
Thursday, September 12, 2019

The trip to nowhere - ending in the Brexshit swamp of no Human Rights but plenty of sharia.

Although in many respect quite different, Peter Klevius and Jacob W.F. Sundberg - unlike the Swedish state - found a meeting point in Human Rights

In A Trip to Nowhere (1995) professor in jurisprudence Jacob W.F. Sundberg defends outdated views on marriage. However, his analyses of how the rights of the individual in Sweden had been politically eroded in favor of the state and state bureaucracy, inspired Peter Klevius to write Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship, arguably the most important sociological paper from the last century - not the least because of how it for the first time weaved in sex segregation  in the analysis.

Social democracy and the rights of the individual (1994) was the last in Peter Klevius series )1991-1994) on the social state that also included Authority discration and the children, Daughters of the social state, Where the law ends tyranny begins, Parents helpless against false sex abuse accusations. 

Professor emeritus Jacob W.F. Sundberg (who was elected as the only Swedish law professor ever, in the American Academy of Sciences) contacted Peter Klevius in the 1990s because he had read my series of articles about the Swedish social state and Human Rights. Professor Sundberg has for long been a powerful critical voice against Sweden's neglect of Human Rights, especially when it came to family and property rights - to an extent that he forced Sweden to change its laws in accordance with that of the European Court of Human Rights. And the reason to the problem was a deliberately weak Swedish constitution. However, Sweden doesn't come even close to the constitutional confusion in UK-land, not to mention its enourmous Human Rights deficit due to Brexit. Jacob W.F. Sundberg is also to be honored as probably the deepest digging judicial expert when it comes to the state initiated famine in the 1930s Ukraine, the Holodomor.

Some hasty Brexit-related notes by Peter Klevius:

The deliberately unconstitutional creature one might call UK-land was made for colonialist and imperialist global meddling while avoiding global norms*.

* Today these incl. avoiding Human Rights and constitutional "handles" in negotiations with the civilized world.

In the absence of a proper written sovereign constitution for UK-land which would assert sovereignty of the people, the vacuum is filled by the doctrine of parliamentary supremacy. This is why the UK-land's parliament, instead of its government, can excecute power through hasty laws on political whims. This is also why the Supreme Court has to rule in favor of the government re. Brexit. After all, the parliament can't expect political support from the judiciary, nor can it expect judicial support for a hasty law that can't be classified as anything else than a meddling in the executive process - especially considering its own long record of decisions in line with what the government is actually trying to execute.

The legislative branch makes laws, but the executive branch may veto those laws, and the judicial branch can declare them unconstitutional.

The conception of the separation of powers has been applied to the United Kingdom and the nature of its executive (UK government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and Northern Ireland Executive), judicial (England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) and legislative (UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Ireland Assembly) functions. Historically, the apparent merger of the executive and the legislature, with a powerful Prime Minister drawn from the largest party in parliament and usually with a safe majority, led theorists to contend that the separation of powers is not applicable to the United Kingdom. However, in recent years it does seem to have been adopted as a necessary part of the UK constitution.

The separation of powers requires that one of the three powers does not control the work of another.

However, the legislature and executive have a blurred relationship in UK-land due to its deliberate lack of a proper constitution.

The legislature can oust a government through a vote of no confidence.

Legal rules should be relatable to the Acts of Parliament on which they are based, but also necessary for the efficient working of government.

Is UK-land unitary or a union. Who knows - without a proper constitution?

The UK is not a unitary state because it depends on two contracts — the Acts of Union of 1707 and 1800. Therefore, UK Unionism is not like, for instance, French Jacobinism. The 1707 Acts are still in force. Although most of Ireland left the UK in 1921, the 1800 Act has profoundly affected UK politics. Northern Ireland is the relic of the 1800 Act.

Neither is the UK a federal state. Scotland and Northern Ireland do not have powers comparable to an American or an Australian state. Therefore, UK Unionism is not like Australian anti-federalism. When there have been subordinate parliaments (Northern Ireland 1921-72 and intermittently since 1999; Scotland and Wales since 1999), the supremacy of Westminster has been asserted by statute.

There is a severe tension between the Diceyan concept of parliamentary sovereignty. Northern Ireland is a ‘federacy’, i.e., a self-governing unit whose constitution must not be unilaterally altered by the UK government. As England - which ceased being a separate sovereign state 1707 - is the overwhelmingly dominant partner in the union state, it has been insensitive to these nuances - except when in need, as exemplified with Theresa May's disastrous DUP cooperation. England is the colonial oppressor of its three neighbours, getting by force the security or the economic advantage that it could not get by agreement.

Jacob W.F. Sundberg: When Mr Yngve Möller was working on the biography of Mr Östen Undén, he put the
question to a number of Mr Undén’s former collaborators how they had experienced his
attitude towards the Soviet Union and the United States. Ambassador Ingemar Hägglöf who
was one of his briefing officers 1945-1953, reportedly said that Mr Undén’s view of the
Soviet Union “was blue-eyed, rosy red, ignorant of the ways of the world”. The Foreign
Minister displayed unability or unwillingness to deny to the Soviet Union the norms and the
behaviour of a normal rule-of-law state, and he was more willing to listen to reports of things
unsatisfactory in the United States than to stories about abuses and lawlessness in the Soviet
sphere of interest. Mr Hägglöf was of the belief that this reflected an old enthusiasm that had
been created among young radicals like Undén and Wigforss and which lasted long.

Peter Klevius comment: Compare islam today! And when China was poor (after a series of militarist meddling by US and UK- which then triggered the Japanese)  and suffering under Maoism, then Western youth applauded it - including Peter Klevius former friend Carl-Olof Selenius* (state fed by SIDA through most of his life). However, now China is criticized when it prospers both itself and the world.

* He even seems to have managed to hinder his brother from continuing having contact with Peter Klevius - presumably because of the latters "islamophobia". C-O Selenius also appeared to be a supporter of Pol Pot and Mugabe. Peter Klevius has a collection of his letters from Kampuchea and Zimbabwe. At the time Maoism was rampant in his home town Uppsala in Sweden - now equally rampant with islamism.

No wonder 'human rights' are missing when you search for Carl-Olof Selenius.

Peter Klevius Brexit tutorial: A country is an area of land, usually defined by its prefix, e.g. Eng-land.
UK-land* is an unconstitutional chameleon cheat with four national football teams (to optimize chances) but only one Olympics** team (to optimize medals).

* 'Land' is an Old Swedish/Nordic/Gothic word. Etymological evidence and Gothic use indicates the original sense was "a definite portion of the Earth's surface owned by an individual or home of a nation". The meaning was early extended to "solid surface of the Earth".

** The purely commercial so called "GB Team" actually consists of more than Great Britain and UK-land. Northern Ireland isn't Great Britain, and  the so called "British overseas territories" aren't part of UK-land.

The Cheat-land/Puppet-empire needs to take a decisive step into a modern world - as one, two, three or four independent countries. But not as all of them - play it fair, please!

The playing without a proper constitution is a shameful remnant of a shameful empire epoch.

No wonder UK-land has a Brexit problem.

Btw, where's the Bank of UK-land - only Bank of England exists?!

Eng-land (incl. Wales since 1535) actually ceased being a separate sovereign state 1707. Is it time to become one again?

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