
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Now desperate and (dangerous) criminal $-freeloader (since 1971) US isn't only losing the chip war it itself started, but more importantly, US can't even produce a single high class AI chip by itself!

Only Chinese companies can produce high tech AI chips - one in Taiwan and one in mainland China. And the latter also makes the world's leading chip architecture - from scratch, so to avoid US interference.

Do realize the difference between drawing architecture based on previous ones, and the heavy high tech manufacturing of these chips.

Anyone can draw architecture* on a computer but few can actually manufacture the product. And when it comes to AI chips, China is clearly in the lead even here, despite all criminal acts by US to stop China. Everything from hindering China to use by US monopolized tech that used to be meant for worldwide use as long as it served US interest, to US blocking other countries from selling their own made machinery to China.  

* US (formerly) leading position in chip architecture is simply a result of US bullying out Japanese tech in the 1980s by the help of US stolen dollar hegemony and Japan's smaller size and status as occupied by US since WW2. China is a completely different dragon. 

This writing clown got it diametrically wrong, right! It's not China losing the US made chip war, it's US losing its own chip war it started because it couldn't make high tech chips by itself!

History repeats itself. US needed imported talent to make nukes which it then, as the only country so far, used against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at a point when the war was already won. Much like the firebombings it made against civilians in Tokyo, and in Germany together with its lojal war criminal puppet UK.

However, the very fact that despite US using every dirty trick and maneuver, China in almost no time anyway has managed to produce the world's best chips is the best indicator of the gravity of US self-inflicted problem. Against this background it's dangerous to continue playing with a cornered desperado by unwitting, ignorant politicians, or worse, witting politicians!

The only reason technologically outdated* iPhones can still sell some phones in China is that Apple lowerwd the price considerably and introduced China made AI in the phones (in China), while US buyers lack an Apple made AI.

* The small Chinese (Taiwan) made non-AI chip in iPhone is just an ad gimmick because Apple's development has stalled.

It's truly worrying that US authoritarian censorship and anti-China propaganda lures people to completely distorted views on the country - no world/civilization.

Yes, China, like any other country under similar pressure, has to defend itself against US intense and continuing attacks on all levels. So this is why the Chinese web is more guarded than would otherwise be necessary. However, there's no lack of loopholes for the Chinese to check what's going on in the West. Moreover, just ask tourists visiting China, and you get a completely different picture than the one racist Western US led propaganda media vomits.

If you try Google US News, or search for videos about Chinese high tech etc. you usually get Biden's anti-China rant even though you asked only for China!

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