading the bloodthirsty and illiterate Bedouins (compare Ibn-Khaldun's description) and paving the way for the Arab looters (compare how the Jews used Turkic people in Khazaria in pretty much the same manner) the "Arab conquest" would have quickly dried out in the Arabian sand.

Dear reader. When reading Klevius analysis of the origin of islam, do always keep in mind the following important facts:

1 There was no Koran - only some Jewish/Christian text manipulations.

2  There was no Muhammad - only the old Jewish Messias (the rescuer/saver/leader) myth. Muhammad as described by muslims is a later invention snd doesn't appear in any official documents whatsoever before Malik.

3  Conventional "descriptions" of the "Arab conquest" are impossible and leave historians "amazed". Instead looting, booty, and sex slaves were the main incentives for the Bedouins. What was new was a more tight racist system of "we-and-the-other" which hindered (for a time) hindered internal divisions. On top of this was the Dhimmitude taxation system under the sword.

4 Understanding these point is also understanding that islam originated as a parasite and therefore never functioned as inspiration in itself for innovations etc. This is why every islamic colony has ended in bachwardness. Africa is an example of how a parasitic ideology was able to drain a whole continent.

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