Peter Klevius: Let the old PC bias out - and fresh anomalies* in!
* Kuhn (1970) defines an anomaly as a violation of the "paradigm-induced expectations that govern normal science". Anomalies are detected through empirical analyses and have formed the basis for most discoveries in the natural sciences. And as Peter Klevius describes his scientific method on his web museum: "I enter the field of subversion through the Trojanian pores of diffuse discourse conceptualizations. My pockets are full of unrelated*** alien thoughts and well inside, when I am throwing them around, they might reveal internal inconsistencies in the very discourse I am visiting, not sharing. My employer? Negative human rights, of course!
** The potential subversion is already there waiting for revelation via the dynamics that is created by alien thoughts. But "alien thoughts" are no threat to a certain discourse if they don't use this particular "HIV/AIDS" (compare chimp/human-hybridization) method."
*** In the way anomalies always are unrelated to their target paradigm - to a point when it's already too late, i.e. the paradigm has been successfully criticized and deceased.
1) Human Rights (incl. ending sex segregation/apartheid).
To understand this you better read Peter Klevius analysis of the negative Human Rights, Saudi based and steered anti-Human Rights organization OIC, and Peter Klevius analysis of heterosexual attraction and sex segregation.
Peter Klevius 'Woman' from 1979.
2) Human evolution (incl. ending the "consciousness" ghost).
To understand this you better read Peter Klevius analysis about how the brain works, and Peter Klevius analysis about the out of Africa hoax. And for the lazy ones: Just consider that none of the so called "earliest humans" from Africa has a skull form we have, and that Homo floresiensis, the Red Deer Cave people, Liujiang, Apidima 1, and many others from outside Africa all fulfill the criterion (frontal lobes and the form of the rear of the skull).
Homo floresiensis skull form may have existed for a million years.
3) Include warnings about the coming iceage into the climate change debate.
To understand this you better read about how quickly a new iceage may begin.
We have long since passed the inter-glacial peak. Also note the delayed secondary peak by 420 kyr which couldn't have been caused by humans.
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