
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why does Google lie and fake straight up your face about China and pollution (see list furthest down)?!

A recorded public time-line of Peter Klevius original research on evolution, consciousness, existencecentrism, anthropology and sociology 1979-2012 - and some thoughts about self-citation  

Read Peter Klevius in-depth research on The Psychosocial Freud Timeline.

Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024. 

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

 Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct.  

 Read Peter Klevius thesis Pathological Symbiosis in LVU on how a hoax child-psychoanalytic concept is still used by the Swedish social state to abduct children on subjective grounds.  It also reveals (see email correspondens in appendix) how legislators were lured to pass a Human Rights violating law which was then blinked by ECHR because it was seen as below the "margin of appreciation". 
Peter Klevius started as an empty origo/singularity whose existencecentrism (mind) now is the sum of his experience with his surroundings and due synaptic adaptations, while also constituting part of the surroundings of others. A canvas which doesn't have a soul/self of its own but does reflect what it has experienced and adapted to. However, the false impression of having a "self", "free will" etc. rests on language, i.e. the use of the word 'I' which animals and humans without language lack. As a human with language you are in the same position as Peter Klevius, and together we all (incl. non-language humans) make up the total existencecentrism of humankind - and the key to a universal human with (negative) Human Rights without irrational exceptions and impositions. So when Peter Klevius talks/writes/acts, he does so against a background that includes the latest synapses combinations in his brain as well as what his other nerve signals bring to his thalamus from his body and other surroundings.


How US robs the world

How US robs the world

How US robs the world

When searching for 'world's biggest per capita polluters' China comes up with extra big letters despite being one of the least polluting of major economies.

Moreover, China is not only the world leader for alternative technologies, but its pollution number also includes the biggest production of products exported and consumed all over the world outside China.

You have to read the text to the end to see that China is only ranked 47 - and if you're already brainwashed with Sinophobia then you probably just see the big lettered 'China'.

And although every BBC journalist reporting about China should know about the dust winds sweeping in over Beijing etc. from the Gobi desert, hence causing most of the smog, nothing about this is reported but instead BBC's fake news reporters give the impression that it's "China's pollution".

Could anything be more fake information - committed by the biggest global information producer?!

15 of the world's 23 worst polluters are US/UK connected in different ways, and a third are muslim countries. China doesn't qualify in this dirty group - but instead leads the world when it comes to better technology (compare e.g. Obama's total solar panel fiasco with China success story). That's (plus old racist Sinophobia) why the West is demonizing China - instead of cooperating for a cleaner world.

Peter Klevius has always had the completely opposite view on things compared to his former left wing extremist* friend Carl-Olof Selenius, but liked his father Clas-Olof Selenius - whom Carl-Olof Selenius seemed to be deeply critical towards. It's really an irony that while Carl-Olof Selenius used to be fascinated by Maoism, Peter Klevius only saw misery, suffering and militarism - and when China now has changed to the very opposite Peter Klevius got excited - but doubts that Carl-Olof Selenius sees anything good in the modern Chinese AI led techno/capitalist system spiced with the biggest wealth distribution the world has ever seen. A wealth distribution that spills over to less fortunate countries - but seen as "the challenge from China" by militaristic NATO (in practice the US but also incl. its puppet empire UK as well as Erdogan's neo-Ottoman ambitions.

We live in a polarized world where many of those opposing basic Human Rights (or defending those who violate  these rights) appear nice and timid - or are at least presented as such - whereas those defending basic  (negative) Human Rights equality are presented as the bad guys.

The 1968 divide and its long and far lasting consequences: The right to be poor doesn't include the right to be a Marxist Maoist communist or a sharia islamofascist.

The cultural segregation (and genocides) caused by Maoist poverty communism is here exemplified by a Finland-Swedish (Selenius) and a notorious* and famous Swedish (Myrdal) family history.

Btw. this extremely important and educational image about polarization suddenly vanished from Google. Probably just a mistake by Google, don't you think.

Peter Klevius, who has been close to the Selenius family, has got the clear impression that Carl-Olof Selenius after 1968 converted to anti-capitalist Maoism - and at odds with his father math professor Clas-Olof Selenius. In his book Demand for Resources (Resursbegär 1992) Peter Klevius thanks Carl-Olof Selenius for coming up with the sub title On the Right to be Poor - although the book per se didn't necessarily appeal to his Maoist views. Carl-Olof Selenius has worked mostly for the Swedish state sponsored SIDA and Afrikagrupperna aid organizations.

A Google search on 'human rights carl-olof selenius' doens't produce anything. Does it reflect a general socialist (or Marxist) aversion against the rights of the individual?

Sweden was a hotspot for Maoism and Uppsala its very center. The Selenius family moved from Finland to Uppsala 1968 when Carl-Olof turned 18.

Finland-Swedish Carl-Olof Selenius has spent most of his life with state supported aid organizations such as SIDA and Afrikagrupperna. This brought him to Pol Pot's Kampuchea, Mugabe's Zimbabve etc. Marxist hot spots. His Finland-Swedish dad Clas-Olof Selenius, who belonged to the same generation as Sweden's top Maoist Jan Myrdal, was a professor in mathematics at Uppsala University and an eager proponent of Finland-Swedish culture etc. - and very far from Maoism. When Peter Klevius was a child Clas-Olof Selenius thought he was intelligent and encouraged him to check out Albert Einstein - which he certainly did.

* The social democratic Myrdal family parents shaped the Swedish social state and their son hated them and turned Maoist.

Jan Myrdal's father Gunnar Myrdal is best known in the United States for his study of race relations, which culminated in his some 2,500 pages 1944 book An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. The study was influential in the 1954 landmark U.S. Supreme Court Decision Brown v. Board of Education. In Sweden his work and political influence were important to the establishment of the Folkhemmet and the welfare state.

Both in its Stalinist and in its Maoist variety, Jan Myrdal's radical Communism added to the already severe tension within the Myrdal family, as both his parents were leading figures within Sweden's ruling Social Democrat party. His ties with Alva and Gunnar would eventually be severed completely, dividing and scandalizing what had long been perceived as a "model family" in social-democratic Sweden. Myrdal went on to pen unflattering portraits of his parents in several autobiographical books, while acknowledging their importance as intellectuals.

Carl-Olof Selenius dad Clas-Olof Selenius was the first professor to encourage Peter Klevius intellectual life as a child 

 - followed by an other Finland-Swede, Georgh Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's preferred successor at Cambridge), and the Finnish professor in neuro science Jyrki Juurmaa, who gave the most flattering review of Peter Klevius thinking skills (based on a discussion re. how the visual cortex works in people who are blind from birth - see Peter Klevius EMAH theory on AI and "consciousness").

Since Peter Klevius started defending Human Rights from attacks by islam Carl-Olof Selenius seems to have terminated their relation. Much like Peter Klevius terminated his relation with associate professor Max Scharnberg when he supported muslim suicide bombers and said he would do it himself if he wasn't such a coward. Btw, Peter Klevius connection with Max Scharnberg was due to the latter's Freud criticism and contacts with other famous critics of Freud and psychoanalysis. This happened a decade after Peter Klevius had the above discussion with Carl-Olof Selenius about psychoanalysis, i.e. in 1990 Peter Klevius knew practically nothing about it but strongly felt it was suspiciously used against parents in child  custody cases. As Peter Klevius saw it, children were abused by social authorities precisely because they were the only humans accessible against their (and their parents) will. When a child reaches 18 he is out of reach forcompulsory psychodynamics/psychoanalysis (educate yourself by reading the thesis Pathological Symbiosis - especially the attached email correspondence.

CO2 emissions by country. 2015 and 2018 figures are from Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) and include all human activities leading to climate relevant emissions, except biomass/biofuel combustion (short-cycle carbon):


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