US should be ashamed of its government's extreme* and sinister Sinophobia campaign against China. US is becoming a global tyrant who wants to decide over smaller countries**.
* Do realize that whatever China would have done doesn't really matter for US because the only thing that matters is that China's tech success challenges US world hegemony and the future of US freeloading on the dollar dictatorship which at every turn of events always benefits US financial elite while hurting the rest of the world. I.e. the very opposite to what China's spread of high tech and wealth means.** The people of these smaller countries aren't even aware of US dirty play via politicians and head of states. Take Finland for example, where the president goes behind the back of the people paving the way for NATO membership etc. Same thing happens wherever Pompeo makes a "visit". This militaristic cancer from US is dangerous and not good for the future.
And UK parliament should be ashamed of its racist Sinophobes.
The non-practicing "muslim" Sajid Javid who used his dog in his election campaign, now seems to turn more muslim again by joining US' Sinophobia campaign and accusing China for something he has no grounds for. There seems to be two Sajid Javids. Sajid Javid 1 with a dog used to oppose the use of "islamophobia" when Boris Johnson became PM, and Sajid Javid 2 who goes against China when no longer in Johnson's cabinet.Human to human transmission could not have been established with certainty because it was still unclear how the Wuhan health staff got it - especially as so many others didn't who also had been close to patients.
The most confusing fact about the 2019-nCoV coronavirus that can cause Covid-19 disease, was and still is that most people who have got it are free from symptoms
The most puzzling from scratch was the huge number of people without symptoms despite having been in close contact with sick people.
Also, many patients had no relation with the food market.
Moreover, the initial DNA test in December 2019 which wrongly indicated SARS contributed to understandable uncertainty until it was scientifically thoroughly controlled.
Trump’s trade adviser Peter Navarro: "China’s coordinated effort to hide the dangers of the Wuhan virus from the world." However, there's absolutely nothing except the accusations.
The fact that some medical staff were getting ill wasn't an unambiguous sign of human-to-human transmission, because they could also have got it from elsewhere.
Trump is creating the same fake media show against China as he himself was/is targeted by. But now his main enemy BBC is a close ally against China.
Is British rabies spread by British bats uncontrolled and muffled by the British government? What about the senseless slaughtering of badgers? And British hunting? And British halal slaughter? And spread of tropical etc. diseases?
China just happens to have one southern foot in a tropical zone that is connected to the world's evolutionary cradle. So for example, it's not China's fault that the seasonal flu always originate around there. Btw, Peter Klevius is working on a research project trying to clearify the role of bats in primate evolution. It seems that bats position between e.g. shrews and "true primates" may be the key to their prevalence as hosts for viruses such as corona-, hanta-, ebola- etc. human attacking viruses. Peter Klevius has personal experience of hantavirus in the 1990s but didn't need hospital care nor did he get any of the nasty follow-ups. Peter Klevius also got the tick-borne borrelia already in the 1980s but got away with it by getting antibiotics quickly because he knew about the danger. However, these two virus episodes made himaware of the intimate connections between mammals, ticks and these kind of human attacking viruses. Add to this the HIV/AIDS storm in the 1980s. Peter Klevius will keep you updated on this on his science blog. Sadly, the PC out-of-Africa religion has severly hampered research about human evolution and its pathogenes etc.

Aftonbladet's editorial by Pernilla Ericson is one of the worst example of fake media and Sinophobia racism - blindly obeying Trump's anti-China smear campaign.
Did she get this US made text via NATO and signed by Pompeo?! And a desperate preparation for utilizing this virus tragedy as a weapon against China in the future. However, Peter Klevius thinks this US led Western smear campaign for the purpose of protecting the world's worst freedoading bully may backfire - and hard. And Peter Klevius feels embarrassed by his Western look when he meets Chinese people. Btw, Peter Klevius uses Pernilla Ericson as an example - it could have been any US allied Western editorial steered by US/NATO and its islomafascist ally, the Saudi dictator family and Saudi based and steered muslim anti-Human Rights organization OIC. Also, not to forget that China was the first victim of this virus ambush. Yet China managed anyway to respond better and faster than most Western countries who were already aware of what had happened in China. And China's neighbors did better overall than the West.Pernilla Ericson: China muffled.
Peter Klevius: Not a trace of any "muffling" simply because when you read the timeline in context, then there's simply not room for any "muffling".
Pernilla Ericson: China silenced Shi Zhengli.
Peter Klevius: Not at all. There had been a failed premature DNA test already in December, which wrongly indicated SARS, so it was quite natural to peer review and control that such failure didn't happen again. And the control (i.e. not "muffling") took only a few days.
Pernilla Ericson: Li Wenliang warned colleages but was taken by the police for spreading false rumours.
Peter Klevius: Wrong again. Li Wenliang, who was an eye doctor, not a virologist or expert on coronavirus, sent out the misleading DNA result prematurely on social media and later the same day apologized for his error. In which Western democracy would that have been tolerated? Sweden?!
Pernilla Ericson: Li Wenliang had to sign a document where he admitted his crime.
Peter Klevius: Indeed. The Chinese authorities thereby elegantly avoided prosecuting him.
Pernilla Ericson: Several weeks were allowed to pass and then China put a bone hard lockdown.
Peter Klevius: The timeline doesn't give room even for a single week!
Pernilla Ericson: China has done its best to change the picture of what happened.
Peter Klevius: No,China has done its best to correct your unfounded Sinophobia smear.
Pernilla Ericson: Consequences may follow. China's leadership is probably terrified about that day.
Peter Klevius: Again one can see the fingerprints from US. But the most likely scenario is that it's US/NATO and Pernilla Ericson whom history will lock to the pillory.
The whole of 2019 until the new coronavirus, had been a relentless Sinophobic anti-China campaign on every level. So Peter Klevius wonders why Chinese leaders would even think about anything else than being as open as possible?
The new coronavirus that can cause Covid-19 didn't come from bats but from some other animal. And although bats most likely had been one of the previous transmission steps, the fact is that we don't have a scientific understanding of how the bats get it either.
The reason the Chinese government wanted extra control of DNA results was the previous failed report (see below) which wrongly indicated SARS. However, British media (BBC etc.) blatantly lie about it and first accused Shi Zhengli's lab for spreading infected bats, while some weeks later making her a hero and accusing the government. And no, it didn't spread from bats - but possibly from civet cats. Suspected animals are now forbidden from the market.
UK/Matt Hancock (20200402): "We will work (against Covid19) with our friends and allies." Peter Klevius: That excludes the best, i.e. China, which you, on order from US, have declared an "unfriendly enemy"!
Peter Klevius fact check: "COVID-19 has a natural origin and there is no evidence that the virus was made in a laboratory or otherwise engineered" (Nature). China swiftly sequenced and shared the genome worldwide. China's remarkable response on all stages was praised by WHO (but not BBC) and is in line with its superior tech advances (Mao's China would never have made it). There isn't a trace of an alleged (by BBC etc. fakes) Chinese Covid19 reporting "delay" that wouldn't have been bigger in the West. And the reason is that
for China good reputation is all that matters - now when it has already won the tech competition. China's defense against West's smear campaign is called "propaganda" in the West. Dear US, it's time to behave! You lost the tech war to little Japan long ago. Now you've lost it against big China. Get over it. So Peter Klevius advises: Do as Wall Street, shake hands instead of producing unfounded Sinophobic smear propaganda!
Covid19 timeline
17 November 2019: A retrospectively confirmed case.
1 December 2019: The first known patient started experiencing symptoms but had not been to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. No epidemiological link could be found between this case and later cases.
8–18 December 2019: Seven cases later diagnosed as COVID19 were documented; only two of them were linked with the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.
18-29 December 2019: Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) that will eventually be used for viral genome sequencing is collected from patients.
25 December 2019: Wuhan Fifth Hospital gastroenterology director Lu Xiaohong reported suspected infection by hospital staff.
26 December 2019: Zhang Jixian identified a CT scan that showed a different pattern from other viral pneumonia.
27 December 2019: She reported to Jianghan district CCDC with four cases. During the following two days, the hospital received three similar cases, who all came from Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. The hospital reported to the provincial and city CDC directly which initiated a field investigation with a retrospective search for pneumonia patients potentially linked to the market. They found additional such patients and on 30 December, health authorities from Hubei Province reported this cluster to CCDC who immediately sent experts to Wuhan to support the investigation. Samples from these patients were obtained for laboratory analyses.
30 December 2019: Wuhan Municipal Health Committee informed WHO, Weibo etc. about an "urgent notice on the treatment of pneumonia of unknown cause". There had been "a successive series of patients with unexplained pneumonia recently." However, a DNA report inaccurately indicated SARS on one patient. Late same day (17:43) ophthalmologist Li Wenliang WeChatted "There were 7 confirmed cases of SARS at Huanan Seafood Market." He included a patient's CT scan. At 18:42, he admitted that it wasn't proven SARS.
31 December 2019: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were alerted by China of an unexplained "cluster of 27 cases of pneumonia” in Wuhan.
Do realize that many (most?) early cases are only recognized in retrospect.
The Huanan Seafood Market was closed on 1 January 2020
US National Security Council office responsible for tracking pandemics received reports in early January predicting the spread of the virus to the United States.
On 2 January, 41 admitted hospital patients in Wuhan, China, were confirmed to have contracted (laboratory-confirmed) the 2019-nCoV (novel coronavirus); 27 (66%) patients had direct exposure to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.
US officials had been alerted to the initial reports of the virus by discussions between CDC director Robert Redfield and Chinese CDC Director Dr. Gao on Jan. 3.
7 January scientists of China's National Institute of Viral Disease Control and Prevention (IVDC) confirmed the novel coronavirus isolated on 3 January was the pathogenic cause of the viral pneumonia of unknown etiology (VPUE) cluster, and the disease has been designated novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP).
According to prof. Mikhail Shchelkanov he got the DNA sequence of the novel coronavirus genome by the same day, i.e. 7 January.
US worst nightmare is a democratic China - which wouldn't change China that much but make it even more like one-party "democracies" in the West - because that would mean losing US only argument.
US deliberately seeks Sinophobic confrontational aggression against China - which hampers the development and peace of the world.
US island puppets against China and EU. US, who used to treat Japan as it now treats China, is now parasitizing on former enemy Japan in an (in vane) effort to keep China high tech down, and on the much tinier UK ally to trouble EU.
Something sinister is behind when Sinophobic far right extremist politicians so desperately risk future development in UK with false accusations of "possible risks in the future", skewed presentations, and unfounded demonization of Chinese high tech. And while Klevius is posting this, all in his machine is spied on and sent to US. And why is BBC constantly only hosting Sinophobic guests who also happen to be supporters of the islamofascist Saudi dictator family and happy to allow US spying on you via US companies? The only risk Huawei poses is that the Chinese state gets fed up and makes it illegal to sell Chinese top tech to UK. China is the future of high tech, so stepping off the bus means retardation. Btw, the two main accusations against China could easily be made against US/UK as well. China wants to trade and therefore doesn't want to risk reputation. US doesn't bother about its reputation. And when it comes to clean up muslim "communities" from islamofascist extremists there's really no other difference than in numbers. Moreover, NATO/Turkey uses extremist Uyghurs against civilians in e.g. Idlib - and hypocritically accuse China when these jihadi return.
Klevius to women: NATO makes a deal with the Taliban to continue sharia oppression of women, and NATO+IS=true because NATO is the main culprit behind the suffering in Idlib. Without the support from NATO the worst muslim terrorist group would never have survived. Like IS, NATO ally Hayat Tahrir al-Sham wants to create an islamic state. Turkey/NATO backs SNA well knowing that it's together with HTS. I.e. a NATO member state invades its neighbor, sides with terrorists and gets full support from NATO when its soldiers get killed while helping the terrorists. And what about Yemen?!
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