It's the
(Chinese) technology, stupid - not US authoritarian global dictatorship
"values" or US stolen dollar hegemony "rule of law" - that is now the
only emergency opening out from US ever more desperate behavior!
one should be surprised that a young country that had as its parents
European colonialists, itself decided to become a colonial power, and
ended up with committing endless wars and topping it all with the
world's largest financial fraud ever - and now challenged by the world's
by far oldest civilization, China!
The Bretton Woods system established the rules for commercial relations among 44 Western countries led by US in 1944. It required countries to guarantee convertibility of their currencies into US dollars to within 1% of fixed parity rates, with the dollar convertible to gold bullion for foreign governments and central banks at US $35 per troy ounce of fine gold. It also envisioned greater cooperation among countries in order to prevent future competitive devaluations (but happily abused poorer countries as low paid producers), and thus established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to monitor exchange rates and lend reserve currencies to nations with balance of payments deficits, as well as the World Bank - all controlled by US which now "aids itself" - who mentioned the wolf guarding the sheep!
Whereas the rest of the world's countries face "export or die", US faces "attack or die"! When Nixon realized what every president since has understood (not the least Ronald Reagan), he simply violated the Bretton Woods agreement according to which the dollar should be the world currency and stabilized (pegged exchange rates) against other currencies with a fix set price in accordance to gold.
But $-freeloader (since 1971) US had already since the 1950s lived over its means, so when France asked to exchange its dollars to gold, it appeared that Fort Knox had run way out of balance with the printing of dollar to a price in accordance with other Bretton Woods currencies.
the Bretton Woods gang came to sort of an agreement that effectively
pushed most of the bill over to the rest of the world. And then -
because the Bretton Woods system made outside currencies weaker - they
(the West - and especially US) could benefit from cheap labor and
products from the rest of the world. However, unlike Uncle Sam who kept
the rudder, the rest of the West had also to obey to the "export or die"
when in 1971 Nixon panicked, he then in 1973 married the Saudi
islamofascist dictatorship and coupled the dollar to oil instead. As a
consequence $-freeloader (since 1971) US became the world's only country
able to prosper despite huge and constant trade deficit - which goes
against every basic tenet in economy because someone had to pay for
$-freeloader (since 1971) US financial crime. And the payer was the rest
of the world - and especially the poorest part of it! And oil rich
islamofascism got US protection.
Now $-freeloader (since 1971) US utilizes AI-search engines for its authoritarian censoring - but with tragi-comical results:
Peter Klevius wrote*:
Before Peter Klevius had realized in full the depth of dollar
freeloader (1971) US desperation when encountering a 10 times bigger
"tech-Japan", i.e. China, which, unlike Japan, would challenge US stolen
dollar hegemony just by China's very existence as a high tech super
power outperforming US in every aspect - incl. meritocracy (the latter
fact being heavily censored by US as "Xi's authoritarian Communist
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Putin didn't murder Litvinenko and Politkovskaja - islam did!
But Putin - and Cameron - may be seen as accomplices due to their close "friendship" with islam
Klevius wrote a long time ago:
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Did Islam in Chechnya kill Anna Politkovskaya because of her planned trip there?
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Klevius Friday analysis: Did Islam kill Politkovskaya & Litvinenko? And is it really wise to have an islamist heading IAEA?
Like in Iraq, Sudan, Somalia etc. the bloodshed in Chechnya (after Jeltsin) has essentially been caused by Islamists rather than liberators. However, when Putin got enough of naive and extremely onesided Western media criticism - one that didn't (and still doesn't) even see "the worst crime ever against humanity" - he made a deal with Islam which now aids Islamic expansion in the region and a horrifying Taliban-Chechnya-Europe drug/mafia etc trafficking trail occupied by almost everything from Al-Qaeda to KGB agents/mafiosos, but all connected by Islamic expansion. Politkovskaya reluctantly started opening her eyes (see Oct 7 posting) whereas Litvinenko was probably even more naive - he also claimed Putin was behind terror bombings etc in Moscow (sic) - when faced with a reality that didn't fit the prevalent media hypocrisy of "it's not Islam" but Bush or Putin.
Klevius comment: According to Litvinenko, Mario Scaramella (Napoli) gave him (Nov 1, 06) data on Politkovskaya's proposed killers, doubtful, however, if he really read the four pages. In 2001 the Russian Federal Security Service allegedly claimed a Chechen trace in 9/11 was found among Chechen Islamists led by "Abdurakhman the Little": a blueprint-CD of a Boeing 737; a manual for pilots; explosive device, weapons, munitions and Saudi Islam (Wahhabi) literature. It was also said that some 300 Chechen Islamists guarded Bin-Laden in Afghanistan and a special Chechen battalion fought for Saddam Hussein against the US led liberation campaign.
Did the Polonium (extremely easy to carry and smuggle) come from Iran and the murderer fron Arabia?
One probable source of Polonium (Po-210) is Iran which long since has experimented with this stuff for the purpose of blasting their upcoming nukes!
In her last interview Politkovskaya accused the Islamist Chechen leader Kadyrov ("Stalin of our times" as she described him) and his militia: "Right now I have two photographs on my desk. I am conducting an investigation about torture today in Kadyrov's prisons. These are people who were abducted by Kadyrovsty for completely inexplicable reasons and who died. These are bodies absolutely disfigured by torture." Then she was murdered, most probably by Islam!
Kadyrov has recently been warmly welcomed by Saudi Islamofascist leadership.
Is it really clever to let an islamist, soft on Iran, head IAEA?!
Iran has, according to several anonymous sources, brought huge amounts of beryllium from different countries. Interestingly beryllium can be combined with polonium-210 to blast a nuclear bomb. It has also been alleged that IAEA (part of UN) chief Mohamed ElBaradei, an Egyptian islamist, did know abt it but didn't tell the IAEA board of governors!
Klevius comment: How come that the very same UN that was created to protect the world from fascism now is heavily infested with and influenced by islamofascism (incl. Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc)?!
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