
Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Why Peter Klevius and Xi Jinping are both anti-Maoists - and how now desperate $-embezzler US under false flag with impunity is a malign actor that has taken the freedom to act without consequences.

* The world's dilemma: A successful Chinese meritocracy with clean super tech vs a dirty (US as a country is the worst netto polluter - add to this its ~1,000 military basis worldwide which alone stand as the third biggest) and now desperate blackmailing/embargoing/sanctioning/threatening $-thief bully who does it to avoid bankruptcy by continuing its enormous and accelerating embezzlement which started with its $-theft 1971 (violation of Bretton Woods). US Fed is the lonely wolf guarding/printing all dollars in the world, but cares only about (part of) US. Trump now underlines Peter Klevius analysis by threatening other countries to keep supporting the otherwise dying $. And he does so by using the bullying tools US has developed with that very stolen gains from the world-$. However, US can only print $ to a tipping point, defined as when the pain from devaluation of the $ gets unbearable (do understand the difference between the price of a $. Moreover, Chinas accelerating R&D superiority will inevitably force other governments to oppose US and eventually let their people have what they demand, i.e. Chinese high tech, research cooperation etc. China's Maoism was a self-containemnt parenthesis caused by 1) Western efforts to colonize China (which began with the opium war) and 2) a violent, revolutionary Communism that Mao was taught in Paris, which was a far cry from traditional Chinese philosophy - to which Xi is pointing.

US containing of China means blocking other countries access to clean super high tech from China while simultaneously forcing them to buy outdated US militarism.

A recorded public time-line of Peter Klevius original research on evolution, consciousness, existencecentrism, anthropology and sociology 1979-2012 - and some thoughts about self-citation  

Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024. 

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

 Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct

Watch how Xi Jinping was haunted by Maosim and later turned China into the opposite direction - while reinstalling the world's oldest philosophy.

$-thief US militarism against China of course resulted in China being forced to defend itself - and therefore producing the best modern high tech defense industry.

Will the resulting US self-containment end up like Cuba's US enforced containment*?

 After all, China leads in every high tech sector already, and it's only US blackmailing/embargoing/sanctioning etc. that marginally and temporarily slows it. Unlike Cuba, China's high tech is too attractive to resist. More importantly, China's size, talent pool, and upward trajectory guarantees its continuing acceleration no matter what. 

Containing China doesn't stop a 1.4 billion civilization to continue developing - and leaving the rest in the backwater.

Do realize that China, because of modern tech, is already similar (although more advanced) to most countries in daily life (just ask tourists), and that even a transition to Western style "democratic" ruling wouldn't change anything (incl US behavior)* because of the deep cultural basis of its meritocracy which is rooted in an ancient philosophical tradition that young (compared to China) infighting "monotheist" "multicultural" Western nations lack.

Since 1971 people in US have been lured that US economy is the best in the world. But it's not, it's the worst when seen by those outside US who have been forced to pay for it. 

US 1971 $-theft (violation of Bretton Woods) causes now accelerating $-inflation at the pace of fiat-$ paid by less wealthy US people and the rest of the world. US is the only country able (because of the $-theft) to counterfeit itself out of deficit and debt because it alone dictates the world-$. However, paying US deficit with US fiat while lacking a normal healthy economy where debits and credits are balanced against trade and debt, US has to continue stealing the difference in an accelerating tempo.

US Fed is the lonely wolf guarding/printing all dollars in the world, but cares only about (part of) US and not at all about the rest of the world which has been tricked (violation of Bretton Woods, the petro-dollar deal with Saudi islamofascism etc) to continue using the dollar. This evil game has now become truly poisonous because China's progress challenges US hegemony and therefore even the dollar. Do consider that US is your real authoritarian dictator - not China. Everything you do is not only spied on by US but can also (and already is) be weaponized by US at will. And US will is defined by whether you or your country confirm to it. Donald Trump recently admitted it by threatening that those who abandon the dollar will face sanctions/tariffs etc. This is a gangster state's "rules based order" that has already for long been directed against China, which has no need at all to do the same, quite the contrary because of its superior R&D.

US bullies countries to keep supporting the otherwise dying $. And it does so by using the bullying tools US has developed with that very stolen gains from the world-$. However, US can only print $ to a tipping point, defined as when the pain from devaluation of the $ gets unbearable for enough people. Moreover, Chinas accelerating R&D superiority will anyway inevitably force governments to let their people have what they demand, i.e. Chinese high tech and research cooperation etc.

Peter Klevius, who was kept in slave bondage without a family of his own during his childhood, now understands Xi Jinping, but was completely ignorant about politics while using any extra time for feeding his brain with science, philosophy and history. Xi, on the other hand, was 100% political due to Maoism that surrounded him and destroyed his family. Add to this that Peter Klevius lacks completely Xi's talent to get people listening to him. It may have to do with social position, i.e. although most people consider Peter Klevius tolerant and nice, they immediately stop listening when he says something they consider over his social grade.

Peter Klevius as a child also believed the lie that his mother had abandoned him when he had actually been kidnapped. So he took all the beatings and hard work and disgusting accomodation as a given, somehow blaming himself.

Western critical thinker Peter Klevius is closer to Chinese values - and he thinks most Westerners are if let out of the strangle grip of their anti-democratic leadership and racist/sexist "monotheisms".

Peter Klevius and Xi Jinping are twins; highly intelligent, humble*, down to earth, anti-Maoist football lovers (no dude, not stupid "American" handball).

Sadly, Western "democracies" under US 1971 stolen and now heavily inflated dollar dictatorship can never produce such grassroot meritocratic politicians as Xi Jinping, because the best are destroyed in the election process, and the rest are distorted by media and US lobbyists.

* Yes dude! Peter Klevius is far from wealthy, yet wouldn't change his way of living, clothing, moving around etc. if he was a billioner. Everyone who knows him can tell you that.

The pushing of his name and intellectual bragging is not Peter Klevius but a reflection of West's* distorted (by "monotheisms" and colonialist imperialism) through twisted discursive channels.

* Yes, nothing could be easier than cherry picking bad stuff from China. However, US $-embezzlement problem belongs to a completely different category.

Although true humility avoids pushing for limelight, Peter Klevius realm is the opposite, i.e. cut out from any light - hence explaining his reach for the light switch so to make sure his potential contributions to society aren't missed out. Moreover, Peter Klevius has for all of his adult life tried to be a good example for his children and others in his surroundings. A small but telling example is the fact that although Peter Klevius has lived in 22 different locations (of which only 5 his own), he has never had problems with neighbours (although as young he was so popular that some thought he had too amny guests - although none of them did anything wrong because they respected Peter Klevius), incl. some troublesome ones. I.e. a humility that safeguards against unnecessary conflicts. Peter Klevius has never showed/felt any ego/strive for power but rather cowardly avoided it. However, I can see how circumstances such as Xi's could have flushed me into similar directions. In fact, as a 23-year old Peter Klevius was asked by many friends (and their friends) to step on a perfect ladder of politics, but he cowardly refused.

Peter Klevius foundational humility is perhaps best seen in all his writings about basic (s.c. negative ) Human Rights, meaning that the only true approach to be a humane human is to adhere to the acceptance of every other human's equal rights where local laws may differ but ought to be guided by Human Rights - not "monotheist", fascist etc. segregational supremacism.

The "way" (Tao)

Early on due to necessity Peter Klevius realized that a cheap, used Japanese car in every aspect outperformed his neighbors' new same category Western ones - which fact made him aware of East Asian cultures. Peter Klevius has never been guilty of colliding with other cars, people, or animals (other than a few young birds on the windscreen) yet loved to drive like cracy on dark and slippery Nordic winter roads, or safely outperforming taxi drivers in the city with his old (but beautiful and cool) "rice cup". And when Peter Klevius worked for Finland's broadcasting company YLE he was offered a heavy, expensive Nagra tape recorder with short runtime and sensitive to movements, he saw on the shelf a Sony freestyle cassette recorder (Sony WM-D6 Professional) and realized it could do everything that the Nagra couldn't yet with high quality sound and two hours runtime compared to Nagra's less than 15 min. He also quickly realized the danger of Western TVs compared to Japanese (like Western cars, Japanese TVs extremely rarely failed or caught fire, and Sony had always the best picture). The last Sony (165" 4K 3D) 'bought a decade ago - so the next one will be a Chinese display. Same with watches. For a fraction of the cost of a Suisse watch Peter Klevius could buy a Japanese that in very asppect beat the Suisse one (compare Seiko, Citizen etc.). Same with cameras. A clumsy outdated Zeiss SLR could never compete with a Nikon that cost a fraction! So today Peter Klevius being able to carry the world's best watch (until he gets a Chinese one) which is a decade old satellite controlled atomic Citizen Ecodrive chrograph that never needs a battery or any other attention. Same with his many years old Nikon P1000, the world's by far best alround camera which costs a fraction of a professional camera - which anyway would be impossible as an allround because of weight and clumsiness. Etc. etc. And today Peter Klevius wouldn't even consider buying anything else than Chinese stuff - because the 12 times bigger and independent China has replaced US occupied and steered Japan as the world's techno leader whom no one can catch up with but should rather cooperate with.

Peter Klevius would probably profile himself different in a Chinese milieu - if he could ever penetrate the cultural barrier the West has built against China.

Also, do understand that although no country can be a Utopia, no country should be allowed to be a global desperado as US sadly has become because of its 1971 dollar theft.


Rogue state US is now busy continuing its destructive undermining of other countries exemplified  by its and its "allies" use of islamists in Syria and Nato (via EU) in Georgia.

And BBC continues to keep silent about US ban on aid to the more liberal faction of Taliban being the reason why the more extremist took over which meant harsher treatment of women and girls. Instead (otherwise sharia applauding) BBC "complains" about women's rights in Afghanistan and  propagates for more US led interventions - and supporting islamists in Syria.

Read Peter Klevius' recorded public timeline about his original scientific breakthroughs on evolution, consciousness, the dynamics of human societies, sex segregation/heterosexual attraction, psychoanalysis, and sociology.

Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct.

How US robs the world since it 1971 by violated the Bretton Woods agreement and then started printing dollar costed by the rest of the world. Relase US fiat bomb by clicking it.

How US robs the world


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