
Monday, September 9, 2019

Sweden divorces the Brits

Sweden's main media ridicules the Brits and their incapability to adapt to a modern world.

Lena Mellin, an awarded Swedish journalist, previous head of news and now policy commentator on Aftonbladet (biggest news paper in Scandinavia): "I used to be amused by the Brits excentricity, their charmful stubborness that "the metric system is a newfangled idea", that men can only have black shoes after 18:00 p.m., that roses are God's gift no matter how spiky they are, that a cup of tea at certain times ought to be consumed with a bisquit, etc. etc.

But now this excentricity has gone too far and lost its charm and become more like a death wish, self harming or some other term for destructivity.

Brexit was a stupid decision. However after three years without accepting a deal UK was still allowed to get an additional 7 months extension, which the Parliament again wants toextend. PM Boris Johnson's concept is now the only logical conclusion. End of talk."

UK-land's Parliament can only agree on one major issue, i.e. that criticism of the worst ideological crime history knows about ought to be called "islamophobia" - and almost agree that China is very bad and the islamofascist Saudi dictator family (the guardians of islam) with the Saudi steered and based anti-Human Rights organization OIC, isn't necessarily very good but an "important ally".

Peter Klevius warns EU about UK/Saudi and perhaps also US "security cooperation".


Peter Klevius Brexit tutorial: A country is an area of land, usually defined by its prefix, e.g. Eng-land. UK-land* is an unconstitutional chameleon cheat with four national football teams (to optimize chances) but only one Olympics** team (to optimize medals).

* 'Land' is an Old Swedish/Nordic/Gothic word. Etymological evidence and Gothic use indicates the original sense was "a definite portion of the Earth's surface owned by an individual or home of a nation". The meaning was early extended to "solid surface of the Earth".

** The purely commercial so called "GB Team" actually consists of more than Great Britain and UK-land. Northern Ireland isn't Great Britain, and  the so called "British overseas territories" aren't part of UK-land.

The Cheat-land/Puppet-empire needs to take a decisive step into a modern world - as one, two, three or four independent countries. But not as all of them - play it fair, please! The playing without a proper constitution is a shameful remnant of a shameful empire epoch.  No wonder UK-land has a Brexit problem.
Btw, where's the Bank of UK-land - only Bank of England exists?!
Eng-land (incl. Wales since 1535) actually ceased being a separate sovereign state 1707. Is it time to become one again?
UK-land is a cheat land and a puppet empire under US hegemony and meeting in the worst and most dangerous point the world has ever experienced, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family which keeps the dollar and the world's muslims as hostage for its demands.

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