
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Peter Klevius Brexit tutorial: UK-land* is an unconstitutional chameleon cheat with four national football teams (to optimize chances) but only one Olympics** team (to optimize medals).

* 'Land' is an Old Swedish/Nordic/Gothic word. Etymological evidence and Gothic use indicates the original sense was "a definite portion of the Earth's surface owned by an individual or home of a nation". The meaning was early extended to "solid surface of the Earth".

** The purely commercial so called "GB Team" actually consists of more than Great Britain and UK-land. Northern Ireland isn't Great Britain, and  the so called "British overseas territories" aren't part of UK-land.

The Cheat-land/Puppet-empire needs to take a decisive step into a modern world - as one, two, three or four independent countries. But not as all of them - play it fair, please!

The playing without a proper constitution is a shameful remnant of a shameful empire epoch. 

No wonder UK-land has a Brexit problem.

Btw, where's the Bank of UK-land - only Bank of England exists?!

Peter Klevius (the sacred* Aboriginal European and Anglo-Saxon - yDNA I, mtDNA Saami, and mother tongue very close to old Nordic) Brexit analysis: Eng-land* voted Brexit and UK-land's parliament approved it. A deal without a back stop is impossible because the open Irish border was created while UK (and Ireland) was EU-land. The only way UK-land could logically be removed from EU is by reinstating the border - or uniting Ireland. However, as Peter Klevius has said since 2016: UK-land deliberately lacks a proper constitution, so to utilize it as one or four countries/nations depending on what is most favorable.

* Peter Klevius doesn't really want to be "sacred" nor does he want to belong to any other group or "community" than the human one. That's why he for the whole of his life has really hated racist and sexist hate. And unlike many others he can prove it with records all the way from the 1970s.

** A country is an area of land, usually defined by its prefix, e.g. Eng-land.

Peter Klevius homelands and some of his genetic continental and overseas territories. Both his mother's and father's genetic trees are solidly rooted in the first Europeans. Is that why he in his book Demand for Resources (1992) attach himself to the "critical European tradition" in philosophy?

Four from Peter Klevius maternal lineage have just buried a fifth.
Peter Klevius father was a Goth born and buried in Gothenburg/Sweden.

Eng-land (incl. Wales since 1535) actually ceased being a separate sovereign state 1707. Is it time to become one again?

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