
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Peter Klevius warns: The Earth is cooling!

Peter Klevius 2018: A sudden iceage is a real possibility, while a sudden warming is impossible

Sea temperature comparison 2019 to 2020.

The only place on Earth where surface temperatures are regularly colder than those ~8-50 km above the surface. However, over central Antarctica, excess CO2 actually boosts the amount of heat escaping into space. As a result increase in Antarctic sea ice will trigger changes that contribute to tipping the global climate into a new iceage. The question is when? But considering that we are already overdue to the next iceage, together with the fact that just a slightly longer and wider snow or dust cover (or both) may be enough, then this could happen in an extremely short period of time - much shorter than any "global warming".

 But pollution and desertation are real issues to deal with, and for that purpose China is our best hope because of low population growth and highest technology.

Peter Klevius to racist Sinophobes: Stop shooting yourself in the foot just because U.S. asks you to do so! Nothing was wrong (especially compared to many Western countries) with China's reaction to a new and strangly behaving coronavirus type which showed no coherent pattern of who got it and who suffered from it - even within the same households. And when it comes to "the Chinese surveillance state" it's actuall more benign, although technologically more advanced that corresponding U.S. spying and meddling behavior. 

Peter Klevius fact/fake check: Why does Google (and BBC) lie and fake straight up your face about China?! When searching for 'world's biggest per capita polluters' China comes up with extra big letters despite being one of the least polluting of major economies (47th on a reliable polluters list). Moreover, China is not only the world leader for alternative technologies, but its pollution number also includes the biggest production of products exported and consumed all over the world outside China. Source: EDGAR and incl. all human activities leading to climate relevant emissions, except biomass/biofuel combustion (short-cycle carbon).

Peter Klevius Christmas greeting to BBC and Tesco: Ever thought about the possibility that muslim islamists don't like making Christmas cards but are encouraged by US/UK/BBC etc. to smear China. "We are foreign prisoners (muslims?) in Shanghai Qingpu prison China. Forced to work against our will (islamic Christophobia?). Please help us and notify human rights (ultimate bigotry if sharia muslims ask for HR) organisation (Saudi based and steered OIC?!)."

US/UK (NATO) don't accept muslims like Uighur islamists (other than as proxy soldiers) - but demand China to accept them.

NATO's Sinophobia is a threat to world peace, environment and prosperity. NATO is all about US monopolizing space for its own militarism and to block China's success? In 1990s Russia was proposed as a member of NATO but is now demonized by US/UK (and BBC) as the "main enemy" together with "the challenge from China" (sic). But NATO members are guilty of offensive wars, occupations, annexations, use of chemical weapons, use of islamist terrorists, foreign interventions, extrajudicial murderings in other countries - and use of similar muslim "re-education" camps as China (why not just criminalize original evil islam?!). NATO (US) threatens the free flow of tech and wealth, and provokes hate and defensive attitudes among Chinese - hence forcing China (world leader in tech) using its financial muscles more for defense (China can't be starved like USSR in 1980s) than environment. Btw, Chinese per capita GDP is 1/3 of US, and total GDP much bigger than US - and faster growing. A fraction of the effort given to demonize "islamophobic" islam criticim, would do wonders to reduce Sinophobic racism against Chinese. And stop using the "Communist threat". China is now a capitalist country similar to Western powers - except technologically much better (and the West copies everything China does in surveillance). Do you really think much would change if China would be fully democratic - except chaos caused by NATO? NATO (US/UK) would be equally Sinophobic. In fact, what is called "democracy" in the West functions quite similarly as the leadership in China. Media propaganda, lying politicians and empty promises combined with silencing the real issues (compare BBC's fake "news") - and therefore a truly democratic vote. Moreover, the only reason capitalist China has a non-democratic leadership for the moment is precisely its justified fear for leaving it vulnerable for what happened in the past when UK and US meddled and attacked with great suffering for the Chinese people. NATO should turn against the real evil, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family.

Btw, talking about e.g. extradition, Human Rights, fair trial etc., what about Assange, Snowden etc.?!

US is a proven master of deal breaking - so why not break its deal with the Devil for a change?

Peter Klevius to Chinese people: I'm not a racist like many in the UK parliament - although I certainly look like one.

US' and its puppets' Sinophobia campaign rooted in UK's appalling opium wars against Chinese people

UK origin of Sinophobia: The 19th century Opium Wars were triggered by UK's imposition of the opium trade upon China. Lord Palmerston regarded the Chinese as uncivilized and suggested that the British must attack China to show up their superiority as well as to demonstrate what a "civilized" nation could do. The resulting concession of Hong Kong compromised China's territorial sovereignty. There's also the background to South China Sea.

Behind the Huawei etc. Sinophobia: The Pact between the US freeloader and the Saudi Devil.

UK created a devil's kingdom in Arabia, and US made a devil's oil pact with the Saudi custodians of islam - hence infecting the world with petrodollar and anti-Human Rights sharia islam (Saudi based and steered OIC).

The US made up a grand conspiracy about China and Chinese. No country in the world has been equally targeted by unfounded US aggression as China - yet China is called the "assertive aggressor" by US and its puppets.

What "core values" does UK share with US? Extra-judicial killings, militarism, support of the Saudi dictator family's murders, war crimes, and spread of terror, OIC's anti-Human Rights sharia etc.?!

Chinese civilization vs. US freeloading rouge nation.

US has a long history of freeloading on the world. Why would you be stupid to believe anything of it? And when you use US' Google company to google'US aggression' the return is Chinese aggression.



Peter Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Klevius predicts: Singularity will arrive sooner than most expect - but a new iceage may start even sooner.

Have humans prolonged the onset* of the next ice-age to a breaking point?

* Do realize the treacherous behavior of snow cover. It can be extremely thin while the reflective effect is still 100%. It can jump in and out of meteorological records without being always noticed (in Sweden no records are kept after mid May). It can expand even when temperature goes up, due to increased precipitation in cold but usually dry areas. And snow cover can expand horizontally thousands of kilometer in no time.

In the 1980's Klevius had to fight ignorant pals with the argument that so and so many km2 of continuously exhaust spewing tail-pipes (plus methane etc. human 
 caused activities) must have some effect on the atmosphere - although this effect could suddenly drown in other "natural" effects (compare the butterfly flapping a hurricane).

Klevius analysis (from from the 1980s and on the web 2006): The Gulf stream is loosing stamina, meaning more snow cover lingering longer. This leads to extremely fast onset of cooling and due glaciation. A reported 15% decrease means we're in for cooling business. Changing rotational axis etc. longterm phenomenon can easily be outperformed in a shortterm scenario through local changes in precipitation combined with just a slight drop in temperature. Fennoscandia, northern Russia and Canada constitute such potentials (compare previous little and big ice-ages), especially at a time when we've already passed the usual tipping point.

We are way overdue with the coming of the next ice-age. Could it really be that we during Holocene have managed to keep it at bay? In Klevius book Demand for Resources (1992) he also wondered why humans didn't become modern already at the previous heat peak some 120 kyr ago? The big skulls were already there. Today Klevius theory on human evolution has the answer.

Updated map

Due to the polemic nature of the mostly bi-facial  approach to climate change, facts are either exaggerated or toned down. So for example, is the relation between the hemispheres often hidden as global or even presented with a confusing mix of Celcius and Fahrenheit for the sole purpose of "weighing" a certain stand point.

Indian ocean is the only one disconnected from the north and therefore reflects what Klevius wrote about 2006.

Snow cover is the opposite to CO2 - but much quicker.

Klevius wrote:

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Weakening Gulfstream & strengthening Islam pushing Europe into a new ice-age

Stockholm has been covered by snow the whole year and temperature today is -6 degree Celsius. The coldest/longest winter at least since 1987! This is in line with a global trend where the Siberian cold-center again (now accelerated by human climate change) moves west due to lacking Gulfstream power. Isn't it an irony then that people from warm Mideast, because of evil Islam, are pushed into cold (and cooling) Europe?! And sadly many of them don't understand to leave their real oppressor,Islam, behind! Historically Islam is mainly an elaborate system for slavery/rapetivism on different levels with a manual called Koran.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Northern Europe is cooling because of global warming


We do know the ozone hole does. Because the north has the major part of continents this imbalance may well be reflected in climate change.

Are Swedish "scientists" the most cowardice and reluctant to adapt to uneasy empirical facts

Almost like HIV/AIDS deniers in southern Africa Swedish "scientists" have become notorious for belittling changes/threats. This is in line with a long totalitarian "von oben" Swedish attiitude and tradition and this also explains why the Swedes are known as one of the most easily ruled people ("the last DDR" - see Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state). No matter if we are talking Chernobyl, climate change, bird flu, Islamism, or Gulfstream, the pattern of denial is the same!

Russia and Scandinavia have this year experienced the coldest winter since the 1980s.
Due to increased amount of melting ice and snow in northern Atlantic, Gulfstream weakens, hence pulling the Siberian cold-center back to where it belongs without a Gulfstream. These may cause a really fast and harsh cooling in northern Europe , as well as an even more unpredictible climate in mid- and southern Europe.

The fast and radical fluctuations caused by oscillating Gulfstream due to overall climate global changes in the past is probably also a contributing factor why/how the gene/culture stock of Eurasian humans (some 10-40.000 years ago) were "pumped back and forth" in (a natural genetic and cultural lab) through Central-Asia, hence creating modern humans as described in
Out of Africa as bi-pedal apes and back as global "mongoloids"
(link updated 2017 from Klevius "web museum"



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