
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Facing bankruptcy $-freeloader US' "life extension program" rests on contaminating the world with its F-35 + B61-12 nukes

And Finnish idiots politicians again ally Finland with the Devil



First US arranged a coup d'etat in Ukraine. Then it arranged and supported a genocidal campaign against ethnic Russians in Ukraine. And to top it all US said it will place its nukes on the area bordering Russia and mostly populated with ethnic Russians. Do realize that NATO has no nukes of its own, they are all controlled by US. And with the refurbished B61-12 nukes for F-35 placed all over Europe 2024, US can whenever it feels for it make nuke attacks in Europe - or wherever. This criminal move  puts the world at danger. 

How can anyone sane person not see the evil in the US behavior? And how could any sane person criticize those ethnic Russians will not to belong to their abuser - after 8 years of attacks on them?!


Peter Klevius wrote:

Friday, February 25, 2022

Why did Finland suddenly jump for F35 instead of (as planned) Swedish Gripen? Because Gripen can't carry US new mini nukes!

 How stupid and dangerous can Finnish politicians be who try to push Finland into US extended nuke army (i.e. NATO)!

 US is 100% to blame for the Ukraine disaster as well.

STOP US (+ its Anglospheric puppets), the worst threat to the world right now!
This monstrous rogue state $-freeloading U.S.:
1. Is adding more than 600 nukes to its already more than 6,000.
Because of smaller size, better transportability, higher accuracy,
and US first strike policy (unlike e.g. Russia, China etc.)
the risk of use of nukes by US has dramatically increased
- especially considering the end of $-hegemony because of China
outperforming it in tech and healthy development.
2. US can at any time read and silence your free speech, or stop your
transaction - wherever you are in the world (except in China).
3. UK/AUKUS bought US mini nukes (e.g. for Trident) and NATO+Finland bought
F35 which can carry them.







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